Mori Kogoro fell to the ground, his hands still holding on to Minami Rena's legs.

And Rena Minzumu sat down on Kogoro Mori's face and lay on Kogoro Mori's body.

Chapter 0242

The sense of weightlessness continued to spread, and Mori Kogoro saw darkness in front of him, and he grasped what he could grasp with both hands.

He can clearly perceive the things in front of his mouth, and it seems that there is a strange fragrance coming, like a very strange delicacy, which makes people's mind vibrate.

Under such a critical situation, Mori Kogoro couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking it.

The taste was pretty good, so he tasted it even harder.

The elevator car kept falling down the elevator shaft, sparks and lightning along the way.

Miwako Sato and Sumiko Kobayashi on the top stared wide-eyed, full of fear in their hearts, they were afraid of losing Kogoro Mori.

Fortunately, the last three cables pulled the elevator bridge, making a toothache sound, and finally the elevator bridge stopped.

At this moment, the elevator bridge car stopped at a height of about [-] meters from the ground, which was also at a height of [-] meters above the observation deck, an awkward position that could not go up or down.

Kobayashi Chengko watched the elevator bridge stop, and the result she was most afraid of did not appear, so she couldn't help but collapsed on Miwako Sato.

And Sato Miwako's face was also full of fear, this feeling is to watch the one she loves go to hell.

But she was still able to remain calm, and immediately pressed the elevator next to her, regardless of the possible danger.

Immediately afterwards, Miwako Sato and Sumiko Kobayashi took the elevator together and rushed towards the large observation deck at a height of [-] meters.

The bridge compartment was dark, all the original wires were broken, and there was no light at all in the middle of the elevator shaft.

Mori Kogoro tasted the delicious food, licked the ground, stretched out his hand to brush away the thing that was in the way, gnawed on it, stretched out his tongue wantonly, and swept the pure juice into the abdomen, sweet and delicious.

After about a minute, Mori Kogoro's cell phone rang suddenly, and he stopped.

Miwako Sato and Chengko Kobayashi, who had already arrived at the large observatory below, saw the connected phone, and immediately shouted repeatedly: "Kogoro, Kogoro, are you okay?"

The two women looked at the hands-free cell phone with concern.

Mori Kogoro immediately stood up and said, "Of course I'm fine!"

Hearing Kogoro Mori's voice, Miwako Sato and Sumiko Kobayashi heaved a long sigh of relief. If Kogoro Mori fell into a coma due to the shock, it would be hopeless.

Relying on the faint light of the mobile phone, Kogoro Mori determined the situation in the elevator bridge compartment.

The delicious food has long since disappeared, the bombs are scattered at the feet, and the countdown is constantly beating.

And Mizuruna squatted in a corner of the bridge, holding her legs with her hands, her body was still trembling.

Seeing Rena Mizumu's gesture, Kogoro Mori apologized: "Miss Mizumu, I'm sorry."

Rena Mizumu didn't respond at all.

And Miwako Sato who was in the observation deck was extremely guilty, she just realized when she went back outside that she actually escaped using the identity of Rena Mizumu.

Originally, she wanted to jump in again to replace Shui Wurena, but the elevator suddenly plummeted, so naturally she couldn't jump down.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Don't worry, I will take you out safely."

In the darkness, Rena Mizumus blushed, looking at Kogoro Mori with extremely complicated eyes.

Mori Kogoro couldn't comfort her anymore, and turned to look at the bomb on the ground with only three minutes left.


The explosion this time naturally also attracted the attention of the camera team below. By contacting the staff of the observatory in the Tokyo Tower, they immediately understood the situation.

The male host said: "According to the staff above the Tokyo Tower, Maori detectives and police personnel have just arrived at the [-]-meter-high special watchtower, and Maori detectives pulled down the destroyed elevator, and then rescued the five tourists trapped in the elevator."

Hearing this, the audience watching Nikmai TV couldn't help cheering one by one. Sure enough, the Tokyo Savior never let them down.

But what the male host said next made the audience's hearts lift up.

"But this time the gangster was so cunning that he planted a bomb on a woman in the elevator. Detective Maori climbed up the elevator to dismantle the bomb, but a small explosion occurred in the elevator shaft above the elevator bridge car. It fell from a special watchtower at a height of [-] meters to a place about [-] meters above the ground, hanging in mid-air, the situation is extremely critical, the situation is extremely critical!"

This is, the plane of the Metropolitan Police Department hovered over Tokyo Tower, and the announcement on the plane sounded: "Emergency has occurred, emergency has occurred, residents around Tokyo Tower, please proceed in an orderly and rapid manner under the guidance of the surrounding police. take refuge."

"Repeat again..."

At this time, a policeman broke into the camera and yelled at the male host: "What are you still doing here? An explosion is about to happen, hurry up and take emergency shelter!"

The male host's face became extremely ugly: "Everyone, according to the police's order, we can no longer continue the live broadcast here, and the camera crew will also conduct emergency evacuation. We will move our position and continue the remote live broadcast in the evacuation place. Please All viewers, continue to lock in on Nikmai TV.”

After finishing speaking, the film crew raised all the camera equipment, and followed the police one by one to seek refuge.


At this moment, a man in a windbreaker was standing in the square, watching the shaky live broadcast of Nichimai TV, with a sneer on his face.

The savior of the Metropolitan Police Department, the pride of Tokyo, huh, raccoon dogs, they are all despicable and selfish villains.

He drank the beer in his hand in one gulp, and then moved towards the next trap.

Takagi Tsubasa's car was parked in an evacuation site, and the live broadcast of Nikmai TV was playing on the car video, and all the children in the car were looking at the screen anxiously.

Especially the little loli Ayumi, with tears in her eyes, clasped her hands together and kept praying for Mori Kogoro.

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