He crawled on the walls of this elevator shaft, walking like flying.

If it weren't for the fear of arousing the suspicion of Rena Mizumu, Kogoro Mori's speed could have become even faster.

Rena Mizumusa's blue cat eyes widened. It was hard to believe that the injured Mori Kogoro could climb up the elevator shaft so fast while holding him, it was not human at all.


Miwako Sato, who was on the large observation deck, hadn't called Kogoro Mori's cell phone, and a look of despair flashed in her purple eyes.

Her head was dizzy for a while, and her body couldn't help shaking.

At this time, Kobayashi Chengko hurriedly shouted: "Officer Sato, the elevator is here."

Seeing this, Miwako Sato immediately took the elevator to the first floor with Sumiko Kobayashi.

For the short distance of [-] meters and the one-minute ride time, every second is a torment for the two women.

The two women hugged each other tightly, comforting each other constantly.

"Kogoro will be fine, right?"

"He is so powerful, I can't beat him, how can I not escape."

"Both of us have forgiven him, how could he be willing to abandon us."

"He will be fine, he will be fine..."


In the dark elevator shaft, every step of the downward climb is a torment for Mori Kogoro.

The wound on the back kept tearing, and the palm of his right hand was bloody and bloody, and he insisted on holding on to the rails, and all of this was caused by Mizuna Rena's big butt.

If it wasn't that the butt was too big to get out of the gap smoothly, it wouldn't have caused him to turn around and hurt his back.

The pain was almost unbearable, Mori Kogoro broke out in cold sweat, and his veins kept throbbing.

Under the torment, he suddenly remembered a movie "Domestic Lingling Paint" that he had seen in his previous life. In it, there was a plot of watching a pornographic film to retrieve bullets. The protagonist took out all the bullets by diverting his attention.

Mori Kogoro instantly comprehended the essence of it, and the left hand that had been holding Reina Mizumu's soft waist frightened instantly, and grabbed her buttocks fiercely.

It really worked, and his attention was diverted in an instant, and even Kogoro Mori felt that the pain in his back was less obvious.

"Detective Mori, what are you doing?" Rena Mizumu's face was full of shame. Originally, she was deeply moved by Kogoro Mori's desperation, but she didn't expect to be attacked in an instant.

At this moment of life and death, it is enough for this great detective to do such a thing!

Sexy and bold are not enough to describe him.

Maori Kogoro said righteously: "I'm afraid you will fall off me, you have to hold on to a place that can bear the force."

Shui Wurenai couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "Then I really want to thank you, can that position bear the force?"

Chapter 0246 Belmode's Reminder

Mori Kogoro felt that his five fingers were completely sunk in, so he couldn't help rubbing it. The elasticity was excellent, and he couldn't help laughing: "That's quite bearable!"

Mizuruna's pretty face was blushing, and she gave Moori Kogoro a white look, but didn't pay any attention to it.

She hugged Mori Kogoro's bear waist tightly with both hands, her body was really weak at this moment, and she might not even be able to climb down.

After the attention was diverted, it seemed that the bloody wound on the back that was torn by action did not hurt so much.

With the help of the Ant-Man robot, the height of [-] meters was quickly climbed.

Mori Kogoro brought Rena Mizumu to the completely abandoned elevator bridge, and he couldn't help but grab two more with his left hand before letting go, Rena Mizumu didn't seem to mind at all.

The two stood on the bridge, Shui Wuliannai felt a little bit of reluctance suddenly in his heart.

Just hanging in mid-air, in the arms of Mori Kogoro, she felt a feeling she had never felt before, it was so dangerous, but she didn't feel scared at all.

But now that he was back on the ground, his fiery big hands let go of himself, Shui Wurenai felt a little lost in his heart, especially when he heard the two women outside shouting and knocking on the door, the loss became more obvious.

what are you thinking about?Ying Hai, this pervert already has two girlfriends, he has nothing to do with you, have you forgotten your mission, you can't involve him.


Outside the iron door of the elevator, Miwako Sato and Sumiko Kobayashi kept shouting Kogoro Mori's name and slammed on the iron door of the elevator.

Mori Kogoro responded immediately: "Miwako, Sumiko, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me!"

Hearing this, Sato Miwako and Kobayashi Sumiko let out a long sigh of relief.

The two girls were sweating profusely just now, and their hair was wet, but now they both had smiles on their faces.

It's really tormented, and the two of them might go crazy if they come again a few times.

Mori Kogoro's words continued to come from inside.

"Hurry up and hide, you two, I want to open the iron door of this elevator, don't stand behind the iron door."

The two girls retreated obediently to the left and right.

Mori Kogoro didn't dare to do anything anymore, secretly commanding the Ant-Man robot to return to the size of an ant.

Then kicked out with a leg, and the robot exerted force accordingly, and the entire iron door of the elevator was kicked out instantly, revealing a big opening for people to pass through.

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