Chapter 0264

"Xiao Goro, what are you going to do? Let go of me, or I'll get angry!" Miwako kept writhing on the sofa, but she couldn't break free with her handcuffed hands.

"Hurry up, what's going on with that Xiaolin Chengzi?" Yumi who was on the side kept hitting herself with her small head.

The two girls were chattering and chattering on the sofa, they were almost as good as three hundred ducks.

Mori Kogoro put his big hand on Miwako's body, flicked his two fingers, and made a swipe.

The white suit pants on Miwako's body were instantly torn into two pieces of white cloth, revealing two touches of fair skin.

The two pieces of cloth were quickly tied around the mouths of the two women, and the living room fell silent instantly.

The eyes of the two women were very resentful. They originally wanted to ask the teacher to blame, and they jointly blamed Kogoro Mori, but they were subdued by him backhand, and they couldn't even speak.

A smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, one on each side of his hands, and he showed his strange power, placing the two girls on his shoulders.

The heads of the two girls hit each other, and they both leaned on Kogoro Mouri's back, and the four soft balls pressed against Kogoro Moori's majestic back.

"Mmm!! Mmmm!! Mmmm!"

The two women who were hung on the shoulders were still dishonest, twisting their bodies constantly, trying to struggle to get down.

It wasn't until they were beaten by Kogoro Mori several times that they calmed down.

Mori Kogoro, with his two daughters on his back, was wandering around Miyamoto Yumi's house, like a king inspecting his own territory, opening doors one by one.

Bathrooms, kitchens, study rooms, and gyms are not what I want to find.

Finally, Mori Kogoro opened the door of the last room, turned on the lights, and a bright orange bedroom appeared in front of him, especially the fluffy big bed, which was very suitable.

Mori Kogoro nodded in satisfaction, and carried the two girls into the room.

Knowing that Mori Kogoro had brought the two of them into the bedroom, Miyamoto Yumi couldn't help being extremely panicked, screaming on her back, but could only make a nasal sound.

He came to the bed, supported the two girls with his big hands, and turned the two delicate bodies over, and the two girls were gently placed on the bed by Mori Kogoro.

At this moment, both women knew what Kogoro Mori wanted to do, and Miwako Sato was even more ashamed and angry.

Yesterday, I staged a threesome with Kobayashi Chengko, but I didn't expect to lie down with my good sister Miyamoto Yumi tonight. What did I do wrong!

She couldn't help feeling regretful for taking out two pairs of handcuffs by herself just now, otherwise she wouldn't have ended up being controlled by others.

Because the handcuffed arms were behind their backs, the two women were lying on their sides, looking at each other with sympathy.

Mori Kogoro turned over and sat on the two girls, looking at the beautiful twins below, he felt extremely proud, the two most beautiful police flowers of the Metropolitan Police Department and the Traffic Department were all under his body.

If the single male policemen in the Metropolitan Police Department and the Traffic Department knew about it, I don’t know how jealous and hateful it would be!

The fly in the ointment is that the two women are not wearing police uniforms, and the feeling of uniform bonuses is even more enjoyable.

Seeing the two girls below staring at him, Mori Kogoro patted Miwako's small face, and said, "Miwako, it seems that the lesson I taught you yesterday is not enough, and today you know how to ambush me, it's really getting better and better !"

Miwako Sato's purple eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Yumi: "But the one who disappointed me the most was Yumi you, who said you were my fan, but you sold me out so directly, and even lied to lure me here, you should hit me!"

After finishing speaking, the big palm slapped Yumi's big buttocks, making a crisp sound, and Yumi's body trembled.

Maori Kogoro said domineeringly: "You two are my women, it's fine if you don't get along peacefully, but you dare to join forces to 'assassinate' me, it seems that if I don't teach you a thorough lesson today, you won't Learned well."

After all, Mori Kogoro walked on the two delicate bodies with his fiery hands at the same time, and the ring fat, swallow and thin were talking about the two girls.

Blushes appeared on the faces of the two girls, and their breaths became heavier after a while. The eyes of the two girls were full of mist, but they were afraid of being seen by each other, so they turned their heads sideways.

But Mori Kogoro made the two girls face each other with their heads facing each other.

Miwako Sato still didn't behave well, and her two long legs kicked towards Kogoro Mori from time to time.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro tore two pieces of fabric from his white trousers again, and bound Miwako's legs.

Then he fixed her body on the bed eaves post beside her, letting her watch the scene on the bed.

Then Mori Kogoro came to Yumi's side, untied the cloth from her mouth, and kissed her domineeringly.

Miyamoto Yumi was just able to speak but was kissed by Mori Kogoro, but under the constant attack of Mori Kogoro, she retreated steadily and gradually lost herself.

Mori Kogoro put his big hand into Miyamoto Yumi's pink nightdress, while Sato Miwako looked at the two entangled together, couldn't help scolding the adulterer and adulterer in her heart, but she didn't look away.

Not long after, Miwako Sato's face became more and more red, and finally she closed her eyes, not daring to look any further, and a stirring movement came from the room!

...[-] words are omitted here...

The battle lasted all night, Miwako Sato waited for a full two hours before joining the battle, but was quickly suppressed by Mori Kogoro.

In the end, the battle came to an end with the two women begging for mercy.

Under the power of the magic weapon, Miwako Sato finally succumbed and accepted the fact that she shared her boyfriend with her best friend.

Human psychology is the same as the broken window effect. It is difficult to take this step without it at the beginning.

But Miwako had already accepted Kobayashi Chengko's existence first, so she didn't have that much resistance to accepting Miyamoto Yumi.

And because Yumi thinks she has robbed Miwako's boyfriend, she is more accepting of this fact than Miwako under the psychological disadvantage.

However, she was quite dissatisfied with Xiaolin Chengzi who suddenly appeared, and kept asking Meihezi about Xiaolin Chengzi.

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