As he approached the box, he faintly heard Xiaolan's voice coming from the box.

"Dad, don't, it's too high!"

"Let me go, I can't help it!"


Conan's eyes burst open immediately, and he stared very wide, while his pupils kept shrinking, his face full of disbelief, an extremely terrifying picture instantly appeared in his mind, and he immediately rushed towards the box in anger.

The little devil immediately pushed open the door, accompanied by a loud shout: "Bastard, let me go of Xiaolan!"

Seeing that Xiaolan in the box was just being scratched by two people grabbing her legs, Conan instantly petrified.

The three of them turned their attention to Conan at the same time, and Mori Kogoro let go of Xiaolan's legs.

He stood up and walked towards Conan, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Conan, what did you call me just now?"

Conan reacted and turned around with a smile: "Uncle Maori, you got it wrong, you go on, you go on, I won't bother you anymore!"

boom! boom! boom!

Three big red envelopes immediately appeared on Conan's forehead, forming a three-legged confrontation!

And Conan leaned against the door, two lines of tears flowed down, his heart was full of remorse and remorse:

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have yelled so fast!

And Xiaolan was rescued by Conan, she quickly retracted her legs and put on her shoes.

Seeing this, Huiyuan put his finger in front of his nose and smelled it, and immediately pretended to be disgusted: "Hey, it smells so bad, how long has it been since I washed it?"

She also picked up the mineral water on the side, put her hand over the ashtray, poured down the water and washed it again, and then she gave up!

Seeing this, the veins on Xiaolan's forehead kept jumping up: "It doesn't stink at all, this little devil is too disgusting."

Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing seeing Haibara's irritating appearance.

Chapter 0266 Shocked people

After a while, Xiaolan's cell phone rang, it was He Ye's call, she immediately picked up the phone and chatted with He Ye.

After the call ended, Xiaolan said, "He told her that she is already waiting for us at the gate of the station and told us to leave the station and go towards the east gate."

Hui Yuan frowned and said, "We still have more than an hour to arrive, and she came too early, so she must wait at the station for a long time!"

Mori Kogoro knew that Kazuha saw his eagerness, and was quite moved.

Conan rubbed the big red envelope on his head and interjected: "It's really strange, today is brother Heiji's kendo competition, why doesn't she go to watch it?"

Xiaolan immediately said: "Conan, you don't understand as a kid. It has nothing to do with Ye Hepingci. Naturally, I won't go to watch his competition. Just now I told her that we will arrive at twelve noon, and we will go to Watching Hattori Heiji's kendo final, Kazuha is still a little unhappy!"

Mori Kogoro looked at Conan with a weird face: "I said you little brat, you had a hostile face when you sent Heiji away last time. Why do you care about them so much now? You have grown too fast!"

Conan immediately looked excited: "That's because he invited me to attend the opening party of the 3K restaurant tomorrow, and Mr. Ray Katis, who is known as the stronghold of European football, will appear at that time, so I will reluctantly forgive him."

When Conan talked about football, he was as excited as when he encountered a case.

Seeing Conan's expression, Mori Kogoro felt a little chilled: This is really a bit angry that his girlfriend is being coaxed by her boyfriend!

Xiaolan couldn't help but chuckled: "Conan, you and Hattori are really happy friends!"

"Ha ha."

Hearing this, a smile of MMP immediately appeared on Conan's face.


But at this moment, a murder case happened here in the Langhua Central Gymnasium, and the competition in the gymnasium was in full swing.

But in the locker room next to the swimming pool, there was a college student contestant who died in the shower room.

Hattori Heiji, who knocked down the case, looked excited. He ran back and forth between the annex and the shower room, looking for clues to solve the case.

However, Chiba Jinghua came out from the auditorium of the gymnasium to look for it, intercepted Hattori Heiji in the playground, and could not help complaining: "Heiji, why are you running in a hurry, you don't play in the morning, you don't eat at noon, even though it is Team competition, but you can't leave all of this competition to your teammates!"

Hattori Heiji was full of impatience: "Mom, there have been cases in the gymnasium, and the police officer Dalong has come. How can I not care about it? The competition is a trivial matter. Besides, as long as it is settled before two o'clock in the afternoon, then participate in the finals Isn't that all right?"

"Don't worry, Mom!"

Chi Bo Jinghua shook his head and said: "No, since Officer Dalong is here, let him take care of this place, and you go back to prepare for the battle obediently, you have already lost to others last time, don't you want to train hard for a year?" Revenge?"

"Hey, auntie, I didn't lose to that guy last time. I was hit by him on the back of the ear when I was dodging his sword, and the blood flow continued. The doctor on the field forced me to suspend the game. Otherwise, the outcome between me and him would not be certain!"

"But this is not urgent, I can deal with him after I solve the case!"

Chi Bo Jinghua sighed, but soon his eyes lit up: "Heiji, didn't you say that you invited the great detective Mori Kogoro? Why don't you tell him about this matter, maybe you can soon The case has been solved!"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help looking at Chiba Jinghua suspiciously: "Mom, how did you know him? Don't you never watch TV and newspapers?"

thick thick thick! ! !

Chi Bo Jinghua covered her mouth and laughed dryly: "It's not that you kid is talking about it at home every day, I just searched it on the Internet, and naturally I know him."

"Really?" The nervous Hattori Heiji quickly ignored it.

"But I can't tell Detective Maori about this matter, I must solve it myself!"

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