Seeing the reaction of the two, the very intelligent Huibara couldn't help but glanced at the two with a strange expression. He didn't know what he thought of, and a look of disgust appeared on his face: "Huh!!!"

Little Lolita shook her head, walked in another direction with her short legs, leaving behind Conan and Heiji with an angry face.

Conan stared at Haibara with dead fish eyes: Huh what!

Hattori Heiji's cheeks twitched from time to time: Damn girl!

The two looked at each other, and soon turned their heads sideways.

Haibara didn't want to drink tea with them, Hattori Heizo and Toyama Ginshiro were too serious, and most of the topics they talked about didn't interest Haibara, so he just wandered around in the living room by himself.

After all, it is the home of the police, and the decorations have many backgrounds, so it is not boring.


The three of them chatted on the sofa for a long time. Mori Kogoro drank the tea in his hand and raised his eyebrows: "Heizang, you asked Heiji to invite me. Is there some mysterious case? If you need my help, just ask."

But Hattori Heizo said, "Of course it's not that there is a case, it's just that Kogoro has bothered you a few times, so I just want to treat you well!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head to the side, and saw Conan squatting next to the sofa, pretending to be playing with a carpet.

I think Hattori Heizo said this when he saw Conan, the little devil.

Conan pretended to be innocent, scratched his head and smiled dryly, wanting to leave.

Without hesitation, Mori Kogoro's three popping chestnut hammers hit Conan's head, and three big red envelopes popped up immediately.

Conan walked towards Hattori Heiji next to him with a look of lovelessness.

"How is it? Kudo, have you heard any useful news?"

"Look at the bag on my head, I think I can hear something useful!" Conan glared at Hattori Heiji with dead fish eyes.

"It's really useless, but they are so strict in defense, there must be some terrible case!" Hattori Heiji looked excited.

Conan sneered and poured cold water on him: "With Uncle Maori here, you're nothing more than a soy sauce!"

"One day, I will solve the case before Uncle Mori." Hattori Heiji was full of fighting spirit.


After dismissing Conan, Mori Kogoro still wanted to ask about Hattori Heizo's case.

At this time, He Ye walked in bouncing around with his big ponytail.

"Dad, you're here too!"

"Uncle Mori, Uncle Hattori, Aunt Jinghua said it's time to eat, let me invite you to the restaurant together."

Everyone followed He Ye, walked through the corridor, and came to the restaurant in the backyard.

There are two pots of hot pot on the short and long table, next to other meat and vegetables, and other ingredients.

Xiaolan was kindly helping with the chopsticks. Officer Otaki, who had met once today, was also sitting in it. Everyone soon settled down on the tatami mats, and today's dinner began.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was getting hotter and hotter. Otaki Goro poured a glass of wine and looked at Mori Kogoro: "The Mori detective is really amazing today. He just came to Osaka and within five minutes of entering the Naniwa Gymnasium, he solved the case. You've helped me a lot, Detective Mori, and I have a toast to you."

Kogoro Mori of this kind of sake naturally never refuses anyone who comes, and he won't get drunk at all.

Seeing this, Toyama Ginjirou exchanged a glance with Hattori Heizo, raised his glass and said, "Detective Mori, we haven't seen each other for twenty years. I still remember your demeanor back then. Come, have a drink!"

Mori Kogoro clinked glasses again.

Hattori Heizo narrowed his eyes and said, "Kogoro, I almost forgot to thank you. Jing Hua went to Tokyo to thank you for your care. Come, let me toast you."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro immediately became happy. He took care of Hattori Shizuka by himself, but he took care of her submissively inside and out.

He glanced at Hattori Shizuka on the side, and the two looked at each other, and their eyes quickly crossed.

"Sure, Heizang, what did you say, come, drink!"

The wine glasses collided, and the atmosphere in the restaurant gradually rose.

But what's interesting is that Hattori Heizo and Toyama Ginshiro kept toasting Mori Kogoro.

Otaki Goro was able to climb to the position of the police department, and his eyesight was not bad, so he followed two immediate bosses and began to besiege Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro knew what the two of them were planning, but the [-]-[-]% sake was not intoxicating at all, so he also opened his arms and drank it, fighting the three of them alone.

Hattori Shizuka looked at Kogoro Mori who was on the wine table full of arrogance, his beautiful eyes could not help revealing a strange color, as if he felt that he was extraordinarily attractive.

Chapter 0274

In the bright orange-yellow room, the scent of food and wine lingered during the period.

The hot pot kept boiling, the milky white soup was extremely delicious, and the white puffer fish meat was even more tender.

Officer Otaki picked at the food in the bowl and said from time to time: "The hot pot made by Madam is really delicious."

Xiaolan and Huiyuan also nodded repeatedly.

Xiaolan also said: "Auntie Hattori, can you tell me how to make this puffer fish hot pot, so that I can make it myself at home in the future."

Hattori Shizuka covered her mouth and chuckled: "Of course it's fine!"

It's just that his beautiful eyes look at Kogoro Mouri who is drinking on the opposite side from time to time.

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