Then the two continued to wander in the woods. Half an hour later, they crossed the bridge again and returned to the castle tower.


After crossing the bridge, the two opened up a distance. Mori Kogoro saw Conan from a distance, and the four of Xiaolan reunited.

Hattori Heiji also had a hot chat with members of several travel agencies.

"Uncle, that's why you wear the badge of Tokugawa Ieyasu, which means you are playing the role of Tokugawa Ieyasu!"

A bald old man in his sixties nodded, and he introduced: "This is the master who drew Oda Nobunaga today."

A squint-eyed man about thirty-five or sixteen years old smiled and waved hello to everyone.

And the middle-aged woman with glasses on the side said: "I am today's nanny, and I can only take care of them with a tolerant heart."

A man with a shoehorn face next to him greeted everyone with a wry smile: "The one I drew was Mitsuhide Akechi, so I can only buy drinks and souvenirs for my lord."

Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "Hey, why didn't you see the most important Toyotomi Hideyoshi!"

The squinting-eyed man said, "He, he just got a call and disappeared. We are also looking for him."

The bald old man's face turned cold: "This guy is too lacking in collective ideas. We are going to have lunch next time. How can this be done? When he comes back, we must talk about him!"

"But we still have to look for him. After all, it's a tour group, so don't expect any accidents!" The only lady in the tour group spoke, and everyone started looking for him separately.

Kogoro Moori walked over, and Xiaolan was the first to find out, and immediately came over and hugged Kogoro Moori's arm: "Dad, why have you been away for so long, we should go to lunch, Xiao Ai and I just found out I found a great restaurant!"

The group headed towards the restaurant that Xiaolan found.

Chapter 0281 Warring States Scroll

Mori Kogoro held Huiyuan with his left hand, and Xiaolan hugged his right hand, looking at the few people who scattered away, his eyes were slightly fixed.

Those members of the Japanese Warring States Travel Agency, if Mori Kogoro remembers correctly, should be looking for the treasure known as the Golden King left by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, one of the three heroes of the Warring States Period.

However, according to the plot of the anime, the treasure of the Golden King does not seem to exist.

It had already been stolen with the assistance of the thieves, and all their searches were false.

Mori Kogoro didn't care about these people, they were not good guys anyway, at most he just waited for the case to show up to collect points.

The group followed Xiaolan into a takoyaki restaurant and began to taste Osaka's specialty takoyaki.

After entering the restaurant, the originally bright sky suddenly changed, and it began to rain miserably, making the entire sky dark.

Xiao Lan looked at the rain outside the window with a small face, with a troubled expression on his face: "Oh, I didn't expect it to rain all of a sudden, I was thinking about having a good time in the afternoon."

He Ye also had a look of pity on his face: "That's right, I wanted to take you to see the Tenjin Festival and the temple fair next to the river bank. It will only be ruined if it rains."

The two girls sighed, but Huihara didn't respond at all. She always liked the house and didn't like to move around, so she didn't care about going out to play. The key is to be with Mori Kogoro!

His short legs kicked Kogoro Mori from time to time, and he opened his mouth to bite off the octopus balls that Kogoro Mori handed over from time to time, his eyes were full of smiles.

He Ye turned his head to look at Xiaolan, whispered with his ears, "Xiaolan, why don't we stop playing in the afternoon, I know a cow and milk hot spring, which is very good for the skin, why don't we go to the hot spring in the afternoon! "

Xiaolan's big eyes lit up immediately.


At this moment, there was an explosion sound outside, which attracted tourists to look up one by one.

"Look, someone has set himself on fire!"

Countless people looked up at the castle tower above. On the green roof of the tower, a man was burning with white flames.

Hattori Heiji and Conan rushed out immediately when they heard this, Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, took the toilet paper aside and wiped the ketchup from Haibara's mouth, and then ordered: "You guys continue to eat, I'll go and see What's going on outside?"

Then he opened the umbrella shyly and walked out.

Soon he saw a group of people around the left side of the castle tower, and when he crossed the crowd, he saw Hattori Heiji and Conan surrounded by a charred corpse.

Hattori Heiji kept pressing the heart of the charred corpse, performing CPR, while Conan was on the phone next to him, planning to call an ambulance.

Mori Kogoro stepped forward, knocked down the charred corpse with his hand, and found out its situation instantly.

This guy was already dead, and he couldn't die anymore, mainly because he wasn't burned to death, but fell down and fell to his head on the ground.

"Pingji, he is hopeless, call the police!"

Hattori Heiji sighed, and stood up: "Uncle, he stretched out his hand to hold the umbrella just now, it should be the death message left behind!"

After saying that, Hattori Heiji called Police Officer Otaki, and then he took Conan and ran to the castle tower.


Not long after, Officer Otaki, whom he had just met yesterday, appeared at the castle tower.

The group of members of the Warring States Travel Agency also gathered together, holding umbrellas and watching.

Maho Katagiri, a middle-aged woman, pretended to say: "I didn't expect Mr. Kato to make such a choice. He looked very happy when we were traveling together!"

The bald old man Youxian sighed: "It's hard for one person to see another person clearly. Maybe he's happy on the surface, but in fact he's in pain."

Otaki Goro carefully looked at the charred corpses in the arena, because he heard Mori Kogoro's scolding yesterday, so at this moment he was looking for clues very seriously.

Not long after, Otaki Goro raised his head and turned to Mouri Kogoro: "Maori-kun, the deceased must have committed suicide, the crowd said that he climbed up the castle tower by himself when it was raining." On the eaves of the fourth floor, he set himself on fire there, and rolled down with white flames all over his body."

"He's still wearing a sweater that burns easily, and it's raining. It's not suicide, how could he roll down like this, right?"

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