At around ten o'clock in the evening, Conan, Hattori Heiji, Hattori Heizo and others finally came back.

With the trigger of Conan's case, their trip naturally brought down the case again.

This time, Kogoro Mori was not involved in the case. Conan finally stood up and solved the case independently.

But Conan, who solved the case, looked melancholy.

Just because his favorite European football star, the football goalkeeper known as the Iron Fortress-Ray Katis is the murderer of tonight's murder.

Moreover, he was sent to prison by Conan himself, which was undoubtedly a major blow to him!

Seeing my favorite idol become the most hated criminal, this kind of result is really unacceptable.

Hattori Heizo squinted his eyes, and praised: "Conan, you really deserve to be with Detective Mori for a long time, today's performance really surprised me, I can't believe that you are a seven-year-old child, hahahaha! "

Conan couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat when he heard this.

"In the afternoon you helped find many clues, and in the evening I heard the football celebrity who surrendered praise you."

"He said it was thanks to you, a clever boy, that he found his conscience and surrendered himself. I didn't expect you to be so useful!"

Hearing what Hattori Heizo said, Conan, who was bitter in his heart, barely put on a smile, touched his head and said, "It's all taught by Uncle Mori, hehe, hehe!"

But soon he turned his face sideways to reveal dead fish eyes: the feeling of forcing a smile is really uncomfortable.

However, Hattori Heizo soon opened his left eye slightly, and a fierce aura suddenly invaded: "But Heiji, you let me down too much today, not only impulsive, but also lack of strategy."

Hattori Heiji trembled a little.

"Did you take Conan to investigate the case in the afternoon? It is an unforgivable fatal mistake for you to take a child with you in such a dangerous situation!"

Hattori Heiji suddenly had a face ache: This little devil is no ordinary child!

There is a gloating smile on Conan Kugua's face, which is the root of human inferiority. When seeing other people encounter misfortune, they will feel happier.

Hattori Heizo said coldly: "Heiji, take Conan to rest. After you settle down with Conan, come to see me in the martial arts room. I want to see how much your kendo level has improved. How dare you risk yourself so easily!"

Hattori Heiji's black face became even worse when he heard this, and he couldn't help muttering: "Obviously I asked Uncle Yuanshan, and he used me as a bait to lure them into the bait, but he still wants to teach me a lesson, what an unscrupulous father !"

"Huh???" Hattori Heizo seemed to hear it, and opened his eyes like an angry lion.

"Nothing! Nothing!"

Hattori Heiji picked up Conan and ran towards the guest room.


In Conan's room, Hattori Heiji was still comforting Conan.

"Conan, the matter of Ray Katis is over, don't think too much, just take a good rest!"

"It rained so much today, did you drink the ginger tea you prepared just now?"

"Conan, don't you want to sleep yet? Then let's talk!"

"Although we didn't help much in the afternoon, you performed very well tonight. Even someone as strict as my father praised you!"

"Conan, how about I sleep with you tonight?"

With so many words, there is only one sentence: "Get out!"

Conan has long seen through Hattori Heiji's careful thinking. He is obviously afraid of meeting his father and going to the martial arts room for a competition, so he wants to stay here with shamelessness.

How could Conan make him happy, so he pushed him out of the door without hesitation, then closed the door, and returned to his quilt.

Hattori Heiji, who was standing at the door, could only sigh deeply, dragged his heavy legs, and went to the martial arts room where the lights were still on.

Not long after, Hattori Heiji's suppressed screams came from the martial arts room. Fortunately, the screams were not too loud, otherwise people might have heard them and thought there was another murder!


Conan, who was in the next room, did not fall asleep. Conan leaned against the wall and stared blankly at the football in his hand. Tess's name.

He got Ray Cartis to sign it after the 3K reception tonight.

The signature of his idol is also the signature of a murderer.

Conan has never been so sad as he is now. This feeling is like a collapse of faith. Although he solved the case, he feels completely aggrieved!

If it weren't for the silent night, Conan would have kicked the football signed by the murderer away with one kick, and would have shouted: Fuck your football dream!

At this moment, Conan was immersed in his own world, and he didn't even notice the subtle sounds coming from the next room.

He just hugged the football like this, pressed his head on it, quietly, motionless!


At around eight o'clock the next morning, except for Heizo Hattori who went to the police headquarters early and Shizuka Hattori got up early to prepare breakfast, the rest of Hattori's house was still sound asleep.

Hattori Shizuka didn't sleep well last night, and she still has dark circles under her eyes.

However, the tranquility of Hattori's house was quickly broken by the noise. The doorbell rang, and the voice came from Kazuba's voice, but there seemed to be some noise nearby.

Hattori Shizuka opened the door, and soon a group of people rushed in.

The leader, He Ye, was escorted in by a tea-haired girl, followed by three children and a chubby old man.

It was Sonoko, Dr. Ari and the Boys Detective Team.

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