Kogoro Mori saw that Xiaolan and Haibara were also quite moved, so he agreed.

Except for Hattori Shizuka, the rest of the group set off and headed towards Osaka TV!


TV Osaka has seen it before when looking at the castle tower. The shape is very unique. From the front, it looks like a radiator.

As soon as Mori Kogoro and others entered the Osaka TV station, there was a burst of commotion.

The [Golden King] incident was widely publicized yesterday, and today the protagonist of this incident appeared on Osaka TV.

The staff in the TV station were naturally very pleasantly surprised, and they couldn't help but look sideways, or took out their mobile phones to shoot.

Others who didn't know it thought it was some Uranus superstar who had appeared.

But after all, they have been in the TV station for a long time and are used to seeing celebrities, so they didn't act excessively.

This situation did not improve until entering the studio.

This studio is also the studio where Dr. A Li will have a talk later, but at this moment the studio is about to rehearse a flower card match.

As soon as the group came in, a girl wearing glasses greeted her. She was wearing a reformed school uniform. She was He Ye's friend, Mei Ben Miraiko.

"He Ye, you're amazing, you were the one who got the news on your phone yesterday, and you've become a celebrity now!"

"What's the matter!"

When the future son said this, he turned around and saw Mori Kogoro, and couldn't help but exclaimed. She pulled He Ye aside and said happily.

"He Ye, you really invited the Maori detective, it's really amazing!"

"Miracle, you have to give me a good game later!"

Mikuko immediately looked full of fighting spirit. At this time, the staff notified her to rehearse, and she went to the studio.

Mikuko's opponent above, a girl in a kimono is kneeling and waiting.

All the little ones couldn't help but exclaimed, Yuan Tai was the first to speak: "What a beautiful big sister!"

Ayumi also nodded again and again.

Mori Kogoro looked up, and he was very familiar with the figure of this girl. After a little recollection, he recalled that she was the big-breasted girl he met yesterday when he was walking in the castle tower.

Only now did I see her face, she was indeed a beautiful woman.

She has short brown curly hair, revealing a white forehead, a high nose bridge, a pair of cat eyes that are extremely agile, and ruby ​​earrings on her earlobes. She has a calm face, but there is a noble aura. This is clearly a rich man. Miss characters.

But the most conspicuous thing is the proud breasts that are still not completely concealed in the kimono, which is no less than that of Xiaolan!

At this moment, Yuanzi crossed his arms and said disdainfully, "This guy is called Ooka Hongye, and he is the heir of the Ooka family in Kansai. How beautiful is he!"

"He Ye, do you know her?" Xiao Lan asked curiously.

"Well, I met several times at the party before. Suzuki from Kanto and Ooka from Kansai are talking about their Ooka family. They are very powerful here!"

Chapter 0302 The Silent Criminal

Kogoro Mori has some impressions. When chatting with Tomoko Suzuki before, Tomoko mentioned that the business development of several companies in Kyoto and Osaka is not going well because of the Ooka family.

Seeing the Ooka Red Leaf and the flower card match together, Mori Kogoro immediately realized what kind of event it was.

It seems that this Osaka vacation is really non-stop, and there are cases every day!

At this time, the staff at the recording site began to rehearse the exhibition match. In fact, Yajima and Hongye were actually recording the exhibition match.

But Yajima hasn't appeared yet, Mikuko was just caught during the rehearsal.

The recording site was made up of tatami mats, and the two girls knelt on it and saluted each other, and then the rehearsal began.

The rules of this flower card game are simple. There are a total of [-] Waka flower cards, and each takes [-] cards and places them in his position.

The first half of the waka is read in the tape recorder, and the second half of the waka is written in the card.

Listen to the waka read on the tape recorder, and then find the corresponding card, if it is in your own position, you can wave it out of the position.

You win when there are no cards in your position.

If the found card is in the opponent's position, you can hand a card from your own position to the opponent's position.

This kind of competition tests people's eyesight, hearing, memory and reaction speed.

The game started, Hongye and Miraiko held their breaths, following the sound from the radio.

'This spring is full of flowers, fragrant and fragrant! '

The two girls moved at the same time, but Ooka Koye's speed was far faster than Miraiko's, and in an instant, he found the waka card that was sung on the radio, which was in Ooka Koye's own array.

Ooka Hongye waved his right hand, and the card flew out of the position with the cards next to it, eliminating five or six cards at once.

Naturally, these five or six cards can be considered eliminated. This game can be considered as a win as long as the cards in the formation are eliminated.

Therefore, the winner can usually be determined within a few rounds, and there is no need to really listen to more than [-] waka songs.

After watching the flower card game for a while, Mori Kogoro felt that he couldn't appreciate it, so he picked up the little loli Haibara who was also interested and short of money, and sat at the table with Dr. Ari.

Seeing Haibara being carried away, Ayumi looked envious, but she and Mitsuhiko were soon attracted by the camera.

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