"Miracle, can you compete with this flower card?"

Future son said excitedly: "Of course, it is my lifelong dream to use this Gaoyue flower card competition that has been passed down for twenty years, and I wish for it!"

Hearing both of them say that, President Azhibo frowned, but he couldn't refuse their request.

Although he had some bad premonitions, the Satsuki competition was the result of his wife's painstaking effort, and the competition has reached this point, so naturally he would not stop it, so he could only open his mouth.

"Please both of you do your best to show us a wonderful game!"

The two women looked at each other, eyes full of fighting spirit.

When the audience in the hall saw this picture on the screen, they all got excited.

"Flowers bloom in Namba Tsu, and cold winter shuts down shame!"

With the singing, the two women moved at the same time.

However, Ooka Hongye was faster, and directly knocked several flower cards in the formation into the air.

This aroused bursts of cheers in the hall.

Hearing the sound of waka singing from inside, Mori Kogoro leaned on the railing outside, quietly admiring the scenery of the lake and mountains, waiting for the game to come to an end.


It has to be said that although hard work is very important, talent is also an indispensable part.

Although Mikuko has been working hard as the president of Gaifang High School, she is not as talented as Ooka Hongye who is trained by a famous teacher.

This is a complete crushing game. Ooka Hongye's offensive is like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, and Mikuko can't even hold the flower cards in his own position.

The final result was naturally no surprise. After [-] rounds, Ooka Hongye won the match cleanly, and all the six flower cards describing Hongye were taken by him, and they were folded in a specific way .

At the end of the game, President Azhibo looked at the six stacked flower cards in a daze, without even announcing the result.

"President! President!"

Hearing the reminder from the second daughter, he came to his senses: "I announce that the final winner of the Satsuki Club is Hongye Ooka. Congratulations to Hongye Ooka for being the champion of the flower card contest of the Satsuki Club three times in a row!"

When the audience in the hall heard this, they all cheered and shouted Hongye's name loudly.

"Hongye!" "Hongye!" "Hongye!"

Xiaolan looked at this scene in amazement: "I didn't expect Miss Ooka to be so popular!"

Yuanzi pursed his lips beside him and said, "They are all superficial audiences!"

However, the door of Gaoyue Hall on the screen was pushed open, and a handsome uncle walked into the final venue.

Xiao Lan suddenly exclaimed: "It's Dad, why is he there?"

Conan and Hattori Heiji were also stunned when they saw Mori Kogoro appearing on the stage, and everyone was very surprised.

Some of those in the audience also recognized that this was the latest popular celebrity, Maori Detective.

Seeing this change, the audience fell silent one by one, staring at the live broadcast screen one by one.


"Detective Mori, you, why did you appear here?" President Azhibo's expression changed drastically. When he saw Mori Kogoro appearing in the Satsuki Hall, the ominous premonition in his heart became more and more obvious.

Mori Kogoro did not answer, walked to Ooka Momiji's side, leaned over and picked up the six flower cards depicting Momiji, and unfolded them.

A dark red fingerprint appeared instantly.

Chairman Azhiba's face changed wildly, and he rushed towards Kogoro Mouri, trying to snatch the flower card, but Kogoro Mouri subdued him.

President Azhibo fell to the ground, Hongye and Miraiko suddenly exclaimed, causing an uproar in the hall.

"President Azhibo, I will not hand over this important physical evidence of the murder to you!"

Kogoro Mori's words stirred up waves, and everyone who heard them were stunned.

"You! You!" President Azhibo's face was full of despair, "Detective Maori, you really know everything, hahaha, I thought we'd just met once, it's not right, it's not right! "

"Yajima Shunya's death and the Osaka TV station bombing yesterday, you are responsible for these two things!"

Hearing Mori Kogoro's words, Momiji and Mikuko's pupils kept shrinking, and they couldn't believe it.

All the audience in the hall were stunned, even Conan and Hattori Heiji were no exception.

These two never thought that President Azhibo would be the murderer. They asked him for clues just now. How could he be the murderer!

Chapter 0317 full of misunderstandings

"Last year, when Hongye won the championship here, Hongye's stacking method was the same as that of her teacher Nagoro Shikao, so they pieced together important physical evidence!"

"But this happened to be discovered by Yajima, who has been studying the red leaf flower cards and flipping through the video tapes. He saw a dark red stain on the six red leaf flower cards."

"Yajima looked at the flower card videotape from many years ago and found that the stain appeared five years ago, so he understood the truth five years ago!"

Hongye couldn't help asking: "What exactly is this stain?"

"It's fingerprints. Someone stained Mr. Nakoro's blood on the flower cards, and they happen to be distributed on the six red leaf flower cards."

Hongye couldn't help but become suspicious: "Teacher's blood!"

Mori Kogoro continued: "Actually, everyone thought Mr. Nakoro was missing, but he was actually killed, and the fingerprints on the flower card were left by the real murderer!"

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