Fei Yingli suddenly blushed slightly, and patted Kogoro Mori's big hand lightly: "Die, let go, this is in court, show me some seriousness."

It's in Kogoro Mori's nature to push forward: "What if I don't want to be serious?"

Fei Yingli already regretted letting him be the special defender, so she begged for mercy in a low voice: "Honey, don't do this, you can do whatever you want when you go back, this is a court, if people find out, I'll be ashamed."

Seeing Eri's appearance, Mori Kogoro let go of his hand, and said with a light smile, "You said this, you have to be obedient when you go back!"

The heads of the two were so close that others thought they were discussing the case without knowing it.

Mori Kogoro didn't listen to what Reiko Kujo was asking at all. He raised his head and saw Reiko Kujo was still asking, while Midori Kuriyama was sitting seriously taking notes.

Mori Kogoro had a thought, and covered the black stockings with his other hand.

Chestnut Green trembled all of a sudden, the words he wrote were all crooked, and he turned his head after a pause: How can Mao Li-kun be so bold?This is in court?The teacher is right there?If found out, the crime of contempt of court would be great!

As the stimulation became more and more obvious, Li Shanlu blushed, and she simply lowered her head to avoid being seen by others.

Mori Kogoro wrote lightly on Kuriyama Midori's black stockings until the judge asked, "Please cross-examine the prisoner!"

Only then did he let go of his hand, pretending to hold a book and walked to the middle of the field.

Xiaolan in the auditorium said, "Xiao Ai, look, isn't dad very handsome?"

Huiyuan nodded, with a proud look on his face.

Conan on the side had dead fish eyes, a look of disdain, and secretly thought in his heart: I can be handsome even if I fuck.

Mori Kogoro came to the bald manager Akiyama Takuya and asked, "Mr. Akiyama, I just have one question. After nine o'clock, you saw the victim, President Otsu, being beaten. May I ask if you saw the appearance of the people in the office?" ?"

Akiyama Takuya said, "Actually, I didn't see anyone in the office."

"Then what did you see?"

"What I saw was the light from the window shining on the two of them, and finally the shadows on the wall."

Hearing what Akiyama Takuya said, Kujo Reiko couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "That means you didn't see Mr. Inoue's beating with your own eyes. There are a lot of things you can design in Yingying's words. Good judge, I've finished asking."

Mori Kogoro then turned and returned to the defense seat.

His question hit the nail on the head, and once again aroused the discussion of the audience.

Reiko Kujo frowned, and looked at Mori Kogoro with more serious eyes: I underestimated you, Mori Detective!

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows involuntarily when he saw the adoring eyes of Hieiri and Kuriyama Midori as soon as he sat down.

After he sat down, he covered the silky black stockings with his right hand again, and continued the unfinished words just now, Kuriyama Green's face turned red again.

However, Fei Yingli, who was on the side, didn't notice. She looked intently at her old opponent on the field and asked Arima Masahiko.

Chapter 0005 Cameo

In the defense seat on the far left of the court, no one can see the small movements under the table.

Li Shanlu's head was lowered, her little face was flushed and she dared not be seen by others, her eyes were full of mist, and her pair of small hands were tightly clutching the documents in front of her, enduring them like a quail, not daring to make a move at all stop.

The waves of stimulation became more and more intense, and the movements became more extreme. Kuriyama Green could hardly bear it, and her body could not help but tremble slightly.

Maori-kun, this is in court!You can't do this!

But Mori Kogoro never knew how to restrain himself, but became more and more unbridled.

The judge above asked continuously.

"Please cross-examine the defense lawyers!"

"Please cross-examine the defense lawyers!"

Only then did he hear that he got up and walked towards the middle of the court, while Kuriyama Green let out a long breath.

At this moment, Fei Yingli cast a suspicious look at the little assistant wearing an OL suit, and Kuriyama Green was so frightened that her whole body tensed up and she dared not move at all.

However, after inspecting Kuriyama Midori's body for a while, Fei Yingli turned her gaze to the question in the middle of the court.

Mori Kogoro came to Arima Masahiko and asked, "Mr. Arima, the deceased Mr. Otsu is your father-in-law. He ate at your restaurant on the night of the incident. He told you to go back to the company later. Is it right?"

Masahiko Arima nodded yes.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Then you found his presbyopic glasses left in the restaurant, and you sent them back from the restaurant, and then went up to the second floor with the administrator, and saw the murderer from the window on the door of the office." thing."

"Just like the suspicious point I just said, do you remember the time of the murder?"

Arima Yahiko was clearly prepared: "I remember it was past nine o'clock!"

"Then why is it different from what the defendant said at half past eight?"

Arima Yahiko sneered and said, "I don't know about that, maybe the defendant made a false confession in order to get rid of the crime, and the prosecution just missed it!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Then, how does Mr. Arima explain why there are reading glasses on the floor at the scene of the crime? In addition, why did the small screws on the reading glasses jump and fall next to the safe?"

Mori Kogoro's gaze became menacing: "Under normal circumstances, the screws of the reading glasses will not fall off. Could it be that Mr. Otsu put on the reading glasses a long time ago, but was attacked from the ashtray behind, and under the heavy blow , fell down, the glasses fell off, and the screws jumped out, right?"

Arima Masahiko's originally calm face suddenly seeped sweat, his eyes were erratic, and he didn't dare to look at Mori Kogoro.

But Reiko Kujo of the prosecution stood up at this moment: "I object, what the defense lawyers said are all conjectures without any basis!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help frowning and glanced at Kujo Reiko. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Masahiko Arima was in a very bad state, and it was very possible to press for more inside information.

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