Everyone felt as if a heavy stone had been crushed in their hearts, and they were speechless!

Chapter 0008 Molesting Reiko Kujo

Reiko Kujo stood up and said, "Your Honor, this court has decided to revoke the defendant's crime of intentional homicide and charge it with attempted theft. At the same time, the prosecution will start preparing the prosecution materials for Ma Yayan and Endo Noriko's suspected murder. And the prosecution materials of Noriko Endo being violated."

The judge asked: "Defense lawyer, do you have any other opinions?"

Kogoro Mori and Hideri naturally answered that they had no objection.

The judge's hammer came down hard.

"This court has pronounced that the defendant, Takashi Inoue, was sentenced to [-] days' imprisonment for the crime of attempted theft. This case comes to an end and we are out of court!"

Everyone stood up and watched the three judges leave, and then the bailiffs in the court controlled Arima Masahiko and Endo Noriko.

Kogoro Mori and Kogoro Mori walked out of the court, and when they passed by the hearing judges, they all gave Kogoro Mori a thumbs up.

Fei Yingli also let out a long sigh of relief, with a smile on her face, she put her arm around Mori Kogoro, leaning against his arm with her domineering chest: "My husband, you are so powerful, I didn't expect this case to be so deep. You have found out all the inside information!"

"Of course, you don't even look at who your husband is!"

"Hmph, what are you proud of? I haven't settled with you yet for the matter on the defense bench!"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be vicious: "Eri, don't tell me you want to backtrack on what you said, it seems that I can't do without giving you a good lesson!"

"Then you come!"

The two walked out of the courtroom while they were talking, and came to the corridor outside. Xiaolan, Huiyuan, and Conan were all waiting outside.

When Noriko Endo and Masahiko Arima scolded each other in the court just now, Xiaolan felt that the children did not listen well to these words, so she brought them both out and waited outside.

When Fei Yingli saw her daughter, she immediately smiled and said with a smug smile: "I won the lawsuit today, and I will treat you to a big meal at noon!"

"What's the air, it's not all due to me!" Mori Kogoro joked, and Fei Yingli couldn't help but give Mori Kogoro a blank look.

And Midori Kuriyama, who was wearing an OL suit, glanced at Kogoro Mori, and said, "Teacher, then I'll go back first!"

Fei Yingli smiled lightly: "Xiaolu, you have worked hard today, let's have lunch together!"

Li Shanlu shook her head: "Teacher, I still have something to do. I don't have time to have dinner with you, so I'm leaving first!" After she finished speaking, she turned and left in a hurry.

At this moment, the sound of high-heeled shoes sounded, and Reiko Kujo came behind the crowd. She had an aura just standing there.

"Lawyer Concubine, can I borrow your husband for a while?"

A gleam of coldness flashed in Fei Yingli's eyes, and she said with a light smile, "Easy!"

Mori Kogoro followed Kujo Reiko through the corridor and came to a secluded place.

Reiko Kujo re-examined Mori Kogoro, and her slightly blue eyes flashed with appreciation: "Detective Mori, you have brought me a lot of work today, don't you have anything to say!"

"Re-prosecute the murders of Ma Yayan and Endo Noriko, and thoroughly investigate the owner of the company that violated Endo Noriko, and then prosecute them one by one. Dozens of cases have been added at once."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Those who can do more work! Besides, Chief Prosecutor Kujo is well-known, and a small case like this should be a piece of cake for the Chief Prosecutor."

"Although Noriko Endo killed someone, she is actually the victim in a certain way. I believe the Chief Prosecutor should be very happy to bring her some justice!"

Kujo Reiko nodded: "That's true, but I still have to thank you, Mao Li-kun, if it weren't for you, today I would really have contributed to an unjust, false and wrongly decided case."

"You don't have to thank me, just thank the truth! I just pushed it just in time!" At this moment, Kogoro Mori was very humble.

Reiko Kutiao's eyes sparkled when she heard this, but she raised her pretty face slightly, showing her defiant aura again.

"Mr. Mao Li, tell Lawyer Concubine for me. This time, it's not like I lost to her. The contest between me and her is not over yet!"

Reiko Kujo turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Kogoro Mori.

"Wait a minute, Chief Prosecutor Jiutiao, I have a question I want to ask you."

Reiko Kujo stopped, but when she turned around just now, she found a big hand wrapped around her waist, and her body fell into a generous embrace, and her masculinity surged instantly.

Her slightly green eyes narrowed sharply, and she felt that her chest was intimately connected with a solid chest, and a blush suddenly appeared on her face.

Kujo Reiko scolded angrily: "Mori-kun, what are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro saw the sternness in his eyes, and couldn't help but chuckled: "It is rumored that Chief Prosecutor Kujo never pretends to men, and is as cold as ice. No man can get close to you, but I don't believe it."

The daring Kogoro Mori kissed Reiko Kujo's lips, as warm as jelly...

He tasted it, but for Reiko Kujo, it was like a nuclear bomb explosion, and his heart was in a mess.

Mori Kogoro kissed and let go of Kujo Reiko's body, and continued to speak: "It seems that the rumors are false!"

Reiko Kujo's face flushed red, she was angry: "Mori Kogoro, I want to sue you!"

"Huh?" Mouri Kogoro raised his eyebrows when he heard this, burst into a burst of speed, hugged Kujo Reiko into his arms again, and kissed that small mouth fiercely.

This kiss was not a simple kiss on the lips, Kujo Reiko had countless goosebumps all over her body.

The deep kiss took an extremely long time, and Mori Kogoro let go, but Kujo Reiko felt dizzy and was panting heavily.

Her eyes gradually regained her composure, and she reprimanded again: "Moori Kogoro, you wait for me!"

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro made a gesture to step forward, scaring Kujo Reiko into running away, almost spraining her foot.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing as he looked at the embarrassed back of Madonna from the prosecutorial circle.

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