Mori Kogoro sat down, squeezed into the single sofa seat, and leaned against Kuriyama Midori, with his big hand on the black stockings, full of silkiness, while the other hand hugged the other With a soft waist, Chestnut Green trembled all over.

"Xiaolu, why do you look like you are afraid of me?"

"Maori-kun, I, I am not afraid of you!"

"You're not afraid of me, so why are you shrinking?"

"I do not know either!"

"Did I scare you?"

"No, no!"

"So what?"

"Hmm! Mori-kun, don't do this!"


Molesting this little rookie is really fun. Looking at Kuriyama Green next to her, her beautiful legs are wrapped in black stockings, her black skirt reveals her graceful curves, and her white shirt bulges high on her chest. She looks like a working girl .

The flame in Mori Kogoro's heart became more and more intense, and his eyes became so aggressive that Midori Kuriyama didn't even dare to look at him.

Mori Kogoro couldn't hold back anymore, he bent his head over, kissed Kuriyama Green's small mouth with his big mouth, and launched an offensive.

And his hands began to walk up and down the mature body of this little rookie, acting recklessly, and the temperature in the entire hotel room continued to rise as a result.

Until the long kiss stopped, both of them were panting heavily and their clothes were disheveled.

Mori Kogoro exerted strength with his arms, picked up Kuriyama Midori, and threw him on the bed!

Kuriyama Midori's face was full of panic, and Mori Kogoro didn't respond to him, and followed him to the hotel's big bed.

Soon, the long-lasting mournful movement began in the hotel room.

... [-] words are omitted here ...

In the French restaurant near the court, Feiyingli, Xiaolan, and Haibara were eating lunch, and Feiyingli would feed the cut steak to Xiaohuiyuan from time to time.

Haibara rolled his eyes countless times in his heart, but he had to pretend to be polite and thanked Fei Yingli.

"Little girls at Xiao Ai's age are still the cutest, and Xiao Lan was also very cute when she was young, but unfortunately, the older she gets, the more... Sigh!"


"Just kidding, just kidding, hey, where's Conan? Why didn't you see him?"

The little loli Huiyuan took a bite of the steak and said, "That guy, after hearing about the case, he must have sneaked away with Uncle Mao Li again!"

"It's true, Conan is most interested in these things!" Xiaolan echoed repeatedly.

The Conan children's shoes mentioned by the three people, he really wanted to secretly follow Kogoro Mori, but he was discovered.

At this moment, Conan-kun is in a psychedelic state, circling around a pillar in the parking lot like an idiot.

Chapter 0010 Judy's Invitation

Three hours later, Kuriyama Midori was completely exhausted, and she was carried out of the bathroom by Mori Kogoro.

The broken and wet black stockings just now were finally taken off and left on the bathroom floor, revealing Kuriyama Green's slender legs.

Kogoro Mori wiped the little rookie's body, but Midori Kuriyama didn't respond at all, she didn't even want to open her eyes, she was so tired!

Mori Kogoro caressed Kuriyama Green's body and performed a healing technique on him. Susu's numb energy poured into his body, and the little girl recovered after tossing and turning.

Kuriyama Midori opened his eyes, and saw Mori Kogoro's eyes full of tenderness.

She stretched out her arms to embrace Kogoro Mori's waist with nostalgia, and the two of them quietly embraced each other in this messy hotel room, rubbing each other's ears and temples, you and me.



In the evening, Mori Kogoro led Kuriyama Green to check out, and he paid more for the loss of bed sheets.

Compared with when entering the hotel, the only change is that the black stockings on Kuriyama's green legs are gone.

Mori Kogoro sent the reluctant rookie home, and then drove home.

When he returned to the office, he saw Conan, the kid, sitting on the sofa meditating. In the afternoon, Conan walked around the parking lot for an hour before regaining his sanity.

But Conan didn't remember anything, he only knew that his feet were sore.

But at this moment, Conan is not thinking about his sore legs, but has been thinking about Xiaolan's English teacher, Judy.

He happened to bump into this English teacher when he was going home in the afternoon. The English teacher gave him a very strange feeling, and some words even made him very puzzled. Conan began to doubt the identity of this teacher Judy.

Conan didn't even respond to Mori Kogoro coming in. After thinking about it for a long time, he jumped off the sofa and went to his room. After closing the door, Conan dialed the phone.


Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to this kid, and began to open letters brought in from the mailbox.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and it was the call from Mr. Judy, whom Conan was thinking of.

An enthusiastic foreign female voice sounded: "Detective Maori, I heard that you have returned to Tokyo?"

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