Hattori Heiji frowned and asked, "Then why did Mr. Takai's girlfriend take pictures outside the apartment when the crime happened?"

Officer Meguro explained: "She said that it was the first time she came to her boyfriend's house, and she wanted to take pictures of his apartment and post it on Facebook."

Conan asked: "How do you explain the text messages and calls on that phone?"

"Oh, you said that old-fashioned mobile phone, the quality is really good, it's okay to fall down from such a high-level, but the mobile phone is fine, the text message is from Mr. Shigemachi, saying that Mr. Takai will take care of the mood of his subordinates, there is no other content gone."

"As for the phone call at the time of the incident, Mr. Inoue called. He was very frank. He said that he was drunk because he was scolded by his boss. After returning home, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and then he made a painful call. He scolded Mr. Gao Jing, and even told Mr. Gao Jing to die in the end, and he admitted it honestly."

Jing Sheng on the side was still flushed with drunkenness, and he couldn't help but speak.

"Hey, police officer, there should be no punishment for scolding someone dead in law. I was just annoyed that this guy insulted me at the wine table, and when he was confused, he called back to pay back. Who knew that guy Gao Jing was so overwhelmed by my scolding that he jumped off the building by himself. !"

"Don't blame me for this, it doesn't matter to me that he has such a poor mental capacity!"

Jing Sheng asked police officer Mu Mu, and police officer Mu Mu's face suddenly burst into sweat, and he said, "There is no criminal responsibility for scolding someone to death in this law!"

At this time, Conan's cell phone rang suddenly, and he went into the bedroom to answer the call, and it was Dr. Ali who called.

Conan was about to tell the doctor that he was busy with a case, but the voice came intermittently, so he ran to the window to answer the phone.

At this moment, an idea flashed in Conan's head, and he instantly understood the modus operandi.

Conan turned his head to look at Hattori Heiji, who was still looking pensive, and couldn't help laughing smugly, then directly pressed the phone, completely ignoring Dr. Agasa who kept calling him over there.

Hattori, it seems that this time I was the first to solve the case!

Conan admired Hattori Heiji's pensive expression, and felt very happy, and felt an inexplicable sense of superiority in his heart. It turns out that I am not the stupidest one.

But when he saw that Police Officer Megure was going to define the case as an accident and wanted to close the team, Conan immediately took out the voice changer, tuned to the voice of Hattori Heiji, and started the long-lost reasoning!

"Mr. Inoue, you are the murderer in this case!"

Hattori Heiji looked depressed when he heard the voice, but he could only cooperate.

Jing Sheng burped: "Boy, what nonsense are you talking about? I was in my own home at that time, how could I kill someone!"

Conan continued: "Sometimes you can kill people even if you are thousands of miles away, you just need some specific techniques. Officer Takagi, please help me to do an experiment."

"Please call Officer Megure!"

Takagi She made a phone call in a good manner, but there was a trace of sneer on Jing Sheng's face, which was blushing.

Police officer Mu Mu answered the phone in a daze: "Moxi Moxi!"

There was a lot of noise on the phone.

Conan continued: "Because this room is on the 21st floor of the apartment, the floor is too high, so the signal is extremely bad. To answer the phone, you have to run outside the balcony."

"Because the bedroom was too small, Mr. Gao Jing didn't open the door leading to the balcony, so he used to climb out of the balcony from the window."

"However, when this urgent call came today, Mr. Gao Jing didn't know that his bed had been replaced by someone. The bed was originally located near the balcony window, but was replaced by Mr. Inoue next to the unprotected window."

"He stepped out, lost his balance and naturally fell through the window and died."

"Mr. Inoue, you have changed the position of this bed and the furniture in the room. Your fingerprints must be on them!"

Jing Sheng glanced at Hattori Heiji, and sneered: "This has my fingerprints on it, I admit it, but it's too much for you to say that I killed people!"

"In fact, when I sent Manager Gao Jing into the room, he relied on himself as the boss and made things difficult for me. He also deliberately asked me to move the bed from one window to the other window, and move various cabinets and chairs around. They let me go in the end, of course there are my fingerprints on it!"

"That's why I became more and more angry, and when I got home, I called and scolded him, but if he really died because of this, it was because of his own carelessness. You said that my call was a death call, which is too far-fetched Bar."

"If anyone called him during this period, and he fell from a tall building to his death, then that person is also the murderer!"

"Boy, according to what you said, the murderer should be the signal company!"

"Besides, I'm already drunk, so I don't even want to kill someone!"

Conan was speechless by this rebuttal!

Chapter 0016 Conquered Judy

"Boy, if you say such things again, I will sue you for defamation!"

The blushing Jing Sheng seemed to be drunk, but there was a hint of cunning in the depths of his eyes.

This Gao Jing was already dead, and there was no proof of his death. Naturally, he could talk nonsense. Having his fingerprints on the furniture was not the key evidence. This excuse could naturally be explained.

As for swearing on the phone, Jing Sheng can even push it until he is momentarily confused when he is drunk.

If he is really prosecuted at that time, the judge will naturally judge him not guilty according to his drunkenness, because there is indeed no punishment in this world for cursing people to death.

If the signal is not good, you can shirk it to the telecommunications company.

Even if Conan had already found out this method of killing, there was no way for Jing Sheng to plead guilty at all, because such a criminal method was too accidental!

Jing Sheng asked arrogantly: "Officer, I'm very sleepy now, can you let me go back and rest!"

Officer Megure frowned, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Inoue, Ms. Shimoda, and Mr. Shigemachi. There are indeed some doubts in this case. Please follow us to the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate."

"Cut, what a hassle!" Jing Sheng shook his head and followed Takagi She out to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Conan's fist hit the wall heavily, and he walked out of the bedroom with a gloomy face.

Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan, and then said, "Officer Megure, I'm sure that Mashoi Inoue used this method to kill Mr. Takai, but this guy is like an old fritter, he doesn't plead guilty, can you sue him? ?”

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