Chapter 0022 Vampire Kogoro

As soon as Reina Mizumu walked into the TV station, she was dragged to the corridor by Yoko Okino who flashed out from the side.

Yoko Okino pursed her mouth slightly, and asked with a frown, "Reina, how did you get out of Detective Mori's car? What's your relationship?"

Seeing Yoko Okino's attitude, Rena Mizumura immediately reacted, and couldn't help sighing, how many people still like this great detective?

Hearing Yoko Okino's constant questioning, Rena Mizumu didn't want to reveal too much, so she explained: "Yoko, we have nothing to do with each other, I just met on the road, and then Maori detective sent me to work."

Yoko Okino still looked at Rena Mizumu suspiciously, as if she didn't quite believe it.

However, Rena Mizumu quickly separated from Yoko Okino with the excuse that she wanted to record a show.



In the afternoon, in the Mori Detective Agency, Mori Kogoro sat on an office chair with a quiet gaze.

He was turning the invitation letter in his hand, and there was a capital M on the cover of the letter.

This test was indeed necessary, and Kogoro Mori discovered a lot of additional information, at least knowing that Belmode did not send him this letter.

According to the last suggestion of his pretended Shinide Tomoaki, Belmode actually had no intention of provoking him at all.

But someone else invited him to board this ghost ship, which happened to be the same day as Belmode's operation, which made Mori Kogoro misunderstand.

In other words, there is no such thing as two battlefields, but Mori Kogoro has long planned to run together on both sides.

Belmode's target from the very beginning was the guys from the FBI and Takuo Itakura's software.

And just now when he and Rena Minzumu kissed deeply in the car, Mori Kogoro opened his eyes secretly, quietly opened his file bag, peeked at all the contents of the file, and printed them all in his mind.

Although the information exchanged between Rena Mizumu and Belmode is classified, it has nothing to do with this trip to the full moon.

Rena Mizumusa was not invited by Belmord to participate in this operation, and Kogoro Mori, who understood this, breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, it is only necessary to protect Judy, and then catch these little mice, which is quite free.



The time soon came to the afternoon of the second day, and the Mori Detective Agency was very lively. Apart from his own family, Fei Yingli and Sonoko also came.

The three girls, Feiyingli, Xiaolan, and Haibara, were all dressed in gowns, shining brilliantly, showing the beauty of women of the three age groups.

One gold, one pink, and one dark red, these three women are bound to shine in the audience today.

As for Sonoko, she has already done her makeup. She is wearing a purple witch dress, made of leather, with a pointed hat, and black high-heeled boots.

Sonoko's witch costume today has added a lot of color to her, and she looks full of vitality.

The four girls were neatly dressed around Mori Kogoro, constantly applying makeup to his face.

In front of the sofa, Conan, who was wearing a small blue suit of Wannian, was always looking pensive.

Not long after, Fei Yingli laughed softly: "Xiao Wulang, this makeup looks very suitable for you!" After saying that, she picked up the mirror.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but twitch his cheeks when he saw himself in the mirror, and rolled his eyes.

This scribbled graffiti plus a few bandages, this is the pyramid mummy, it's really nonsense.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's expression, the four girls suddenly burst out laughing.

Seeing such bright smiles on the faces of the four girls, Kogoro Mori didn't care too much, and took the makeup remover paper to remove all the makeup on his face.

Seeing his dissatisfaction, Sonoko put a long wig on Mori Kogoro's head.

"Uncle, uncle, look, is Sadako okay with this makeup?"

Mori Kogoro took off the wig and tapped Sonoko on the head: "Have you ever seen such a tall and strong Sadako?"

Mori Kogoro said: "Stop messing around, I can do my own makeup later."

At this moment, Huiyuan said, "Wait a minute."

She picked up the tools in the makeup box and began to apply makeup to Kogoro Mori's face.

As Huiyuan's makeup continued, the eyes of the three girls lit up.

Mori Kogoro's face was as pale as a waterfall, but it showed a strange beauty. His eyebrows were a little more bloody, his deep eyes were painted with lavender eye shadow, he wore scarlet contact lenses, his hair was waxed, and he pinched out a Shaggy and regular hairstyles come.

The lips were painted blood red, a white braces was stuffed into Mori Kogoro's mouth, and two fangs appeared on the lips, which seemed to be shining coldly.

A vampire's makeup was drawn by Xiao Huiyuan, just like the blood king in the anime, which is beyond words.

The appearance of Kogoro Mori under this dress is completely against the sky. The four girls in front of him can't help but feel jealous, and even Eri can't help but look at Kogoro Mori obsessively.

Xiaolan exclaimed: "Dad, how can you be so handsome!"

"Uncle Maori!"

Yuanzi couldn't hold back the impulse in his heart, and wanted to pounce on it like a hungry tiger, but Xiaolan pulled it back fiercely, and pulled him back.

Eri also freed her hand, and held the reckless girl tightly, with a cold light in her eyes, Sonoko stopped embarrassingly.

Mori Kogoro picked up the mirror, looked at it and felt very satisfied, he couldn't help but picked up Haibara who looked like a little princess, and kissed her cute face.

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