
Feiying, who was in the middle of the hall, was very comfortable with it, but as smart as she was, she also noticed the weirdness of Princess Jiazi, and she was also very surprised.



In the dark ocean, a ghost ship emits a faint light, sailing continuously into the deep sea, accompanied by only a full moon in the sky and earth.

The atmosphere on the deck was very oppressive, the wind was windy, and the black sails were rattling.

Although the riot was suppressed in time by Mine Fujiko's guns, the group of passengers looked at Maori and his party with unkind eyes.

Many of them still believed that Kogoro Mori and Fujiko Mine did the killing, and looked at the few people here with hostility.

The deck was divided into three camps, the six holding demon cards and Hattori Heiji in disguise were a small camp.

The crew on board is another camp.

The remaining two hundred people belonged to another camp, but the people in this camp did not trust each other.

Mori Kogoro was not worried about the passengers on board, he alone was enough to bring down all these passengers, not to mention the men he had arranged on board.

But to his surprise, according to the expressions of the passengers he observed, murderous intent appeared in the eyes of many of these passengers, as if they really wanted to listen to the broadcast just now and kill people.

This incident is unbelievable, although the person behind the scenes is deployed on this lonely ship that cannot escape, and wants to let the people on this ghost ship kill each other on the high seas.

But it was only two hours before this group of people left civilized society, and there was no imminent threat of life or death. Even with the stimulation of two corpses, the speed of blackening could not be so fast.

There must be something strange about it!

Mori Kogoro fixed his eyes and began to observe the ghost ship carefully.

Soon he understood the pass. All the small flags hanging on the ship were all with dark patterns, that is, the graffiti on the wooden boards. They were either skulls or demon patterns, with a kind of eerie feeling. The terrifying atmosphere gives people a strong psychological hint.

Recalling when I was in the cabin just now, I said that the cabin was weird as soon as I entered the garden. I think the atmosphere in the cabin is more intense.

In addition to that is the drink that everyone has drunk.

Mori Kogoro put his big hand on Sonoko, and the detection function of the healing technique was displayed. Sure enough, Sonoko was in a slightly psychedelic state.

No wonder this group of guests were so easily influenced, it turned out that they were drugged.

Because Kogoro Mori was completely immune to this type of potion, and he didn't always use the detection function of the healing technique. In addition, this potion was not a poison, but a fun drug, so he couldn't find it in the first place.

It's such a big handwriting, I really want to create a drama where no one survives on this ghost ship.

At this moment, a zombie at the door of the cabin yelled: "Look, everyone, there is another person lying on the ground at the stairs of the cabin."

The passengers rushed over quickly, and Mao Li and his party also rushed in.

But Mori Kogoro and his party were a step slower, and the fallen man was surrounded by passengers.

"How is it possible? Isn't this guy a mummy in the demon group?"

"He won't die too!"

"Look, he's holding a demon card in his mouth. We saw it just now, and there are no more demon cards left. This is what the demon team did, and they killed people."

"We have to catch them, or they'll keep killing them!"


Mori Kogoro has excellent hearing, and he heard the intentions of the surrounding group through the noisy voices, so he stretched out his hand to protect Yukiko and Sonoko behind him.

He also gave Mine Fujiko a hand, but the woman looked confident, holding a Browning pistol in her hand, and gently broke away from Mori Kogoro's big hand.

While waiting for Mori Kogoro and Mine Fujiko to approach the stairs, as expected, the passengers who were secretly planning suddenly became violent.

More than a dozen men rushed towards Maori and his party, trying to subdue them.

Mori Kogoro stood in front of Yukiko and Sonoko, facing the passenger's rampage, he kicked without hesitation.

A roundabout kick directly hit the chests of the three men, kicking them flying, hitting the men behind, and more than a dozen people here rolled down like gourds.

The power of one kick kicked over a dozen passengers, leaving others stunned.

Sonoko and Yukiko's eyes were full of admiration.

And when Mori Kogoro turned his face to look at Fujiko Mine, he happened to see Fujiko Mine kicking a slut kick at a zombie.

The zombie immediately fell down, covering its crotch and rolling continuously.

Mine Fujiko's fighting skills are not easy to mess with. One person at a time, one by one, he hits the nail on the head.

After a while, all the passengers on her side were also taken care of.

Mine Fujiko still had time to pose in front of the crowd, and his beautiful eyes looked at Kogoro Mori's crotch for a while, and Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart with that gaze.

The rest of the passengers looked at the entire staircase except for the corpse, only the dozen or so people were rolling and groaning on the ground, looking at Maori and his group with even more fear in their eyes, but they didn't dare to act rashly anymore.

Chapter 0008 Shocked Maori

Only then did Kogoro Mori have time to go forward and check the third corpse.

Sure enough, it was the mummy of the demon group, but the corpse had just been surrounded by this group of people, and many traces of the scene were messed up.

Mori Kogoro took out his mobile phone, and after taking a picture, he unwrapped the bandage on his face.

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