These passengers crowded in the narrow corridor. Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro stood behind, Mine Fujiko was covered in blood and held a gun in his hand, and the werewolf was headshot and fell in a pool of blood.

This picture is really indisputable.

The passengers couldn't help but their legs went limp, and they exclaimed repeatedly: "They killed again, Detective Maori and the others killed again."

"The werewolf of the demon team is dead, what Captain Ghost said is true."

Chapter 0009 Hypnosis

The dark cabin, the narrow corridor, the crowd is surging.

The group of passengers dressed as monsters retreated one by one, not daring to get close to Fujiko Mine, who was holding a gun and covered in scarlet.

Mine Fuji opened his mouth wide, and it took a while to react, and quickly explained to the group of passengers: "I didn't kill this guy, he came here to kill himself with my pistol, don't get me wrong!"

"The werewolf just tried to attack me with a dagger, but was knocked down by the Maori detective. Then I asked him who the murderer was behind the scenes. He didn't want to say, so he pressed my pistol and shot himself. Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Don't believe me, do you?"

"Ah, I'm so annoying, Detective Maori, explain it to me quickly, I can't even speak clearly with ten mouths."

But in this situation, it is completely impossible to turn around the group of passengers who drank hallucinogens with pale words alone, so Mori Kogoro didn't speak.

Sure enough, the group of passengers didn't believe Mine Fujiko's words at all, and even shouted.

"It turns out that Maori detective is also an accomplice!"

"Get out of here quickly, when this female demon shoots and kills, I don't know how many people will die."

"Don't squeeze over here, run away, let's go to the deck, the demon team has started killing people."

Passengers squeezed out one by one, some people outside wanted to come up to see it, some wanted to leave, the corridors and stairs were in a mess.

Hattori Heiji, Sonoko and Yukiko squeezed in and appeared on the scene.

Yuanzi also misunderstood this scene, and couldn't help shouting: "Uncle, that woman killed someone, why are you still standing next to her, come back quickly."

Mine Fujiko was misunderstood and wronged by so many people, and his hands were still stained with blood. Hearing Sonoko's words, he couldn't help but feel angry, and angrily raised his gun and pointed at Sonoko.

"Okay, since so many of you say that I kill people, I'll show you how to kill people. Anyway, killing people on the high seas is not illegal."

But the pistol was snatched away by Mori Kogoro before he raised it: "Fuji, don't be self-willed."

"Yuanzi, I can testify that she did not kill the person just now. Although it is unbelievable, this Mr. Werewolf really committed suicide."

Sonoko and Yuxiko were relieved, as long as they weren't murderers.

And Mine Fujiko turned his back, looking very angry.

Hattori Heiji's invisible man came up again and began to observe the corpse.

Mori Kogoro leaned over the fence, and saw the passengers scattered in every corner of the dark cabin, panic and distrust reverberated in them.

The atmosphere was extremely oppressive, like a powder keg that might burst at any moment, he couldn't help frowning.

This is already the fourth murder, the fourth body.

If most of the passengers could stay awake when the ghost captain died, then the mummified body just gave them a stimulus.

And the ensuing gunshots and the corpse of the werewolf gave them a bigger thrill again, letting them know that the ghost ship would have an unavoidable killing spree.

Coupled with the highly suggestive cabin decorations and the hallucinogenic drugs, it is on the high seas again.

Under the influence of various factors, if they want to return to Tokyo alive, they are really very likely to start killing each other according to Captain Ghost's words.

Now it's troublesome!

But what Kogoro Mori cared more about was the look in the werewolf's eyes before he died.

Under the title of expression master, he will definitely not be wrong.

The werewolf's eyes were confused at first, and he didn't know what Mori Kogoro was asking. The werewolf at that time really didn't know.

But then the pupils contracted, but they couldn't stop moving up and to the right. This is the expression of suddenly recalling something.

After that, the eyes were full of shock, then extreme fear, and finally the eyes were full of despair derived from fear.

What did he think of to shoot himself without hesitation?

To achieve such a result, it should be hypnotism.

Only after being hypnotized and the memory of his head turned on and off, will he recall some terrible memories when a certain condition is triggered, and commit suicide resolutely...

In contrast, the cabin is full of heart-inducing decorative pictures.

The black vortex, the desperate blue whale, the glacier under the deep sea, the fallen God, the dissected baby who lost his breath...

Mori Kogoro knew that the opponent this time was definitely a psychological master who was very good at controlling people's hearts and had a high attainment in psychology!

At this moment, Hattori Heiji found something, and said with a choked voice, "Detective Mori, take a look at this phone."

Mori Kogoro took the werewolf's cell phone with a handkerchief, and there was a text message on it.

"Please get out of the cabin during the power outage, and throw the timer and crossbow on the deck into the sea!"

The signer has only one letter, a capital 'M'!

Hattori Heiji said, "It turns out that Mr. Werewolf threw the weapon that killed Captain Ghost into the sea. If this is the case, this 'M' is the murderer of this serial murder."

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