She had never seen such a handsome and intelligent person before!

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's cell phone rang, and it was Conan's call.

Conan was sent to the door of Dr. Ali by Judy.

"Uncle Maori, I'm not going back tonight, I'm just spending the night with Dr. Ali."

Mori Kogoro said: "Conan, did you go to the doctor to play games again? It's not okay to be so addicted to games. It seems that I have to talk to your mother, Ms. Wendai."

Conan begged for mercy immediately, and hung up the phone after saying something nice.

Chapter 0021 The Weird 'Little Lan'

Conan, who was at Dr. Ali's house, looked distressed, watched the midnight news on his mobile phone, and sighed long.

An explosion occurred at Dongdu Port, and the fire swept the entire port.

He couldn't help scratching his head, and he didn't know what happened to the FBI and the dark organization in the end!

This time Conan only vaguely heard the conversation between Judy and Belmode, and was knocked out by Mori Kogoro before he could show his skills, and he didn't know anything after that.

Hattori Heiji listened to the information shared by Conan, covered his stomach and laughed loudly: "Kudou, you are too funny, you didn't do anything, went shopping there and then got knocked out, tsk tsk tsk! It's better Let me go to the port, and you are on board!"

Conan glanced at Hattori Heiji with dead fish eyes: "How dare you say me, let you pretend to be me to go to the ghost ship to show off, and you were directly picked out by Uncle Mouri, that's too stupid!"

"Killed four people, but you didn't find out any tricks. You still have the nerve to say that you are a high school student detective."

Hearing these words, Hattori Heiji's whole face turned ugly, and the veins kept jumping up: "Damn little devil!"



In the Mori Detective Agency, Mori Kogoro looked through the information he had collected. In addition to his real estate in Tokyo, Itakura Taku also had a villa in the mountains and forests in the northern suburbs.

It seems that there will still be clues about the software in that villa in memory.

The original Mori Kogoro didn't care much about Taku Itakura's unfinished software. He thought it was an insignificant thing, but the reality doesn't seem to be the case.

After tonight's battle, the dark organization sent so many people for the software, even the female nurse desperately wanted to take Itakura Zhuo away.

He naturally understood that the software played a vital role in the ultimate goal of the dark organization, so he hurriedly dispatched his men to Itakura Zhuo's villa.

He had already ordered that computer not to be opened, but the entire computer packed up and brought back.

Mori Kogoro tapped the table with his index finger, recalling the words mentioned in the original book: "We-can-be-both-of-God-and-the-devil.Since-were-trying-to-raise-the-dead- against-the-stream-of-time."

"We are both gods and demons. We will turn back the tide of time and bring the dead back to life!"

He had a vague guess in his heart, but felt that the idea was too crazy, so he rejected it in his heart.

While Mori Kogoro was meditating, a pair of bare hands touched his head and gently massaged his temples.

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt the back of his head sink into two lumps of softness, and couldn't help showing a satisfied expression.

"Kogoro, don't worry so much. Although Moriarty is powerful, this is Tokyo, so we don't have to be afraid of him."

Hideri thought Mori Kogoro was worried about Moriarty.

Mori Kogoro took Fei Eri's small hand with his big hand, and with a strong pull, Fei Eri was pulled to the front and fell into Mori Kogoro's arms, and the office chair made a creaking sound!

Concubine Yingli wore a golden dress with a ray of arrogance. The golden dress fully outlined her perfect figure, like a mermaid, so beautiful that she was aggressive and fiery.

Today's Fei Yingli didn't wear glasses, her small white face was impeccable, and her red phoenix eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori's face.

Mori Kogoro bent his head and kissed Eri's pink lips. His left arm was around Eri's waist, while the other hand continued to walk along the graceful curve.

After kissing deeply for a long time, Eri stopped Mori Kogoro's hand: "No, Kogoro, Kiko called me just now and asked me to go back to accompany her, and mine is here!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro did not let go of Fei Eri's thoughts at all, but instead had a wicked smile on his face.

"It's okay, it's okay to go back an hour or two late, Youxizi won't blame you."

Mori Kogoro attached Eri's ear and whispered, "Besides, here comes..."

Fei Yingli's pupils kept shrinking, and she quickly exclaimed and struggled: "No, Kogoro, let me go."

But this struggle seemed powerless to Mori Kogoro.

Soon, Fei Eri, who was wearing a golden dress, was picked up by Mori Kogoro and pressed on the desk.

Fei Yingli lay down on the desk in panic, and not long after, another graceful movement was played in the office on the second floor.



At the same time, at the home on the third floor, because it was getting too late, Princess Mira had decided to spend the night at Maori's house tonight and leave tomorrow.

In fact, she just wanted to spend more time with the handsome Mouri Kogoro.

Haibara watched the international news broadcast on TV, and noticed Princess Mila's abnormal behavior from time to time.

She behaved strangely from the moment she got home, and went straight into the house without taking off her shoes at the porch.

He said he wanted to change clothes, but ran outside the balcony, and then broke into his room inexplicably.

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