The bullet missed the prey, but instead hit the Queen's heart behind, killing her with one blow.

Prince Jill realized that he had shot his mother, and he didn't dare to accept this reality at all. In the end, he picked up the pistol he carried with his right hand and killed himself.

Standing behind Princess Mira, Mori Kogoro saw Princess Mira's slightly trembling back, and hurried forward.

Princess Mira lowered her head, tears falling from her light blue eyes, wet the grass on the ground.

Seeing Princess Mira weeping, Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling distressed, and stood in front of her with his hands on her soft shoulders.

Princess Mila threw herself into Kogoro Mori's arms, weeping bitterly, like a helpless little girl.

Tears soon soaked Mori Kogoro's chest, and he couldn't do anything at the moment, he could only lend her a chest.

Mori Kogoro patted Princess Mila's soft back gently with his warm big hands, feeling a sigh of relief in his heart.

It is better to cry out and vent out than to hold it in your heart all the time.



Princess Mila was crying and confided, only Kogoro Mori dared to see her fragile side.

"Mr. Mao Li, I have no family anymore, my lord, my brother is dead, I have no family anymore!"

"I never thought that I would be a queen. I always thought that the throne belonged to my brother, but now... I have to be a queen. No one loves me, and I can't respond to other people's expectations. I'm so scared!"

"Maori-kun, I like you, but the two of us are destined not to be together."

"Besides this place, except here with my mother and my brother's heroic soul, I don't have any home anymore!"

Seeing Princess Mira's eyes turning red from crying, and the loneliness in those eyes, Kogoro Mori's heart trembled.

He lowered his head and looked at Princess Mira with tenderness in his eyes: "Mira, who said you have no home? Who said we can't be together anymore."

His voice was warm and firm: "As long as you want, I am your family."

"One day with me, I will always be your home!"

"Don't cry, I will feel bad if you continue to cry."

"And crying like this will make the murderer who killed your mother and brother happier?"

Hearing this, Princess Mira's eyes widened, and she quickly asked: "Mr. Maori, what are you talking about? Some people killed my mother and elder brother. Isn't their death an accident?"

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Princess Mila finally stopped crying, and hatred flashed in his eyes.

It's the same negative emotion, but sadness is more harmful to the body. Convert the sadness into hatred, and then vent it to the target. With a target, the emotion will naturally return to normal when it is vented.

"Well, I have carefully read the case mentioned in the news and found that there are many doubts in it. Especially when I came to the scene of the crime today, I feel that there are many things that are not right."

"First of all, this cherry blossom tree was planted by your mother herself. It has been more than [-] years now. Your mother must like this cherry blossom tree very much, so she can take care of the surroundings so well without any weeds."

Princess Mira nodded: "Well, whenever my mother encounters something unhappy, she will be alone under the cherry blossom tree. When I was young, my brother and I would come here to play from time to time."

Mori Kogoro continued: "Then it's strange, if this cherry blossom tree is so important, how could your brother shoot at this cherry blossom tree!"

"If your brother and you played here when you were young, since it is such an important place, it is absolutely impossible for your brother to shoot."

"And they've already gone out to hunt. Besides the shotgun, why did they bring a pistol? It's just unnecessary."

"Besides, I also found something strange."

Mori Kogoro let go of Princess Mira's body, turned around and squatted down, and picked up a withered cherry blossom branch.

Chapter 0034 the arrested Fujiko

The broken part of the cherry blossom branch was charred black, apparently shot down by a bullet.

As for the royal hunting grounds, except those of the royal family, no one else can enter.

In other words, this cherry blossom branch was shot and broken during the last hunting.

And shooting at the cherry blossom tree must be the bullet that hit Queen Sacra's heart, and the bullet happened to hit the cherry blossom branch during the flight.

From this, based on the position where the queen fell and the broken branch on the cherry tree, the two points can be connected to deduce the real shooting direction of the bullet.

Comparing it with the location of Prince Jill, we can know whether Prince Jill killed Queen Sacra by mistake.

However, this requires the photos taken at the scene during the investigation, and no conclusion can be drawn at this moment.

Queen Sacra died strangely, and Prince Gil committed suicide extremely strangely.

Even if Prince Jill really killed his mother by mistake, he committed this unforgivable crime.

But as a prince, with the entire kingdom on his shoulders, how could he end his life so lightly.



After listening to Mori Kogoro's analysis, Princess Mira frowned, and she already had a suspect in her heart.

A total of three people entered the hunting ground at that time, except for Prince Gil and Queen Sacra, the rest was Prince Gerald.

Prince Gerald was also the only witness to the tragedy, and his words are the only testimony of the whole incident.

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