After this incident, Earl Keith hurriedly walked back to protect Princess Mira, and a group of guards quickly surrounded her.

And a monkey face protruded from under the table at the side, it was Lupine who sneaked into the palace disguised as a guard.

He and Jigen Daisuke gently lifted the tablecloth and watched the scene in the field.

Lupine looked anxious: "What should I do? The old uncle is also here, Fuji has been arrested."

"Cold salad, the old man is so powerful, the three of us were all cleaned up by him before, if you want me to say, just leave this woman alone, every time I see her, there is no good fruit to eat."

Lupine shook his head, he was about to go out.

But at this moment, the situation in the field changed suddenly, a warm big hand grabbed Mine Fujiko's arm and pulled him back.

With a shout: "Who allowed you to touch the person I brought?"

Chapter 0035 why so hard

Mori Kogoro pulled Mine Fujiko back with one hand, put his arms around his plump waist, then grabbed the rope in the handcuffs with his big hand, and wrestled with Qian Xingxing.

Don't look at Qian Xingxing's ugly appearance, but he has an open physique. In the original book, he was stabbed by Conan's anesthesia needle and woke up within a few seconds.

He was very confident in his own strength, grasping the rope with both hands, and began to exert strength.

The strength of the two continued to climb, and the cowhide rope in their hands was continuously stretched, and finally stretched until it was as tight as a steel wire, making a tooth-piercing sound.

Koichi Qiangata's horse face was flushed red, and his legs kept stepping on the ground vigorously, leaving a shallow mark on the marble floor.

And Mori Kogoro still looked at ease, but he couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

The strength of this Qiangata Xingichi is also too great, and he can fight with his own [-]% strength.

Sure enough, all the characters in Lupine the Third are really badass.

Not to mention Lupine with an IQ of [-], Daisuke Jigen, the sharpshooter who hits every shot, and Ishikawa Goemon, who can't cut anything, all of them are not as strong as human beings.

Among them, Fujiko Mine is more normal!

Mori Kogoro exerted his strength suddenly, and Qian Xingxing thought something wrong, so he let go quickly, but a blood mark was still stabbed on the palm of his hand.

His body lost his balance in an instant, and he fell like a dog eating shit.

As for the cowhide rope, it hit the wall heavily, drawing a deep white mark directly on the stone wall, and the stone powder fell down in a rustling sound.

Everyone couldn't help marveling at such a heaven-defying power, and couldn't help opening their mouths.

This power, where can humans emit it!

"That's enough!" Fujiko Mine looked at Kogoro Mori in amazement, his eyes sparkling.

She thought she was going to be captured by Qian Xingxing, but she didn't expect that it was this big detective who kept getting angry along the way and came forward to save her.

Well, for the sake of your conscience, I will punish you less later!

Qian Xingxing, who was humiliated in front of everyone, quickly got up and pulled his felt hat away to cover his horse face.

"Who are you? Why are you helping this woman? She's Lupine's associate!"

Mori Kogoro reached out and tore off the handcuffs in Mine Fujiko's hand, and threw them on the ground, causing everyone present to twitch their brows.

What kind of strength is this, breaking the iron handcuffs, is it still human?

"Officer Qiangata, I'm Kogoro Mori, a detective."

"I don't know if Mine Fujiko is Lupine's accomplice, but she came back from Japan with me, so she can be considered my friend."

"Officer Qian Xing wants to do something to my friend without saying a word, it's too condescending for me!"

His martial arts momentum erupted, and the whole palace seemed to be blown up by a gust of wind, and everyone couldn't help taking a step back.

Princess Mira looked at the imposing Kogoro Mori, her eyes flashed with fascination, and the little loli was even more proud.

And Koichi Qiangata's eyes became serious: "Oh, I remembered, you are the famous domestic detective Mori Kogoro, but why did you get mixed up with Mine Fujiko?"

"She's an international thief, a female snitch!"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "So what?"

"It seems that you are determined to protect her, let's see if you have the ability!"

While saying this, Qian Xingxing slowly took off the khaki military coat on his body, his muscles tensed continuously.

The strength of this middle-aged uncle is stronger than that of Lupine, Jigen Daisuke, and Ishikawa Goemon combined.

There is no one in the world with one-handed grappling skills. He once took down all three members of the Lupine Group with one hand.

Although Kengata Koichi had just lost to Mori Kogoro in wrestling, he was still confident that he could win Mori Kogoro with his grappling technique.

Mine Fujiko also knew Qiangata's ability, and quickly reminded: "Detective Maori, Police Officer Qiangata's capture skills are very powerful, you must be careful!"

The little loli on the side couldn't help but glanced at her mouth: "Shut up, this old guy is definitely no match for Maori detective."

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Princess Mira couldn't help but frowned, and hurriedly shouted: "Hey, you made a mistake, how could this long-legged sister be a thief? I said who are you, stop it. Otherwise, I will let the guards catch you!"

But Prince Gerald dissuaded him: "Princess Mira, this money-shaped police officer is the Interpol who specializes in hunting down Lupine III. You can't make a mistake. There may be problems among the people you brought."

"Listen to uncle, don't interfere!"

Prince Gerald wished that the scene would be more chaotic, which would be more beneficial to him.

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