Then he moved his fair legs and ran out of the room.

Mori Kogoro calmed down, and then continued to investigate the case.

Not long after, Mori Kogoro saw some white powder on the table next to the fireplace.

He touched some with his hand and smelled it, and it smelled like gunpowder and saltpeter.

Later, Kogoro Mori found several bullet casings in the fireplace, and wearing gloves, he collected all the burnt bullet casings, and the key evidence has been found.

Finding evidence and exposing Prince Gerald's murder method is actually to explain to his own people after Mira ascends the throne in the future.

In fact, in the end of a political struggle, it all depends on who has the bigger wrist, and history is naturally written by whoever wins.

Prince Gerald is still plotting some conspiracies, but Mori Kogoro is not worried at all. With absolute power, all conspiracies and schemes are paper tigers.


After the case was investigated, Mori Kogoro turned around and left the queen's bedroom. When he passed by Princess Mira's bedroom, he glanced at the three daughters in it.

The bedroom was peaceful and peaceful, the three women lived in peace, and there was no major disturbance.

Then Mori Kogoro walked towards the secret room where the queen's crown was stored.

The whole body of the secret room where the crown is stored is made of high-hardness metal, and there are guards outside the secret room, three rounds a day, to ensure [-]-hour guarding.

As soon as Mori Kogoro came to this secret room, he saw Koichi Zenigata wrapped up like a mummy.

As soon as he saw Mori Kogoro, his body couldn't stop shaking, and he couldn't help taking a few steps back, his eyes were full of fear.

He had just been hit with dozens of hammers, and his brain was still buzzing.

However, Qian Xingxing was worthy of his physique, so he woke up not long after, and now he has recovered his ability to move.

As soon as Qian Xingxing didn't go to the hospital, he still persisted outside the secret room, wanting to catch Lu Bang wholeheartedly.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Officer Qiangata, why are you retreating so far? I don't eat people."

It doesn't eat people, but it's no different from a humanoid tyrannosaurus!

Qian Xingxing didn't want to be hit into the wall again.

"Detective Maori, if you help that female thief, she will betray you sooner or later. I have hunted them down for so long, but I know what they are like."

"Yeah!" Mori Kogoro raised his brows, and Kengata Koichi took a big step back like an electric shock, with his hands in front of his body, his movements were clumsy like a mummy, which looked quite funny.

"Betrayal, maybe! But Police Officer Qian Xing, you should go to rest, Earl Keith has given me full responsibility for this matter."

"Leave Lupine III to me, and I'll catch him with my own hands."

Mori Kogoro waved his hand, and the guard guarding the secret room stretched out his hand to ask Qian Xingxing to go out.

Qian Xingxing kept his eyes fixed, but didn't say much, and soon he disappeared from Mori Kogoro's sight.

And Mori Kogoro ordered the left and right guards to open the door of the secret room, he went into the secret room, did some tricks and then came out.

The next step is to wait for the fish to bite the bait.

Mori Kogoro inspected the entire secret room, then turned and left.

But as soon as he walked out of the secret room, he collided with Fujiko Mine, and his soft body was full of elasticity.

But Fujiko saw panic in Moori Kogoro's eyes.

Seeing his expression, Mori Kogoro muttered in his heart: This guy probably wants to steal the crown!

He grabbed Fujiko Mine's arm and asked, "Fujiko, what are you doing here?"

Fujiko smiled and said, "What else can I do, of course I'm here to find you."

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly: "No, how do you know I'm here? I just walked all the way, but no one saw me."

"Could it be true that Qian Xing was right, you guys don't want to steal the crown!"

Buerzi repeatedly called out for injustice: "What's the matter, Kogoro, why do you doubt me again? Just now you did such an exorbitant thing to someone, and now you turn your face and deny him?"

This clumsy acting skill and guilty expression naturally couldn't be hidden from Kogoro Mori's eyes.

This woman really wanted to steal the crown!

Mori Kogoro crossed his arms and watched Fujiko perform to his heart's content.

In the end, Fujiko also felt a little embarrassed, so he stopped and pouted.

"Come! Come! I won't steal."

Chapter 0042

"They don't really want to steal the crown, Princess Mira is so pitiful, how could I have the heart to let her not be the queen!"

Mine Fujiko's voice was delicate, his watery eyes blinked, and other men would have been fascinated by it long ago.

Mori Kogoro was unmoved at all: "So you plan to come out of jail and steal yourself, and then make a big blow to that Earl of Keith, right?"

"Oh, Xiao Wulang, why are you so smart, you guessed it right again."

"Why don't the two of us work together? Earl Keith is the chief culprit who kidnapped your daughter here. Letting him bleed is not an exaggeration! Kogoro, can you help me?"

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