Lu Bang laughed a few times: "Say this again, come and save me quickly, if I fall into the hands of that little boy, I will die."

Daisuke Jigen sighed heavily, turned his face to a man sitting on the tail of the fighter jet and said, "Teacher, it's your turn to play."

The man had long black hair, was wearing a swordsman uniform, and was holding an iron sword in his arms. It was Ishikawa Goemon.

Sitting outside the fighter jet, his expression remained unchanged, he nodded and replied: "Understood!"

Daisuke Jigen pushed the accelerator switch, and the fighter jet jetted out gas instantly and flew towards the palace.

And on the observatory of the palace, the mummy-like Koichi Zenigata was holding a telescope and watching the fighter jets flying over the sky, with a smile on his face.

He looked at the palace that was completely sealed off after the siren sounded, and said with a smile: "I knew you would go out of the sky, wait for me to shoot down this plane, and then try to catch a turtle in a urn, and see how you can escape, Lupine !"

Chapter 0043 super drugged

Daisuke Jigen quickly determined the location of the hidden treasure room. He drove a fighter jet to approach the roof at a high speed, and shouted: "Teacher!"

Ishikawa Goemon, who was on the tail wing, opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed. He jumped off the fighter plane directly, holding the Zantie sword with both hands, and drew the sword with his left hand.

An extremely fierce sword energy shot out from the sword body, penetrating and falling like a rainbow setting sun, and the eaves were almost like dirt in front of Zhan Tiejian.

Boom! ! !

Mori Kogoro, who was holding Mine Fujiko, only heard a loud noise, and a hole was cut out of the roof of the palace, and a man in a kimono appeared in front of him.

Ishikawa Goemon, on the other hand, didn't notice the existence of Mori Kogoro and Mine Fujiko at all, and he drew his sword against the floor again.

Another sharp sword qi shot out, and a hole appeared in the floor again.

Ishikawa Goemon jumped down, and he could vaguely hear him say: "I cut off unnecessary things again! Uhhhhhhh!"

Ishikawa Goemon, who jumped into the hidden treasure room, stepped on the electrified floor, and was directly shocked inside and out, and the secret room below was jumping around.

And Mori Kogoro showed a smile on his face, he took his hands back from the pair of soft big babies, and said, "It's time to get down to business!"

Outside the palace, the fighter plane was suspended above the hole, and a rope was lowered.

Ishikawa Goemon and Lupine grabbed the rope, and the rope automatically pulled them up, and they were hoisted from the treasure chamber.

Not long after, the two came to Mori Kogoro and Mine Fujiko.

Mori Kogoro sat on the seat with his arms around Mine Fujiko's tender body, and waved to the two: "Hi, Lupine, we finally meet!"

"This is Mr. Ishikawa, he really deserves to be a master of sword-style karate, the way of swordsmanship is really good."

"This iron-slashing sword is really the same as the rumors. There is nothing that cannot be cut off. Today it really opened my eyes."

The two jumped off the rope and stood in front of Kogoro Mori.

Ishikawa Goemon's bitter face was expressionless, but his pupils shrank a few times when he saw the woman he liked in the past now in the arms of Mori Kogoro.

But Lupine seemed very excited: "You bastard, let me go quickly."

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said, "It's ridiculous, it was you who suddenly appeared and interrupted the intimacy between me and Fujiko, and now you want us to separate, what's the reason for that!"

"Otherwise, Lu Bang, you can ask Fujiko yourself. If she is willing to go with you, I will never stop her!"

Fujiko Mine gave Mori Kogoro a blank look, and it was impossible for her to leave when she was entrusted with the task.

Fuji Fuji put his hands together and said to Lu Bang, his voice was still delicate: "I'm sorry, Lu Bang, I still have some things to do here, so I can only follow Detective Maori."

Hearing this, Lupine felt depressed again.

He saw that Mine Fujiko was still lying on Mori Kogoro and refused to get up. When he flipped his hands over, several throwing knives appeared.

Lupine's eyes flashed coldly, and the throwing knife faintly locked on Kogoro Mori, and Lupine coldly shouted: "Let go of Fujiko!"

Mine Fuji's face changed slightly, and he said, "Lu Bang, what are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly. He reached out and patted Fujiko Mine's big buttocks, and said, "Fujiko, get out of the way. The next one is for men."

This move was like adding fuel to the fire, and Lupine's eyes once again became a little angry.

After Fuerzi got up, there was a bit of worry on his face, he was quite worried about Kogoro Mori.

After all, Ishikawa Goemon appeared. Ishikawa with the Iron Sword and Ishikawa without the Iron Sword are completely different!

Police officer Qiangata took down Lupine, Jigen, and Ishikawa alone before. It was because Officer Qiangata's grappling skills were excellent, but Ishikawa didn't bring his own sword, and Jigen Daisuke's pistol was out of bullets.

In the Lupine Group, the non-human Ishikawa is undoubtedly the strongest, and the Iron Sword claims that there is nothing that cannot be cut.

Whether it is boulders, tanks, airplanes, missiles, or even intangible objects such as lightning, the iron sword can cut through them.

Mine Fujiko couldn't figure out how Mori Kogoro could resist the slash of Zhantiejian.

At this moment, there was a loud bang outside the palace, like the sound of heavy objects falling on the top of the eaves.

After shaking for a while, a middle-aged man in a black suit fell from the hole in the roof, it was Daisuke Jigen!

Ishikawa Goemon reached out and grabbed Daisuke Jigen, so he didn't fall into the hidden treasure room below.



On the watchtower, Qian Xingxing laughed wantonly while holding a bazooka.

"Hit! Hit! Lupine, you can't escape this time!"

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