The bullets fired from the Golden Desert Eagle actually started to change lanes in mid-air,

Jigen Daisuke couldn't react at all, and the bullet sent the Smith pistol in his hand flying.

Jigen Daisuke looked at his empty hands, couldn't help but lost his mind for a while, and finally said sadly: "I lost!"

After saying this, Jigen Daisuke slumped on the ground weakly, with a dejected expression on his face, as if all the energy and energy in his body had been sucked away.



At this time, Ishikawa Goemon, who was watching the battle, stood up and said, "If you want to use your final shooting skills, then I'll just admit defeat."

Ishikawa Goemon, who has dynamic vision, saw the scene just now clearly.

The bullet suddenly changed course in the void, and only then did it hit Daisuke Jigen's pistol.

This kind of bullet with a sudden change in trajectory, even if it is as strong as Ishikawa, it is impossible to cut it with the Iron Sword.

After all, he didn't know when the bullet would change course, and he couldn't pinpoint the position. Even if the Iron Slashing Sword cut the iron like mud, it would be useless.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and threw the Desert Eagle in his hand to Fujiko, and then walked forward while loosening his muscles and bones.

"I'm just about to learn Mr. Ishikawa's brilliant sword-style karate skills!"

Fujiko Mine was about to dissuade him, but was surprised to find that Mouri Kogoro's momentum was constantly rising, and suddenly his beautiful eyes were full of strange colors.

This guy really knows everything!

Seeing Mori Kogoro abandoning his pistol and going on the stage shirtless, Ishikawa Goemon had a look of appreciation in his eyes.

He changed his mind and decided to just cut off Kogoro Mori's suit jacket. Originally, he planned to let Kogoro Mori run back naked.

With Ishikawa Goemon's kendo level, it is easy to do such a thing, but he once carved ice cubes into diamonds with an iron sword.

When Mori Kogoro kicked his right leg, a footprint appeared on the floor, and his body shot past like an arrow from the string, rushing towards Ishikawa.

Ishikawa, who was wearing a kimono, reacted without delay. When he stepped on the wooden clogs, he stood up straight from the ground, showing his amazing jumping ability.

Like a ninja, he stepped on the wall and jumped to the ceiling, completely ignoring gravity, and ran a few steps on the ceiling.

Then he shouted violently, kicked his legs, and fell from the ceiling at top speed!

"Secretist Steel Iron Slash!"

An extremely sharp sword qi swung out from this iron-slashing sword.

Mori Kogoro's whole body flashed with golden light, he put his palms together, and [Superior Body] was displayed.

He clamped the iron-cutting sword with his fleshy palm, and staged a scene of grabbing the white blade with his bare hands!

Fujiko couldn't help exclaiming: "You're lying!"

There are too many facts that surprised her today!

And the eyeballs of Ishikawa Goemon, who was flying in the air, almost popped out.

It was the first time in his life that Zhantiejian was held by someone empty-handed.

Mori Kogoro ignored Ishikawa Goemon who was in a daze, and directly kicked high, hitting Ishikawa Goemon's abdomen.

Under the strange force, Ishikawa Goemon flew upside down and hit the ceiling heavily.

Then the body was inlaid on it, and then Shi Chuan's eyes turned white, and he passed out.

Seeing this, Daisuke Jigen's expression changed drastically, and he immediately rushed forward to attack Kogoro Mori, but Kogoro Mori whipped him unconscious.

So far, all three members of the Lupine Group have been subdued by Mori Kogoro!

Mori Kogoro smacked his mouth, feeling dull.

Sure enough, no one in this world needs him to fight with all his strength. Even the gangsters in the three Lupine Groups are not his enemies at all.

Kogoro Mori came to Fujiko Mine, looked at Fujiko in a daze, and suddenly felt a little cute.

He reached out and took back the Desert Eagle in Fujiko's hand, then bent his head and kissed Fujiko's red lips, which was extremely soft.

Then he walked out of the room with Fujiko in his arms, and as soon as the two walked out of the door, they bumped into Qian Xingxing who came in a hurry.

Mori Kogoro said, "The three guys inside will be handed over to you, Police Officer Zenigata!"

Qian Xingxing poked his head to look, and his face suddenly showed a ghostly expression. The three Lupines who he tried so hard to catch but couldn't catch all fell down in the room.

Chapter 0045 The Attacking 'Mira'

The room was riddled with holes, and the sound of the fierce gun battle just now came from here.

Both Lupine and Jigen Daisuke fell unconscious on the ground. Among them, Ishikawa Goemon was the most tragic. His buttocks were directly embedded in the ceiling, and the Zhantie sword was scattered on the ground.

When Qiangata saw the tragic state of Ishikawa Goemon, he immediately recalled what happened to him in the afternoon, and shivered all over his body.

But soon he shook his head, rubbed his hands and stepped forward with a sinister smile: "Lupine, Lupine, I finally caught you."

After Kogoro Mouri walked a few steps, he met Xiaolan, Huiyuan, Princess Mira, and a group of guards who came following the gunshots.

As soon as the three girls came to Kogoro Mori, they pushed Fujiko Mine away, and they all looked concerned to see if Kogoro Mori was injured.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, I've subdued Lupine and the others, and now Police Officer Zenigata is cleaning up."

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