Mori Kogoro glanced at Xiaolan, this girl dared to laugh at Dad, just wait!

He cast a healing spell on himself, recovered instantly, and walked to the princess bedroom next door.

As soon as Mori Kogoro walked out, Xiaolan fell down on the sleeping place of Mori Kogoro, rolled happily, and said happily, "This is Daddy's smell, it smells so good!"

Huiyuan couldn't help but complain: "A pervert who is controlled by the father."

But Xiaolan was not angry at all, she still had a bright smile on her face, she stretched out her hand and pulled little loli into her arms, and said with a happy smile, "Yes, Xiaoai, I really like daddy!"

Then she whispered to Xiao Ai, "One day I will marry Dad and be Dad's bride!"

After Xiaolan said this, she laughed, her eyes still glowing.

And Huiyuan's ice-blue eyes kept shrinking, with a face full of disbelief: She, she, she actually admitted it!

Oh my god!Could it be that his competitors would add Xiaolan?

Hui Yuan suddenly felt that the whole person was not well!



As soon as Mori Kogoro came to the princess bedroom next door, he was led to the dressing table by the maid.

Princess Mira is sitting in front of the dressing table, and the maid is putting on makeup for her. It has come to an end, and Princess Mira looks extraordinarily graceful and luxurious.

As soon as she saw Mori Kogoro, her eyes lit up with joy.

And Mori Kogoro frowned slightly looking at the slightly devastated bedroom.

A large piece of the carpet had been cut, the sheets were scattered, and even the veils on the bed were gone.

Princess Mira said: "Mr. Mao Li, Xiao Lan has already told me everything."

"Last night, you fought off the assassins. It was really hard work. I didn't expect the assassins to be so rampant that they even sneaked into the palace."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and quickly replied: "It's nothing, it's what we should do."

Princess Mira continued: "Actually, Xiao Lan said that she has practiced karate and slept with me to ensure my safety. I still don't believe it!"

"But now I believe it. Her hand knife is very powerful, which made me unconscious for so long."

Princess Mira laughed lightly, but Mori Kogoro couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't expect Xiaolan to subdue Princess Mira like this.

However, Princess Mira suppressed her smile: "Maori-san, have you found out the truth about my mother and brother?"

"Well, it's been found out that it was Prince Gerald who did it."

"Sure enough, it's him. In fact, I also have a vague premonition."

Princess Mira closed her eyes in disappointment.

"If you say that, Prince Gerald will definitely take action before I take the throne."

Mori Kogoro said: "Princess, don't worry, everything is by me."

"And me too!"

At this time, Mine Fujiko walked in from the door and glanced at Mori Kogoro: "Kogoro, I haven't seen you for a long time, why do you look so bad?"

"It's just that I didn't sleep much last night, it's nothing serious!"

Fujiko Mine continued: "I've already checked, and there is nothing wrong with the Kingdom Square where the enthronement is located."

"Prince Gerrard is most likely to act during the Queen's parade and arrange snipers on tall buildings near the street. This is the easiest way."

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "No, in my opinion, Gerald doesn't want us to leave this palace at all!"

"He will attack in this palace!"

As soon as the words fell, Earl Keith rushed into the bedroom quickly, and said in a panic: "Princess Mira, Prince Gerald led the troops to surround the palace!"

Chapter 0049 Stupid Woman

Earl Keith's face was extremely ugly: "This is too bad, Prince Gerald has the support of the military."

Hearing this, everyone frowned, except Kogoro Mori's face remained unchanged, as if he had expected it.

Princess Mira pushed the maid away, her delicate little face was covered with frost, she said: "Let's go, I want to see what tricks my Uncle Wang wants to play!"

After saying this, Princess Mila dragged her skirt and walked outside the palace, and the rest followed.

But Mori Kogoro caught a glimpse of Fujiko Mine sitting in front of the dressing table instead, so he patted her on the shoulder and said, "Fujiko, you want to pretend to be Prince Gerald, right?"

There was surprise in Mine Fujiko's eyes: "Xiao Wulang, you are really a roundworm in my stomach! Why did you guess everything?"

"It can't be helped. If you don't work harder, Princess Mira is dead, and you don't know who to get the commission fee from."

Kogoro Moori pulled Mine Fujiko up, and said, "You don't need to appear now, let's go, let's go out to watch a play!"

Hearing such relaxed words of Mori Kogoro, Mine Fujiko felt at ease inexplicably, and followed Mori Kogoro to the outside of the palace.

Xiaolan and Huiyuan also followed when they heard the movement, Xiaolan immediately crawled to Mouri Kogoro's side, put his arms around his arm and walked forward.

Fujiko Mine who was pushed away couldn't help muttering: "Xiao Goro, you and your daughter have such a good relationship!"

"That's natural!" Mori Kogoro chuckled.

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