The big eyes full of girlish tenderness were foggy, staring closely at the sweetheart who was kissing her in front of her, her heart trembled slightly.

Mori Kogoro lay on his side beside Qingzi, grabbed Qingzi's jade feet with his fiery right hand, gently swayed his ankle with his thumb, scratched the sole of his little foot with his index finger, Qingzi's whole body trembled uncontrollably, it was really interesting.

And his left hand passed around the back of Qingzi's neck, climbing extremely nimbly to a soft place that can be grasped.

Qingzi's breath became more and more rapid, and her beautiful eyes became more blurred.

But as soon as she saw Nakamori Ginzo next to her, she regained consciousness and couldn't help but want to struggle, wanting to break free from Mouri Kogoro's fiery embrace.

But under the coercion of Mori Kogoro's strange power, all this was in vain.

Mori Kogoro's eyes were deep and gentle, and his words were firm and undeniable: "Qingzi, you also know your father's drinking capacity, it is impossible for him to wake up, trust uncle!"

Qingzi regained a trace of clarity in his eyes, and quickly said: "Uncle, don't stay here, let's go back to the room."

"Father is here, it's too embarrassing, uncle, let's go back to the room, I will do whatever you want when we go back to the room."

Although Aoko begged bitterly, Mori Kogoro did not intend to change his mind, instead he had an evil smile on his face.

"Qingzi, Uncle wants to give you a memory that you will never forget!"

He leaned over to Qingzi's ear, and said in a low voice, "Let's really be together with uncle under the witness of your father!"

Hearing this, Qingzi's pupils kept shrinking!

And Mori Kogoro launched the real offensive, and at this moment he was extremely tough.

The soft Qingzi could only succumb to his will, and finally cooperated obediently.

Tear it!

The light green dress was damaged, and not long after, there was a sound of sobbing, and a stirring movement was played one after another in Nakamori Ginzo's home.

And Yinsan Nakamori, who was lying on the table, didn't notice it at all!

In the Maori Detective Agency, Sonoko and the five children of the Detective Boys are watching TV and eating fruit.

Yuanzi couldn't help but pouted and said, "Why is this happening? Today I deliberately got up so early and came here, but I couldn't see my uncle. It's too bad luck."

Ayumi on the sofa said, "Sister Sonoko, do you like Uncle Mori too?"

Sonoko laughed immediately, and said in a low voice, "Of course, uncle is so handsome, and he staged an aerial battle last night, he is even more handsome than Tom Cruise. Sister, of course I like uncle."

"Let me tell you, Ayumi, I'm going to be Mrs. Mori's woman in the future, wow ha ha ha ha ha!"

Yuanzi pretended to whisper what everyone present heard, and all the little white eyes rolled to the sky.

Conan complained in his heart: This nympho has started daydreaming again.

Just as Yuanzi was falling into fantasy, a fist of justice from heaven hit his head, and Yuanzi's head instantly bulged with a big red envelope.

Xiaolan appeared with a cake and smiled, her eyes were cold, and she said softly, "Yuanzi, what were you talking about just now?"

Yuanzi has been very experienced in this situation.

I don't know why Xiaolan's father-protecting attributes suddenly increased after returning to China, and Yuanzi no longer dared to die in front of her.

So she rubbed her head and confessed very skillfully: "I didn't say anything just now! I just want to know how early uncle left the house. I couldn't find him when I came here so early!"

Xiaolan licked her tongue, recalling the scene of her father running away in the morning, the smile on her face became more obvious.

"Dad, he said that there were police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department asking him for help, and he went out after breakfast, which seems to be related to Lupine III last night."

"But Yuanzi, why are you looking for my father?" Xiaolan's eyes flashed cold again.

Yuanzi laughed dryly, turned his head, and quickly said, "I'm here to send my uncle the entrustment fee for guarding the [Blue Miracle] last night."

"Xiao Lan, you don't know. Uncle woke up this morning and saw that all the news headlines belonged to Uncle Mao Li. He was so angry that he almost refused to pay the commission fee. It was so ridiculous."

"Uncle, he always grabs the headlines of the news, but he was knocked unconscious after such a big battle last night. He didn't catch up with anything, and he didn't get anything. It's really pitiful."

Hearing Yuanzi's gags, Xiaolan let her go, turned her head to look at the children, and said softly, "Children, let's eat cake!"

But all the boys in the Detective Boys paid no attention to Xiaolan, except for Huiyuan who was reading a magazine, the rest of them were staring at the TV.

Hearts appeared in Yuantai and Guangyan's eyes, and the two young ones spoke again and again.

"You saw it too."

"Yes, I saw it."

"Super beautiful big sister!"

The two little ghosts were naturally talking about the female manager who appeared on TV——Claudia, an Italian woman with short blonde hair, was Emilion's manager.

Emilion, as a super popular idol from Italy, this time he came to Japan to hold a concert, which is also very exciting, and the popularity is only lower than that of Kogoro Mori's gem competition last night.

And Conan stared at the picture on the TV with both eyes, feeling extremely surprised.

Just because he saw a bearded man in a black suit on the TV screen, it was Daisuke Jigen who flew the helicopter last night.

The few people from the Lupine Group just ran into a wall last night, and they reappeared today, so they must have ulterior motives.

Fighting spirit burst into Conan's eyes, and he was determined to avenge Lupine's sneak attack last night.

And Yuanzi glanced at the picture on the TV, and smiled lightly at the children: "As expected, they are all friends of Conan, a lecherous little devil, and they are all fascinated when they see beauties."

"Do you want to see this beautiful big sister? I have a way!"

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