"Fuji, didn't you just say go back to get the weapon? Why did you bring Xiao Ai?"

"It's too dangerous, Xiao Ai, how can you mess around with her?"

The little loli Huiyuan lowered her head and twirled her fingers, pretending to be being scolded honestly.

Fujiko couldn't help complaining in his heart: It's a black little devil's head, if I didn't threaten me with nude photos, I wouldn't have brought her here.

But Fujiko still opened his mouth and said: "Xiao Goro, Hui Yuan is a very smart girl, she will definitely do no harm."

Mori Kogoro sighed helplessly, squatted down and looked into the little Lolita's icy blue eyes: "I really can't do anything about you, Xiao Ai, I must follow uncle closely later, be obedient, and uncle will protect you."

Huiyuan nodded, and then smiled lightly, with big eyes smiling like crescent moons, really cute.

Mori Kogoro reached out and touched Hui Yuan's small head, and said in a low voice, "Someone is coming, be careful."

The door of the hangar opened, and several cars drove in, distributed on both sides.

Two groups of people got out of the car, one was the group of Jilamba who kidnapped Fujiko before, and the leader was Aaron Smith with blond hair and oily hair.

Another group of people is the organizer of the performance, Luciano, this guy's temperament here is completely different from before, with arrogance and arrogance, it is not a fun thing to see.

Seeing Aaron Smith appearing, Mine Fujiko couldn't help being a little excited, and couldn't help but touch the RPG rocket launcher beside him, feeling the urge to give this group of people a shot.

The two groups of people stood facing each other, and Luciano stepped forward and said, "This should be the first time we meet, Mr. Smith, I'm Luciano."

Aaron Smith said: "Let's talk about gossip later, let's make a deal first, what about what I want?"

Luciano clapped his palms, and a black-clothed man carefully pushed the cart forward.

The men in black opened the box on the cart, and there were several thick green test tubes inside.

"A small tube of the newly-made mutant sarin mother solution can support a medium-sized battle. There are eight tubes here, enough to turn your neighbors upside down."

"There are also prepared formulas, one electronic version and one paper version."

Aaron Smith's eyes lit up, and with a wave of his hand, one of his subordinates stepped forward, looked at the paper version of the formula, and began to verify the authenticity.

After a while, the subordinate nodded to Aaron Smith, and Aaron Smith chuckled lightly.

"As expected, you are the commander of the Gambino family, and you actually got it. This is the cherry sapphire you wanted."

The subordinates on the side came up with a box of cherry sapphires, the gems exuded a mysterious color.

Luciano's face changed suddenly: "Mr. Smith, are you kidding me? What do I want this stone for? Cash, what I want is cash."

"In this case, I won't trade anymore, put the box away."

Aaron Smith frowned, and he said, "Do you know someone named Kane?"

Luciano looked puzzled: "Who is Kane? I don't know."

Aaron Smith suddenly looked annoyed: "Damn it, we were calculated by someone, it was my mistake."

At this time, the power supply of the entire hangar was cut off, and it was dark inside.

The voice recorded by Kogoro Mouri sounded: "Bingo, you are indeed being plotted against. Kane is pretended by Jigen Daisuke in the Lupine Group, but don't worry, he is already in prison, but you are also Will be with him soon."

And his own speed exploded, turned into a gust of wind, rushed directly into the crowd, and took away the leather bag containing the biochemical agent on the cart.

This thing is not a joke, but it is made of biochemical mother liquid. If it is accidentally broken, everyone within a ten-mile radius will be poisoned.

The nearby gymnasium where the concert was held must not be spared, Xiaolan and Yuanzi are still inside.

Mori Kogoro took away the biochemical poison, and immediately shouted: "Fuji, let's do it!"

Fujiko directly raised the RPG rocket launcher and fired.

"Dare to provoke my old lady, go to hell!"

The grenade shot out from the bazooka and instantly hit the black Bentley behind Aaron Smith. The Bentley exploded immediately, sending everyone around flying.

A flash of joy flashed in Mine Fujiko's eyes, he dropped the bazooka, took out two submachine guns from his waist, and started shooting in the middle with both guns in his hands.

Aaron Smith and Luciano repeatedly directed the counterattack, and the bullets kept flying in the air.

However, Mine Fujiko's spear skills are really good, and the Buddhist spear skills can't bear to kill at all.

The rocket-propelled grenade blasted just now didn't kill half of the people, and the submachine gun fired for so long without a single person falling down. In the end, they were overwhelmed by the firepower and hid behind the pillar.

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro didn't let Haibara follow Fujiko, otherwise it would be bad luck.

The bullied Fujiko called out aggrievedly: "Kogoro, help me."

What else can I do, of course I will help!

Mori Kogoro took out the Desert Eagle from his arms, and instantly displayed his spear fighting technique. With his strong night vision, he began to shoot at everyone present.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Every gunshot sounded must be accompanied by a cry of pain, and then the sound of falling to the ground.

There were thirty-two people in total, and Mori Kogoro fired twenty-six bullets, and there were a few who killed two birds with one stone, killing two with one shot.

Luciano and Aaron Smith are no exception.

However, Mori Kogoro did not kill them. The precise shooting just made the group of people incapable of fighting. They can still be saved after being sent to the hospital.

When Mine Fujiko heard that there was no gunfire outside, he poked his head out and took a peek, relying on the faint light to see the situation clearly.

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