Hearing this, Conan trembled with fright, and burst into tears.

What's with this bewitching and provocative tone, Uncle Maori, please stop talking, please!

The mummy Lupine was trembling all over, his face twisted under the bandage, his fingertips lightly touched the trigger of the pistol, as if he really wanted to shoot.

Conan's face was terrified, his face was pale, and his head was stunned.

After a long time, Lupine sighed and removed the pistol from Conan's forehead.

He smiled wryly: "Sure enough, you are worthy of being the great detective Maori. You are really smart. You saw through my bluff."

"You are sure that I won't shoot children, so you keep provoking me like this. Well, you won this part, but we are not done yet!"

Lupine put Conan on the ground, and Conan breathed a sigh of relief: saved!

However, he glanced at Uncle Maori, and saw a look of pity flashing in his eyes, and he felt bad all of a sudden.

What are you doing!Do you really want me to sacrifice?

At this moment, a man's weak voice sounded: "Everyone listen to me!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Aaron Smith standing up, with the gun in his hand on the back of Mine Fujiko's head.

But Erzi had a wry smile on his face.

Aaron Smith covered the wound on his abdomen with one hand and said: "You are free to shoot me if you want, but even if my head is blown, I will still pull the trigger before I die."

"Please put down all the weapons in your hands." Aaron Smith's face turned ferocious in an instant, and he shouted: "Don't force me to shoot this woman!"

The sound of pinging, bang, bang, and abandoned weapons can be heard endlessly!

Conan, who was biting his underwear, turned his head to look at Kogoro Mori, he was looking forward to Kogoro Mori's reaction.

The phrase "A famous detective is not threatened by anyone!" was still echoing in his ears.

The two guns fell, and two pistols, one gold and one silver, danced on the ground.

Conan's expression froze for a moment, and then he couldn't help but want to spurt blood in his heart, and resentment appeared in his eyes!

If eyes can kill, Conan's eyes have already turned into daggers and stabbed at Kogoro Mouri.

Co-authoring is to be brave and strong to me, and to be responsive to others, so tired!

Aaron Smith said, "Detective Maori, please return the box to me."

Mori Kogoro could only push the box at his feet and slide to Aaron Smith.

"Also, now everyone enters the parking warehouse for me, hurry up!"

Everyone could only obediently walk into the warehouse.

Seeing that Aaron Smith was in control of the situation, Luciano, who was pretending to be dead, immediately got up and came to Aaron Smith's side: "Mr. Smith, we have agreed that we will pay with one hand and deliver with the other. You can't leave me behind!"

Aaron Smith saw that one or two of his subordinates were still able to move, so he nodded slightly: "You take the box, and I'll give you the money when you get on the plane."

Then he turned his head and said to the intercom: "Pilot, start the engine now, get ready to take off, don't worry about the air traffic control."

Finally, he told one of his men who was still able to move: "Go and drive Mr. Luciano's car over."

The group was ready to flee.

Chapter 0106 Short-legged loli riding Harley

The plane on the runway had begun taxiing, its cabin door opening to the ground.

Aaron Smith planned to drive into the cabin of the plane later, and then took off directly to escape. Naturally, no vehicles could be left behind.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Luciano pointed a gun at Fujiko and entered the car, while Aaron Smith outside kept shooting at Lupine's classic car.

Except for Luciano's car, all other vehicles were destroyed.

Everyone in the shutdown warehouse was frowning, only Conan Shiyu kept staring at Mori Kogoro, and he didn't even take off the Lupine underwear he was biting.

Aaron Smith got into the car after firing all the bullets, and the car, driven by his subordinates, sped towards the taxiing plane.

Lupine looked distressed: "My Mercedes!"

He turned his head and asked Kogoro Mori: "Hey, Detective Mori, where is your car?"

Mori Kogoro replied: "How could it be possible to drive here? We are lurking here because we are afraid of scaring the snake."

Lupine suddenly became anxious, and grabbed Kogoro Mori's skirt with both hands: "Then what should I do? Fujiko is still up there, and she will die if she is caught again this time."

Mori Kogoro directly grabbed Lupine's arm and threw him to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw.

Lupine lay on the ground grinning in pain, gasping for air.

"If it weren't for your sudden bad things, I would have dealt with these guys long ago."

"Fuji, I will save myself!"

As soon as the words were finished, there was a sound of engine roaring from the depths of the parking garage. Everyone turned their heads and saw the little loli Huiyuan rushing out on a Harley motorcycle.

"Uncle, get in the car."

This scene made everyone stunned.

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