You Xizi said: "Mr. Qianxiong was shot in the study, we are rushing there."

Hearing this, Teng Zhifan hurriedly followed, and soon the three of them came outside the study.

The study door was locked from the inside, and the three of them were blocked from the door, unable to enter at all.

At this moment, two gunshots came from the study, and the expressions of the three outside the door changed again.

The wooden door was so thick that it was impossible to get in without a key. Teng Zhifan tried several times but failed.

After a while, the old housekeeper Ueki Sohachi trotted over with a bunch of keys.

As soon as the door was opened, everyone saw the villa's male owner, Teng Zhiqianxiong, lying in a pool of blood.

Fei Yingli rushed in and made sure that Teng Zhiqianxiong was dead, so she came out and said, "From now on, no one is allowed to enter the scene of this crime except until the police arrive."

You Xizi outside the study felt a little guilty: "Eri, if we had found out the guy who threatened to kill him earlier, there would be no homicide now!"

Fei Yingli said in relief: "This is not what we expected. Who knew that the murderer would be so courageous. He would dare to kill someone even though we are here."

At this moment, a familiar male voice sounded.

"You two, what are you doing secretly accepting my commission? Something has happened now!"

Mori Kogoro in casual clothes came from the direction of the corridor.

Both Feiyingli and Youxizi had surprises on their faces, and they had a backbone in an instant.

You Xizi said, "Xiao Wulang, why are you here?"

"Tch, do you think you can hide it from me?"

"Really, you should fight. Is this the case you should touch? Don't you remember what I told you before, don't get involved in dangerous things."

"You brought Eri with you, and I'll teach you a lesson when I get back."

Yukiko stuck out her tongue, very cute.

The old housekeeper with a mustache, Ueki Caoba, and the bearded man, Teng Zhifan, looked stunned, and the two of them quickly realized it.

The old butler said, "You are Mori Kogoro, the famous detective, right?"

And Teng Zhifan laughed softly: "With you here, the murderer who killed brother-in-law will definitely be found."

Mori Kogoro said modestly, "Where! Where!"

He walked between the two women, and Yukiko put her arms around him rudely.

Fei Yingli took a look at this best friend, then stood beside Mori Kogoro and began to whisper about the situation of Teng Zhi's family.

After a while, Officer Megure and Officer Takagi and Officer Chiba appeared at Teng Zhi's house.

The Chiba police officer behind him saw Mori Kogoro, and muttered in a low voice: "It seems that today will be over soon again."

Mu Mu Shisan, the big fat man, also had joyful eyes, and his expression suddenly relaxed.

He did not hide his joy in greeting: "Brother Maoli, you are here too, Eri, and Yukiko, what kind of wind is blowing today, and why did it bring you two here."

Mu Mushisan turned to look at You Xizi: "Did Yuzuo come back to China with you?"

You Xizi replied with a light smile, "No, he's still in the country of America!"

Seeing the police coming, Tengzhi Suhua finally dared to come out of the room.

After exchanging greetings with Police Officer Megure, Mori Kogoro also entered the scene of the crime and began to investigate.

Chapter 0125 two women's bet

In the study room at the scene of the crime, except for the broken glass on the window, there is no other way to communicate with the outside world.

Presumably the murderer was standing in the courtyard, holding a pistol and shooting at Teng Zhizhixiong, and shot him dead.

Teng Zhiqianxiong who fell on the ground had a total of three gunshot wounds, and the fatal wound was the wound in the heart.

According to Yukiko, they watched Mitsuo Tengzhi fall with their own eyes in the monitoring room.

In the monitoring screen, Teng Zhiqianxiong was hit by the first bullet, but the study room was too far away from the monitoring room, and they didn't even hear the first gunshot.

They did hear the second and third gunshots at the door.

There was also a science fiction novel on the table of the deceased. The novel was covered up, and the bookmark was neatly sandwiched in the novel.

Looking at the corpse, Mori Kogoro frowned slightly.

The whites of the dead man's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his face was filled with a strange blush.

Mori Kogoro wrinkled his nose slightly, he smelled a strange smell.

It seems to be wine!

Soon Mori Kogoro figured out what it was.

Officer Mumu looked at the camera on the ceiling and said, "The deceased has received threatening letters under his pillow for several days, so let's install these cameras at home! Let's go to the monitoring room first, housekeeper, take those Bring the threatening letter, too."

Ueki Kuohachi, the old housekeeper with a mustache, led the way and said, "Because the master always thought it was a prank, so only a few monitors were installed. Except for the main rooms and corridors, the rest of the place was not installed."

"How do you know that such a thing will happen? Otherwise, I would persuade the master to install surveillance cameras in all places, so that the master will not be killed."

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