Ueki Kuoba, the old butler with a mustache, said: "Seeing the master collapsed, I ran to my room to get the key, and then rushed to open the door of the study."

And Tengzhi Suhua said: "I didn't have a mobile phone with me at the time, so I ran to my room to call the police and an ambulance, and stayed in the room since then."

Police officer Mu Mu rolled his eyes: "Your husband was shot dead, and you hid in the room by yourself, isn't it normal?"

Teng Zhi Suhua immediately defended loudly: "I'm afraid, the gunman might be nearby, that's why I stayed in the room, besides, when the sound of your police car sounds, wouldn't I come out?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Tengzhi Suhua with disdain, this woman is too selfish, she married Tengzhi Qianxiong entirely for the property of Tengzhi's family.

Seeing everyone's gazes like this, Teng Zhi Suhua quickly took Teng Zhifan's hand: "Fan, please explain to me, how could I harm my husband? In order to find out who wanted to harm him, I found someone I invited the most famous detective in Tokyo, if I really wanted to kill someone, how could I do such a stupid thing."

Seeing the intimate gesture of the gold-worshiping girl and Teng Zhifan, Mori Kogoro raised his brows. The relationship between the two seems to be a bit complicated.

And Teng Zhifan awkwardly broke away his brother-in-law's new wife's little hand, and then said: "Officer, I believe Madam will not kill someone."

Police officer Mumu hurriedly asked, "Then where were you when the crime happened?"

Teng Zhifan replied: "I was working in my room at the time. I am a writer of mystery novels and I am rushing to draft."

"But I ran out when I heard voices from outside, and then I met these two ladies and followed them to the door."

"At the door, I also heard two gunshots coming from the study, so it is completely impossible for me to kill someone."

Officer Megure turned his head to look at Kozo Doi, Kozo Doi said, "I've been working in the garden." Then he fell silent.

You Xizi said, "By the way, Mr. Doi's figure appeared on the surveillance screen at the time of the incident."

Hearing this, Police Officer Mu Mu quickly sent his men to confirm.

You Xizi turned her head quite proudly, but she saw that Fei Yingli had already started to ask the maid who hated Teng Zhiganxiong the most in the family.

Yukiko pursed her lips, and turned to look for Kogoro Mori, only to find that he was no longer in the living room.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro entered the suspect's room alone and began to search.

He already knew who the murderer was, but some people's reactions were not right, which made him feel that there seemed to be something hidden in this case, so he wanted to find some more evidence.

The rooms of these people were locked one by one, but Kogoro Mori was not troubled.

He let the Ant-Man robot go in along the crack of the door, and opened the door for himself from the inside.

The first thing he entered was the room of Teng Zhi Qianxiong and Teng Zhi Suhua. The bedroom decoration showed a luxurious style.

These two lucky people were originally low-class people from poor backgrounds. They changed their destiny through marriage and forcibly lived the lives of rich people.

One was a little hooligan who went to the eldest lady of Tengzhi's family, and the other was a table girl from Kabuki Town who went to this little hooligan, so these two people have a very low style.

With dozens of Ant-Man robots helping to find it, the room was turned upside down without any mess.

In the end, something was gained. Kogoro Mori took the picture book that the Ant-Man robot took out of the safe.

When you open it, it's so eye-catching!

This is a masterpiece by Teng Zhi Su Hua, which depicts Teng Zhi Fan's nude body.

What kind of trouble is this imitating Rousi and Jack?

Mori Kogoro shook his head helplessly, and covered the drawing book.

The two really had an adulterous relationship, and it was true when they thought about it. A twenty-six-year-old young wife marrying a fifty-eight-year-old old man must be dissatisfied with her desires.

And there are other men in the family, Teng Zhifan is only in his forties, and he is in his prime, so it is completely understandable for the two to hook up.

Knowing the relationship between the two, the allusion of Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian instantly appeared in Mori Kogoro's mind.

It is also possible that the two of them partnered to kill Tengzhi Mikuo.

But Mori Kogoro thought about it again, comparing Tengzhi Suhua to Pan Jinlian is too high of her.

Teng Zhi Suhua, a gold worshiper, is right in saying that if she really wanted to kill Teng Zhi Qianxiong, it would be impossible for her to invite herself here to investigate.

But it is possible that Teng Zhifan could become Ximen Qing.

Mori Kogoro put the painting book back to its original place, restored everything, and walked out of the master bedroom calmly, and walked to Teng Zhifan's room.

Teng Zhifan's room is not big, rather simple, the most conspicuous thing is the computer beside the bed, presumably it is his tool for writing mystery novels.

However, Kogoro Mori's Ant-Man robot searched the entire room over and over again, but did not find any useful information.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a writer of mystery novels, and he knows criminal investigation very well.

It is indeed a wise choice not to keep anything that is not good for you around you.

There was nothing in the room, and Kogoro Mori sat in front of the computer, displaying master-level hacking skills, and the entire computer was no longer a secret in his eyes.

Mori Kogoro, who was pressing the keyboard, gradually had a tricky smile on his lips.

After looking at Teng Zhifan's computer, Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, and after clearing his operation traces, he walked out of his room and walked towards the room of the remaining old housekeepers and the room of the gardener.

He already had a conclusion in his heart, and went to the room of the remaining two people, but he was just looking for evidence.

Everything in the end was not as he expected.

Chapter 0127

As soon as Mori Kogoro walked out of the room, he saw Yukiko coming up to him.

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