Live to see people, die to see corpses.

Although she felt that Mori Kogoro had little chance of surviving, she still had a ten-thousandth hope in her heart, what if?

While Mio was floating on the surface of the water and looking around blankly, a head floated up from the bottom of the water, it was Kogoro Mori who had finished displaying his domineering body, without any damage at all.

Mio immediately screamed, hugged Kogoro Mouri, groped his body with both hands, and dived into the water to see if Kogoro Moori was missing any arms or legs.

Until she was sure that Mori Kogoro was safe and sound, no one was injured.

She immediately surfaced and kissed Kogoro Mouri on the mouth, then hugged Kogoro Moori tightly, with an ecstatic expression on her face, talking incoherently.

"Great, senior, it's great that you're all right."

"Scared me to death, I thought you were going to abandon me!"

"You can't be a ghost, senior, are you really alive?"

"You can't push me away like this next time, no, there will be no next time!"

While talking, Mio raised her head again, and kissed Kogoro Moori's mouth fiercely again, his small mouth was so clumsy that it almost made Kogoro Moori bite to bleed.

The two were kissing in the pool, while the [-]-meter skyscraper outside fell in the direction of Mount Fuji.

"Boom!" Countless smoke and dust were rolled up on the flat ground like thunder.

All the refugees below felt the ground tremble three times, like an earthquake.

The water in the swimming pool on the roof of Building B was also shaken left and right, overflowing the pool.

Tokiwa Mio had just woken up, followed Mori Kogoro up from the pool, walked to the edge of the roof and looked at the smoke and dust rising from below.

Fortunately, there were no other buildings within a kilometer radius, and no one was wandering around at night. The people in this building A were all evacuated, and no casualties were caused after the fall, which is considered a blessing among misfortunes.

Mei Xu stared at the scene in front of her in a daze, the twin buildings in pairs actually collapsed like this.

Mori Kogoro hugged his junior sister's soft shoulders, kissed her on the cheek, and comforted him softly, "Don't be sad, Mio!"

"When a skyscraper is completed, you have realized your dream. If you still want to build the Twin Towers, when I return to Tokyo, the seniors will allocate funds to you, and I will help you rebuild."

Kogoro Mori spoke richly, Mio Tokiwa smiled, she naturally did not believe that Kogoro Mori was really rich enough to build skyscrapers.

However, she was still very happy to hear such words, and she turned into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Mio didn't feel that there was anything wet between the two of them, and rubbed Kogoro Mori's head attached.

And Kogoro Mori looked at the curtain on the top floor of the building that was blown away by the night wind, and there were really two super-large red characters of "Tokiwa" on the top of Building B.

He couldn't help secretly rejoicing in his heart, it's great!It's okay to fall!Otherwise, when it was unveiled, it would be seen by a few jealous jars of its own, and they didn't know what would happen.

The two snuggled together like this, watching the smoke and dust below gradually fall.

On the road from Nishitama City to Tokyo, the four girls sitting in the back seat all squinted at Kogoro Mori.

Yuanzi took the lead in attacking: "Uncle, why did you see you hugging the chairman tightly from the helicopter's surveillance screen?"

"Well, Mio escaped death, she was too emotional, I just comfort her!"

Ayumi continued: "And when we were leaving, that auntie still looked at uncle affectionately?"

"Hehehe, Ayumi, you are so young, do you understand the meaning of the word tenderness? You must have read it wrong!"

Huiyuan continued to fire: "Then why was she still hugging uncle tightly when you came downstairs just now?"

The back of Mori Kogoro's head was sweating profusely: "Mio is too timid, her legs are weak from fright, I can only hug her and evacuate urgently!"

Xiaolan pursed her mouth and said softly, "Father!"

Hearing his daughter's words, Mori Kogoro's back was instantly wet with sweat.

"Xiao Lan, don't get me wrong, Mio and I are pure classmates, old classmates! Haha! Haha!"

At least for now, she is still very pure, but Mio has already said that when she is done with the aftermath, she will go directly to Tokyo to find Kogoro Mori, and it remains to be seen whether she can continue to be pure by then.

Conan who was on the side saw Mori Kogoro being questioned by the girls in the back seat, and immediately suppressed a smile: Old pervert, I told you to flirt with so many girls, you still have today!

But it didn't take long for Conan in the passenger seat to gloat, and there were several freshly baked big red envelopes on his head.

Mori Kogoro glanced at Conan: "Conan, you still dare to laugh. Uncle paid you to sign up for classes, but you didn't go to class for three days in a row."

"When the spring break is over, if you fail the entrance exam, just wait for me!"

Conan rubbed the big red envelope on his forehead, suddenly depressed again.

Chapter 0159

Mori Kogoro has returned to his familiar rhythm of life.

Early the next morning, he woke up from his sleep, the big right hand was covering the proud soft place again, and the big left hand was embracing the slender waist again.

Waking up with hugs on the left and right is really a pleasant mood.

Soon he got up, stretched a few times, and supported his lower back that seemed a little sore. The incident last night still had some follow-up effects.

After he went to the bathroom to wash up, he began to prepare breakfast.

After Mori Kogoro woke up, Xiaolan and Haibara also got up to wash up.

Conan also came to the dining table yawning. Last night, Kogoro Mori ordered the little devil to write math problems and stayed up until two or three o'clock.

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