
The decoration in the coffee shop is very docile, mostly beige and brown decoration colors, as soon as the door is pushed open, the golden bell at the door rings.

The owner, Uncle Anxi, is usually not in the store, and there are only two waiters at the bar, one male and one female.

The man is naturally Toru Amuro, the blond and dark-skinned man who changed his name and changed his surname to lurk here.

The waitress is Kogoro Mori's little fan girl.

Mori Kogoro and Conan sat near the window, with a red sofa by the wall and two stools opposite the table.

Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa, while Conan sat on the stool obediently, spreading out the increasingly difficult math problems.

槺Donate Songxia chu×Crane Judgment of Chengxi θ荩虫 BanxuKnockZhuojiao Tuxi. Is this the best way to cut the blade?/p>

"Two iced coffees will do."

"Hi Amuro, two iced coffees."

Donate beard   brown る  color Yi pole pirate ship spring   阏  Song Yu hiccup play Xin oxime ?/p>

Toru Amuro couldn't help but cast a blank look at this colleague, wanting to tell her what he saw in the morning.

At this moment, the door of the cafe opened and a golden bell rang.

Chapter 0162

Then a pretty woman came in, with brown curly short hair, white forehead, high nose bridge, and a pair of cat eyes that were extremely agile, she had a noble aura, like a princess.

It is the big-breasted girl from Osaka, the heir of the Ooka family, Ooka Momiji.

Hongye is wearing a black dress, with a butterfly ending at the waist and tying her waist very thin, making her look extremely graceful. The lace at the back of the black skirt is longer than the front, revealing a pair of fair calves.

When she saw Mori Kogoro, her eyes lit up, and she walked over quickly and squeezed past him.

Mori Kogoro's arms immediately sank into softness.

Conan saw the girl and Mori Kogoro in such an intimate posture, and he was alone and could only do the problem, and his heart was full of jealousy, and his dead fish eyes rolled up again.

What kind of ecstasy are these girls taking now, why do they all like the uncle, this is unscientific!

Hongye's cat-like eyes were filled with water waves, and she looked like she was about to cry again, with a soft voice.

"Maori-kun, I finally see you again."

Another man followed in from outside the door, it was Iori Muga, the curly-haired housekeeper in a black suit.

The butler tactfully took a seat in Jiao Luo's place and sat down.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but wondered: "Hongye, why did you come to Tokyo?"

What kind of wind is blowing today, after Kazuki came, Hongye also followed.

Hongye immediately frowned: "Maori-kun, don't you hate seeing me?"

"No!" Mori Kogoro showed his acting skills, and quickly put on a look of surprise: "Of course not, I'm so surprised, I'm a little incoherent."

The waitress on the side donated money and donated it to the shopkeeper?/p>

Bourbon, who came over with coffee, couldn't help feeling that Mori Kogoro was too lucky. He was working on the first floor, so he could see clearly.

Mio Tokiwa, the head of the Tokiwa Consortium who drives a Ford sports car in the morning, the energetic girl who just walked up the stairs, is now the daughter of this rich family.

All the beauties found Kogoro Mori, such a blessing that Bourbon was very envious of.

He put down the coffee, and Mori Kogoro ordered: "Give this lady another cup of green tea."

Toru Amuro nodded in response: "Hi!" Then he turned and went back to the bar.

Hongye looked touched: "I didn't expect Mao Li-kun to even write down what drinks I like to drink."

However, her small face turned into a firm expression: "But I will not let my rival take the first step. Even if it is a person like Xiao Yezi like He Ye, I will not be careless at all. Only Hong Ye can do it in this world." With Mori-kun."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro immediately understood that this girl came to Tokyo following Kazuha's footsteps.

It's a pity that she didn't understand the situation at all, and she didn't know where her relationship with He Ye had progressed.

Eh!No, how did this girl know that He Ye likes me.

Conan on the opposite side of the table couldn't help but look at Ooka Hongye speechlessly, this woman must be crazy.

How could Yuan Shan and Ye fall in love with Uncle Mao Li?Hey, do you like Uncle Molly?Well, I like Uncle Maori! ! !

No, Uncle Mao Li is so handsome, so many women fall in love with Uncle Mao Li, even the eighth woman Yuanzi has always wanted to throw Uncle Mao Li down, so what's the surprise that He Ye fell in love with Uncle Mao Li!

Conan suddenly looked at the two in front of him with a look of horror, and his little head started to work quickly.

The images of Yuan Shan and Ye appeared in his mind one after another.

The bandage murder incident, the New Year's Eve incident of the first festival in the world, the subsequent Tokyo tour incident, and the Osaka tour incident.

Every time He Ye appeared in the name of visiting Xiaolan, but he was with us all the time.

Hattori Heiji suspected that he and Ye had made other boyfriends in Tokyo earlier, so he always followed him to Tokyo, but he couldn't find the suspicious man.

But in these few encounters, the only man who had contact with Kazuha was Mori Kogoro!

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