Hearing what Hongye said, everyone turned their attention to Ozuki Myosuke again.

It was the first time for Hongye to reason in front of people, and with Mori Kogoro behind her, she was naturally unafraid: "I think Mr. Oji put scotch tape on the frosted glass to concentrate the scattered light, so it can I saw the seats of people outside."

"As for the tape, he flushed it down the toilet."

Hearing this, Gao Mushe immediately went to experiment.

He put the tape on, and although it was a little blurry, he could barely see it clearly, so the statement just now was naturally self-defeating.

Hearing this, Da Jiming Fulue jumped the wall in a hurry, and shouted repeatedly: "Don't talk nonsense, if An Qi Dianwu is sitting on the sofa instead of the stool, how can I assassinate him?"

Hearing the question, Hongye looked at Kogoro Mori in a little panic.

Mori Kogoro pulled Hongye behind him, and said in a relay: "Of course you will let An Qi Dianwu sit on the stool near the aisle. You only need to use your shoulder bag."

"Put the shoulder bag on the sofa, and Yui Yamashita is your girlfriend, so naturally she has to sit next to you, so the sofa is naturally full, and the rest of the people can only sit opposite."

"At that time, you just need to determine whether An Qi Dianwu is sitting on the left or the right."

The waitress donates the condyle ⒓ breaks through and dies: Yue Mei ∪lung marsh  ざ  fake  rebellion let go of the barren huh  agent play   agent play  Zhuo Street  cellar  crowded ⑼Forgive?/p>

Ozumi Mingsuke's face turned red: "Detective Maori, this is wrong, how could I pick up a sashimi knife so smoothly in the dark to kill people, it's too difficult!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Just keep practicing. Just now, I heard you guys say that your big stage play last year was based on this cafe. Everyone here You have measured all the tables and chairs."

"In this way, you can naturally find the original data. You just need to put your home in the shape of a coffee shop and practice a few more times, and you will naturally be able to kill people smoothly."

Ozumi Mingsuke paled and shouted: "What about the blood, how to explain the blood, no matter how the luminol reaction is done, I will not have a blood reaction on my body."

Mori Kogoro shook his head and laughed: "You still don't give up, if you don't plead guilty, there will only be a greater punishment."

Looking at the stubborn Ozuki Mingsuke, Mori Kogoro said: "The treatment of blood stains is simpler, you only need to use the toilet paper in the toilet to wrap your arms, and naturally you can not get any blood stains during the assassination." Blood, I thought, these just need to check the sewers, and they will find something naturally."

Hearing this, Ozuki Mingsuke finally despaired, and collapsed to the ground with a face ashen ashes.

And Yamashita Yui couldn't believe it, she picked up her handbag and threw it at Oji Mingfu: "Are you crazy? Why do you want to kill Dianwu?"

"Why, bitch, what right do you have to ask me why?"

Ozumi Akisuke grabbed the handbag and looked at his girlfriend with a grim expression.

Chapter 0167

"Don't think I don't know, you and An Qi are having an affair."

Ozumi Akisuke pushed Yamashita Yuiyuki onto the sofa, looking mad as if he was going to hit him, but Police Officer Takagi quickly restrained him from behind.

He continued to sneer: "I've noticed something is wrong a long time ago, Xiaowei, you are my girlfriend, why are you so close to you, a little girl?"

"He lifts your skirt and touches your butt, but you are not angry at all. If you call him, you will call him by the name Dixie Wu affectionately, but if you call me, you will call me by the last name Daji."

"I've been displeased with him for a long time, and today I can teach him a lesson, hehe, so what if you have a congressman's father?"

"Xiao Wei, why are you so cheap, you just get so close to him like this?"

This guy was wearing a cuckold and looked furious.

Hearing these words, Yui Yamashita's face suddenly turned extremely pale, his eyes were full of panic, Mouri Kogoro raised his eyebrows.

But soon, tears welled up in Yui Yamashita's eyes, and his small face turned into an extremely aggrieved expression, and he shouted sharply: "Daji, you think of me like that."

"Let me tell you, Dianwu and I are innocent, nothing happened, we just, we just..."

Ozumi Mingsuke tried hard to break free from Officer Takagi's control, he kept asking: "Just what? Just what?"

At this time, Mao Li Kogoro who was on the side interjected calmly: "They are just half-siblings."

Hearing this, the pupils of Yui Yamashita and Meisuke Ozumi kept shrinking, and everyone present was in an uproar.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Actually, from the looks of Yui Yamashita and Norigo Anqi, it can be seen that their eyes and noses are very similar."

"In addition to what you said just now, An Qi Dianwu's father is a member of parliament, and at this moment coincides with the re-election of the member, so Yui Yamashita will want to keep this secret."

"After all, if it is revealed that a member of parliament who is being elected has an illegitimate daughter, it will be an astonishing scandal, and the election of a member of parliament will naturally come to naught."

Ozumi Akisuke looked at Yui Yamashita with eyes full of disbelief, and said with trembling lips, "Xiao Wei, is this true? Is what Detective Mori said true?"

Yui Yamashita nodded: "Well, my mother was a mistress back then, and after giving birth to me, she took a huge amount of spiritual compensation from my father, and then took me to live in Kyoto. Later, I was admitted to university and came here Tokyo, this is how I met Dianwu."

Ozumi Mingsuke suddenly collapsed on the ground, muttering to himself, "What have I done?"

Everyone present was silent.

In the end, the bearded man was taken away by the police for intentional wounding.

However, after he got into the police car, Mori Kogoro whispered something in his ear.

After he finished speaking, Oji Mingsuke in the police car became furious again: "No, I don't believe it, what you said is not true, it is impossible."

Mori Kogoro waved his hands again and again, and the police car immediately sped up and drove towards the Metropolitan Police Department.

Oji Mingsuke's angry voice continued to be heard from the car: "Xiao Wei, tell me, what Detective Maori said is not true, not true."

When Yamashita heard the sound of going away, her face was extremely pale. She glanced at Mori Kogoro in panic, then turned and left immediately.

It's too scary, this man is too scary, and nothing can be hidden from his eyes.

Hongye on the side asked: "Mori-kun, what did you just say to that guy?"

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