Mori Kogoro naturally knew of Conan's whereabouts, but he didn't react much.

It is more important to enjoy the moment with Ye Zinizi.

Besides, even if Conan and Heiji knew about this matter, what would it matter?

After eleven o'clock in the evening, Xiaolan and Hongye returned home, and saw Kazuha and Mori Kogoro drinking tea in the living room.

Xiaolan looked at the two suspiciously, but their expressions were normal at the moment, and there was nothing unusual about them.

It's hard to imagine the crazy output that happened on the sofa in the living room an hour ago.

"Father, where did you and He Ye go, how can I not find you?"

Mori Kogoro said, "It's because you two left too fast. He Ye and I have been waiting for you all the time, but you haven't come back."

"I also called you, but it seemed that there were too many people, and you didn't hear it. After watching the fireworks show, we went home and drank tea. He Ye Chong's tea was pretty good."

Xiaolan took out her mobile phone, and seeing several missed calls on it, her doubts disappeared, and she also sat on the sofa and drank tea.

Kazuya smiled slightly at Kogoro Mouri, she just now understood why Kogoro Moori stopped just now.

Then He Ye said, "Too bad, uncle, it's past eleven o'clock, and there is no car back to Osaka, what should I do?"

Xiaolan chuckled lightly: "There's nothing difficult about it, Heye, you can rest here tonight, and you can just go back tomorrow."

He Ye's expression relaxed: "Thank you so much, Xiao Lan." After finishing speaking, she glanced at Hong Ye proudly.

Hongye frowned immediately, due to the strict requirements of the big family, Hongye had already planned to say goodbye to Mori Kogoro and go back to the hotel.

But seeing He Ye's posture, she immediately dismissed the idea.

She turned and said with a weak face: "Mori-kun, just now Iori sent me a message, he said that he has to go back to Osaka first, and now I am the only one left in Tokyo, what should I do?"

This is of course a lie, but as a gentleman, you can't expose a girl's lies. Kogoro Mori immediately said: "It's okay, Hongye is also resting here tonight, I will let you sleep in my room."

"Xiaolan will sleep with Ye, and I can just sleep in the living room overnight."

Hong Ye immediately declined and said: "How can I do that, Mr. Mao Li, how can I entrust you to sleep in the living room?"

He Ye on the side interjected, "Would you like to let Uncle Mao Li sleep with you in the same room tonight?"

Hearing this, Hongye's face blushed slightly, as if she really didn't resist.

Kogoro Mouri saw that the atmosphere was not quite right again, so he quickly shouted: "Okay, it's decided like this, it's just a night's rest, there's no need to go to such trouble."

"Besides, I can sleep with Xiao Ai if I don't sleep in the living room?"

He Ye immediately asked in surprise: "Does Uncle sometimes rest with Hui Yuan?"

Xiaolan laughed softly: "It's okay, Xiao Ai is a child, and besides, she is sometimes super clingy to her father, and she often sneaks into her father's bed at night, so it's normal to sleep together."

He Ye then nodded, and Hong Ye also accepted the arrangement and stayed at Mao Li's house.

At the same time, Conan was lying on the bed in the room on the second floor, staring blankly at the ceiling.

He was holding a mobile phone in his hand, hesitating whether to call Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji commissioned him to investigate [the object of love with Ye Ye] has been found out, it is Mori Kogoro, but Conan is in entanglement.

One is my good friend, and the other is my respected uncle.

Although this uncle beats him violently when he has nothing to do, he always asks him to do math problems, leaves himself behind from time to time, and slanders him as a lecherous child.

But he couldn't tell the truth, Conan was still struggling.

The little devil frantically plucked at his hair, making it messy.

He suddenly remembered what Hattori Heiji had said before.

【"I think Uncle Mori is the most powerful detective in Japan."

"Conan, what are you studying, math problems, exercise logical thinking, Uncle Maori taught you, I want to learn too."

"Uncle Mao Li, please be sure to accept me as an apprentice."

"Conan, remember to help me collect Uncle Maori's case file, there will definitely be many useful skills in it."


Usually, this guy admires Uncle Mao Li the most. If he really knows that the person He Ye likes is Uncle Mao Li, it will definitely be a big blow to him.

I think my uncle also knew this, so he hid it from Heiji.

Even if he told Heiji, with his uncle's charm, Kazuha probably wouldn't change his mind.

If you don't say anything, maintain the status quo, Heiji also has a thought, if you say something, Heiji must have broken with his uncle, so why bother!

Thinking of this, the mobile phone in Conan's hand slipped onto the bed, and the little ghost sighed a long time.

Who can say for sure about emotional matters, even Xiaolan has fallen in love with someone else, hey!

Conan fell into a long time of melancholy again.

After washing, Hongye came out of the bathroom wearing Xiaolan's pajamas, white vest, and blue shorts. Her domineering figure made people blush at first glance.

This was Hongye's first time staying overnight at someone else's house. She was a little cautious, and she turned around and entered the middle bedroom after talking to Mori Kogoro.

Xiaolan and Ye also entered the room on the right to rest.

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