The degree of numbness in this foot seems to be very serious, Zhao Xiaomin can hardly stand still, so he will definitely not be able to go to a place to eat, so he can only rest and wait for his feet to heal.

Su Nan didn't understand why Zhao Xiaomin's feet suddenly went numb when she was fine when she went to pay the bill just now.

After a while, I heard Zhao Xiaomin's voice, which was strange, like a nasal snort, with a coquettish vibe.

Su Nan didn't think much about it, she just thought that Zhao Xiaomin's voice was distorted because of numb feet.

Seeing an empty seat next to him, he helped Zhao Xiaomin walk over, because Zhao Xiaomin's legs were so weak that he could only walk around by leaning against him, and even Su Nan's arm faintly touched a soft mass, which was a very subtle feeling, which made her feel uncomfortable. With a sigh of comfort in his heart, he came to the seat and helped Zhao Xiaomin to sit on it. Her body was as soft as if she had no bones. As soon as she sat down, she couldn't wait to lie down on the table, buried her face in her arms, and was breathing rapidly. With a trembling voice, he said, "I'm sorry, we'll leave when my feet are no longer numb."


Su Nan said, she was a little puzzled, is it like this because her feet are numb, her whole body is hot, and even the roots of her ears are red.

He looked at Zhao Xiaomin.

But since Zhao Xiaomin didn't say anything, he didn't ask. He just thought that Zhao Xiaomin might be feeling unwell, so I'm sorry to say, like dysmenorrhea or something?

Seeing that Zhao Xiaomin couldn't move around for a while, Su Nan sat down opposite her to play with his mobile phone. He didn't like playing while charging, so he unplugged the charging cable.


At this time, Zhao Xiaomin on the opposite side let out a soft cry, and Su Nan looked up, and found that she sat up straight, as if she was fine, but there was still a little blush on her face.

Zhao Xiaomin tilted her head, looking very confused.

"Are you okay?" Su Nan put down the phone and asked in surprise.

"Well, it's all right all of a sudden. It's so strange. It felt too..." At this point, she quickly shut up, showing a slightly embarrassed smile, as if she couldn't speak.

Su Nan was like a mirror in her heart, and confirmed that she had dysmenorrhea, otherwise why couldn't she say it, and still acted very shy in front of him.

I didn't expect that Zhao Xiaomin also had dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is so common among girls nowadays. I don't know if that girl Qin Xiaowan has it. When I go back, I have to remind her to be careful not to catch cold.

Thinking of strange thoughts, Su Nan said: "It's fine, just be careful in the future, drink more hot water, wear more clothes when it's cold, eat less iced things... These are likely to cause numbness in the feet."

Zhao Xiaomin gave him a strange look, and then smiled: "I feel like I'm being cared for, Ah Nan."

Stupid, this is just the most basic skill of a warm man. He talks to everyone, drink more hot water, have you ever heard of the omnipotent caring words.

Su Nan glanced at her sideways and said, "Aren't we friends? It's right to care about friends."

Even his friend's dysmenorrhea, he has to show concern.

"That's right, let's go, go eat!" Zhao Xiaomin looked excited, as if the strange behavior just now was just an illusion.

"Wait a minute, let me charge the battery first, the phone is almost dead."

Su Nan called to stop Zhao Xiaomin who was about to stand up, took out the power bank from his pocket, connected to the phone first, and then connected the power bank to the other end.

Zhao Xiaomin opened his eyes wide curiously, as if he was very puzzled as to why he was not electrocuted.

When she saw Su Nan holding the charging cable and plugging it under the anime girl on the power bank, she looked away shyly, but couldn't help but sneak a glance.

Suddenly, the moment the charging cable came into contact with the USB port, Zhao Xiaomin's body froze, and she felt a current flow somewhere, and the crispy and numb feeling spread instantly, making her almost jump, and at the same time, she couldn't help making a sound.

She hurriedly covered her mouth, her pretty face flushed slightly, and then Zhao Xiaomin suddenly thought of something, her eyes widened, and she stared at Su Nan in disbelief, to be precise, at the anime girl on the power bank in Su Nan's hand, with a dull expression on her face.

"Let's go." After charging the phone, Su Nan raised her head and said, to see Zhao Xiaomin staring at her, blushing like blood, inexplicably giving off a very charming feeling.

His heart skipped a beat, and he felt very inexplicable: "What's wrong?"

"No...don't charge it!" Zhao Xiaomin shook her head in embarrassment and indignation.

Chapter 92 throw it away and pick it up again

"No...don't charge it!" Zhao Xiaomin blushed and looked at Su Nan and said with a firm expression.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Su Nan was stunned, and quickly unplugged the charging cable and put it on the table, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

At the same time, there is a feeling of heartache in my heart that I regard the other party as a friend, but the other party does not take myself seriously.

After the charging cable was unplugged, the embarrassing numbness disappeared, but before Zhao Xiaomin could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw Su Nan's strange expression.

She suddenly realized something, and said anxiously to Su Nan: "I'm sorry, I don't mean anything, this power bank... is broken, I'm afraid you will be electrocuted."

Su Nan felt relieved, smiled and said, "No need to apologize, you are right to worry."

Zhao Xiaomin looked at him anxiously: "Are you not angry anymore?"

"I wasn't angry at first, but this power bank should be fine, I use it no problem."

Su Nan didn't want Zhao Xiaomin to continue entangled in this matter, so he changed the subject. He picked up the power bank with a strange expression, and he didn't feel the slightest leakage, and he didn't know why Zhao Xiaomin insisted on talking about leakage.

"No, it's broken, you have to throw it away!" Zhao Xiaomin said seriously.

"Throw it away?" Su Nan was stunned, and persuaded: "It's okay to take it and repair it, but it's too wasteful to throw it away."

Although it is a bit embarrassing to use, the appearance of this power bank is quite beautiful, especially the characters on it, which are suitable for the taste of nerds.

"No, it must be thrown away!" Zhao Xiaomin insisted on throwing it away.

When Su Nan was charging the power bank just now, she felt ashamed that current flowed through it. How could such a shameless power bank stay in Su Nan's hands, it had to be thrown away!

Thinking of the state of dying before Su Nan didn't come, and then simply fainting, Zhao Xiaomin thought, maybe this is the punishment for not being ashamed in time, and he must work harder in the future.

She encouraged herself in her heart.

Seeing that she was so persistent, Su Nan stopped persuading her. The things belonged to Zhao Xiaomin, and it was her freedom to deal with Zhao Xiaomin.

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