Seeing that he was silent, Zhao Xiaomin became more and more sure that it was him who touched her, but soon she was attracted by the electric current on her body, and she didn't have time to continue to report to Su Nan.

The masked woman standing behind them was full of smiles, and found that the girl in front was distracted. The masked woman rolled her eyes and stretched out her hand. This time she didn't touch Zhao Xiaomin, but Su Nan.

Su Nan found an obviously female hand touching him. His first reaction was that he met a pervert again, but when he suddenly thought of Zhao Xiaomin behind his back and the way she pushed his butt just now, he felt a little unbelievable. Could it be her? Bar.

Su Nan was a little surprised. If it was her, what would she do?

Sternly stop her impolite behavior?

Keep silent and let her molested herself?

Or... to tease her in turn?

Because as a boy being touched like this, she is still a very beautiful girl. It is not too much to say that she is a goddess, but she just acquiesced, it is too unmanly, at least she should touch her back.

Thinking of this, feeling that the hand was still on her buttocks, Su Nan gritted her teeth secretly, quietly stretched her hand behind her back, and grabbed the mischievous hand all at once.

The masked woman froze for a moment before realizing that she had been caught. She stared at Su Nan's back guiltily, but found that he didn't turn around, and immediately understood that Su Nan thought Zhao Xiaomin was touching him.

The woman in the mask struggled, but found that she couldn't break free. Su Nan held on too tightly, and her fingers were still scratching her palm, feeling a little ambiguous.

The masked woman blinked her eyes, and suddenly stopped struggling, she was so lucky!It turned out to be such a scene, being teased by Su Nan as another girl, exciting!

However, she then looked at Zhao Xiaomin who had closed her eyes in front of her with some confusion, wondering if this was considered NTR?But... more exciting.

Zhao Xiaomin lowered her head, closed her eyes, and gritted her teeth tightly, not letting herself make a sound. The feeling of electric current was getting stronger and stronger. It was coming, so she had no time to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

After a while, Zhao Xiaomin got into the corner of the car and the seat, and buried his face deeply so that no one could see his face.

Su Nan turned her head to look, then remembered something, and asked concerned: "Xiao Min, did you have cramps again?"

"A little bit, but it's not serious. I'll be fine." Zhao Xiaomin said in a muffled voice.

Su Nan was about to ask if he wanted to help her, but suddenly he was taken aback, Zhao Xiaomin is here, so whose hand is he holding in his hand?

At this time, the door of the carriage opened suddenly, and it was the door on his side. A group of people rushed in, forcing Su Nan behind Zhao Xiaomin, and the hand he had been holding disappeared.

When the train started again, Su Nan quickly turned around and glanced at the entire carriage, but couldn't find any suspicious targets.

He suspected that it was the masked woman in the previous two times, but for some reason, all the women now wear masks. If it wasn't for the huge difference in figure, they would all look exactly the same.

Su Nan didn't notice Zhao Xiaomin who was twitching in front of him. He turned his back to Zhao Xiaomin and faced the entire carriage directly, looking for the suspect with his concealed eyesight.

During the period, Zhao Xiaomin stretched out her mobile phone and asked him to charge it for her, and Su Nan did so.

Half an hour later, the subway arrived, and Su Nan couldn't find anyone touching her butt.

At this time, Zhao Xiaomin regained his lively temperament and urged him to get off the bus quickly so as not to miss the stop.Her memory of shame probably lasted no more than a few minutes.

After exiting the subway entrance, Su Nan still looked around frequently, which made Zhao Xiaomin very puzzled: "A Nan, what are you doing?"

After thinking about it, it's better not to tell Zhao Xiaomin about being molested by others. Su Nan made an excuse and said, "Someone seems to be trying to steal my phone just now. I suspect that person is still following us."

"Ah!" Zhao Xiaomin seemed to be frightened, and it took a while before Jiaochen hit him on the chest with a small fist: "Liar!"

The voice is also very similar to coquettish.

Chapter 99 The Gangster Who Blackmails Boys' Underpants

Su Nan was taken aback by Zhao Xiaomin's sudden actions, it was too intimate, it wasn't Zhao Xiaomin who touched him just now, but Zhao Xiaomin had almost the same personality, and he suspected that the masked woman was still nearby, so Su Nan didn't think too much about it .

After perfunctory Zhao Xiaomin who kept asking, Su Nan took a look at the sky and found that it was getting dark, feeling a little bad, it must be past seven o'clock.

Su Nan quickly turned to Zhao Xiaomin and said, "Xiao Min, where is your home, I will take you home."

Going out to play with girls, it would be unreasonable not to send them back. Zhao Xiaomin is not Chuxi's family with mines.

As for Qin Xiaowan, she can only order a takeaway for her first, and cook for compensation after returning home.

"Send me back? Uh, there's no need for this, my house is very close." Zhao Xiaomin waved her hands again and again, her face became a little embarrassed for some reason.

Is it because of family background?

If Zhao Xiaomin cares too much, it's really inappropriate to go to her house.

Su Nan said, "Let's deliver it to your home. There are a lot of perverts now, especially girls are more dangerous."

"Is there?" Zhao Xiaomin looked confused.

"Yes!" Su Nan nodded very seriously, even boys are molested, let alone a cute girl like Zhao Xiaomin.

Seeing Su Nan's insistence, Zhao Xiaomin had no choice but to agree, and Su Nan gave her away, she was a little happy for some reason.

Walking on the road with Zhao Xiaomin, when the sky darkened, the street lamps cast their shadows overlapping on the ground.

Zhao Xiaomin fell silent, stepped on the shadow on the ground, and walked slowly.

She didn't know what to do tonight.

If Su Nan doesn't recharge tonight, she will feel very uncomfortable.

But even if Su Nan is charging, she will still feel uncomfortable.

After going through so many times in a long time, Zhao Xiaomin felt that his body was a little weak, and even his legs were limp when walking, which was a bit embarrassing.Still very thirsty, probably due to dehydration too much.

If there was another night, she was afraid that she would not be able to get up tomorrow.

Why should I be punished.

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