The masked woman turned her gaze, obviously wanting to say something else, Su Nan immediately interrupted her: "Many people near the scream just now should have heard it, are you sure you still want to waste time?"

The masked woman snorted softly, and said unwillingly, "I'll let you go this time."

She then threw something over, a roll of transparent tape, and ordered, "Wrap your feet up."

Su Nan hesitated and wrapped his feet. If the other party made trouble, wouldn't he be powerless to fight back?But when he saw the masked woman's eyes turned unfriendly, he did as he did, betting that someone would come here soon.

"Wrap around a few more times." The masked woman said impatiently.

Su Nan squatted silently and bound her feet tightly.

"Throw over the underwear." The masked woman continued.

Su Nan looked at the distance, squeezed his panties into a ball, and threw them at the other party. Suddenly, a gust of wind came in from the alley, blowing his panties and covering Zhao Xiaomin's face. Her face was instantly congested and red, and her delicate body trembled violently .

Well, the current passed through again, and because Su Nan couldn't be charged, it felt several times stronger.

At this time, the masked woman threw away the knife, and the knife made a plastic sound when it fell on the ground. It turned out to be a fake knife.

She was about to reach for her underwear when she suddenly felt something dripping from Zhao Xiaomin's leg and landed on her feet, warm and warm.

The woman in the mask couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then she looked weird. After a long while, she grabbed Su Nan's underwear and stuffed it in her chest, turned around and ran away.

Seeing her run away, Su Nan quickly squatted down to remove the tape, and when she raised her head again, she could no longer see the masked woman.

Su Nan didn't go after him, and came to Zhao Xiaomin first, and helped her remove the tape from her hands. Just as she was about to remove her feet, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly hugged him, buried her head on his neck, and gasped for breath.

Su Nan could even feel her heart beating violently.

He couldn't help stroking Zhao Xiaomin's back tenderly, thinking that Zhao Xiaomin must have been frightened when he encountered such a thing in the middle of the night.

The feeling lasted for a few minutes before it stopped. Zhao Xiaomin was already in a state of collapse. She was so weak that she didn't even want to move her fingers. Only by snuggling in Su Nan's arms could she not fall.

Recalling the moment when I felt the strongest just now, I couldn't help hugging Su Nan, reaching the highest point in his arms, Zhao Xiaomin's face became hotter and hotter, but he felt a sense of peace in his heart.

She slowly raised her head in Su Nan's arms, and watched the perverted boy who gave her underwear to the pervert in order to save herself at close range at night.Her heart was beating suddenly, and coupled with the aftertaste after the highest point, her mood fluctuated greatly, and she couldn't help but stand on tiptoe slightly and put her face close to it.

The dark clouds covered the moon, so she couldn't see Zhao Xiaomin's face clearly, but Su Nan could barely feel her face approaching him, and her heart beat faster.

What does she want to do?

Su Nan was inexplicably looking forward to it.

"elder sister?"

In the silent environment, a cold female voice suddenly sounded. At the entrance of the alley, at some point, a young girl was standing at the entrance of the alley, holding a mobile phone and turning on a flashlight, watching them quietly.

Zhao Xiaomin was taken aback, and hurriedly pushed Su Nan away, looked at the visitor in embarrassment, and said after a while, "Junmin? Why are you here?"

"I heard your cry, so I came out because I was worried, sister, what happened?"

As Zhao Junmin said, she looked at Su Nan vigilantly. Although she couldn't see clearly because of the darkness, she could barely tell that she was probably at the same high school age as her sister.

Could it be that my sister went out to play with him today?Boy friend?What happened to my sister's cry just now? If he dared to bully my sister...

Zhao Junmin's staring at Su Nan suddenly became unfriendly.

Su Nan looked at her suspiciously.

"I met a bad guy just now. This is Su Nan, from the same school as me. He was the one who saved me just now."

Zhao Xiaomin noticed that her sister was looking at Su Nan, and explained with some embarrassment.

"Bad guys..." Zhao Junmin's face sank, and through the light of the flashlight, she saw a knife on the ground and her sister's feet bound by tape.Su Nan's feet were also covered with adhesive tape, and he probably forgot to remove it in a hurry when he untied it, which means that Su Nan was also restricted by the bad guys just now, not because he was the bad guy himself.

Thinking of this, Zhao Junmin felt relieved, and bowed solemnly to Su Nan: "Thank you for saving my sister."

Although Su Nan suspects that Su Nan has thoughts about his sister, but if he is kind to her sister, Zhao Junmin will not bring personal emotions into this matter.

"You're welcome, I'm actually at fault too." Su Nan moved aside a bit, and said politely that Zhao Xiaomin was implicated by him in general, and Su Nan felt very sorry.

Zhao Junmin didn't care too much, she just asked suspiciously, "Is there a bad person here?"

"Yes, she's still a girl, and she's also a pervert, huh!" Zhao Xiaomin interjected, remembering that Su Nan's panties fell into the hands of the pervert, who didn't know what to do with it, she felt very upset accurate.

Zhao Junmin was taken aback, the villain was actually a girl.

Zhao Junmin said: "Sister, let's talk about the details when we get home. This... my sister's friend, thanks to you tonight, how about..."

After a moment of hesitation, she looked at her sister.

Zhao Xiaomin came to her senses, bit her lower lip, and said to Su Nan: "Ah Nan, thank you tonight, why don't you go to my house and sit down for a while and have a cup of tea to calm your nerves."

Zhao Xiaomin seems to have the majesty of her sister.

Su Nan thought to himself and nodded.

He was going to discuss with Zhao Xiaomin later whether he should call the police or not. Although the pervert's target was him, and Su Nan didn't want to call the police for such a shameful thing, Zhao Xiaomin was involved after all, so he had to ask her opinion before making a decision.

After removing the tape on both feet, Zhao Xiaomin and her sister led the way, using the flashlight function of the mobile phone to illuminate the road, and Su Nan followed behind them.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhao Xiaomin's house is not very far away, it takes only a few minutes to walk there.

In front of a ten-story building, Zhao Xiaomin swiped the access control card, opened the door with a beep, and walked in with Su Nan and her sister.

Zhao Xiaomin's family lives on the third floor. When she opened the door and invited Su Nan in, for some reason she seemed to be a little confused, which made Su Nan a little confused.

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