"No, only five hundred!"

Zhao Xiaomin had a half-smile, "My sister, when will you change your habit of hiding private money, at least five hundred."

"Absolutely not!"

"Junmin, I caught her, you search her!"

"No, sister, this is the money I saved to buy sanitary napkins!"

"We are sisters, my sanitary napkin is your sanitary napkin, and your money is my money."

The girl wailed continuously.

Looking at the farce in front of her, Zhao Junmin smiled, and then she joined the eldest sister's camp to fight against today's local tyrants.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When I got home, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening. Qin Xiaowan was not in the living room at this time, and the light in her room was still on.

Su Nan saw two takeaways on the dining table and the breakfast he bought in the morning, and walked over to check, but Qin Xiaowan actually only ate breakfast.

However, there are a few dishes sealed with plastic wrap next to them, a small part of which has been eaten, and most of them are left.

He opened it to try the taste, and found that it was similar to senior sister Wei Ling's cooking skills. It should be senior sister Wei Ling who saw that Qin Xiaowan was alone at home during the day, so she came here to help her cook.

Su Nan is relieved, as long as there is food.

Then he heated up the food and sat down to eat.

In the middle of the night, Su Nan thought of the power bank, searched for it but couldn't find it, and then remembered that she put it on the sofa at Zhao Xiaomin's house, but it was Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister, so it didn't matter.

Then he sent a message to Zhao Xiaomin to inform her that it was late at night, and Su Nan went to sleep without waiting for her reply.

In the middle of the night, sisters Zhao Junmin and Zhao Ruomin were awakened by a strange sound. They walked out of the room together and followed the sound to her sister's door. They were confused when they heard the strange sound coming from inside.

On the last day of the weekend, Su Nan chose to stay at home and went out to play all day yesterday. Qin Xiaowan didn't give her a good face today.

Su Nan didn't care much about her attitude, Qin Xiaowan obviously left those meals for him last night, and even sealed them with plastic wrap.

Although Qin Xiaowan seemed a bit difficult to get close to, she was actually not bad in her heart.

Well, except for the liking of snitching.

I am typing, there was no update last night, the book review area is calm, it seems that readers are used to it, and there are not many readers, either running out or fattening.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Nan received a call from the courier company, saying that he had a courier, and asked him if he was at home.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment. Except for the mobile phone, he didn't seem to have bought anything online recently. He was going to buy an AR device to play games, but he forgot about it when he went out to play yesterday. It is obviously too late to buy it today, and he plans to wait until next week. Besides, so what's the matter with the express delivery?

Telling the courier company that she was at home and asked them to deliver it, Su Nan dropped the novel she was coding, went out to the living room, sat on the sofa and played with her mobile phone while waiting for the courier.

Around half past four, the doorbell rang.

Su Nan went to open the door.

"Hello, is this Mr. Su Nan?"

"Yes, I am."

"Your courier, please sign for it."

After checking, Su Nan signed his name on the courier slip.

After watching the courier leave, Su Nan carried the box into the house and put it in the living room to look at it.

Judging from the appearance, it should be a chair.

Su Nan was a little puzzled, when did she buy a chair?

Suddenly, he remembered that he had won a lottery online some time ago, and the prize was a chair.

It can't be said to be a lottery, it's just a video UP draw at the second station to give away a massage chair. Su Nan just saw it and replied one.

He felt that the probability of being drawn was quite small, because too many people participated, but he didn't expect to be lucky enough to be drawn.

It's just that Su Nan sent the private message afterwards, and after waiting for more than ten days, the chair was still not delivered. He gradually forgot about it, and he didn't expect that the massage chair was delivered to him after half a month.

Su Nan was a little happy. Although it wasn't an expensive massage chair, it could be said to be the cheapest one, but the price of the most common massage chair is estimated to be in the four digits, which is equivalent to making a fortune for nothing.

It just so happens that he often sits on the computer, and his shoulders and neck are under a lot of pressure, so he can use it.

I found scissors to remove the packaging, revealing the real shape of the massage chair, but Su Nan saw a black line on its head.

A two-dimensional girl with a one-to-one proportion of the human body is printed on the seat. The clothes are very sexy and the expression is very shy. The chest is even protruding. It is just on the neck when you sit down. Could it be used to massage the neck? yes.

Su Nan thought blankly.

Thinking that the person who gave the chair was an anime UP host, and the video style is usually very gentlemanly, Su Nan understood why it was this kind of chair.

It's just that it really works, it seems so shameful.

Su Nan looked at the chair suspiciously.

The sound of the door opening behind him sounded, Su Nan realized that something was wrong, Qin Xiaowan's indifferent voice rang out, full of disgust.

"Are you a pervert, buying this chair?"

Su Nan looked back at her, Qin Xiaowan stared at him with a blushing face, her eyes wandered to the massage chair from time to time, mixed with a little curiosity.

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