what happened?It wasn't so serious when I had a bad memory before.

Su Nan leaned back on the computer chair, gently stroked the cover of the book, trying to recall.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that there seemed to be something under his computer desk, where his feet were.

Startled, Su Nan pulled it out with her feet and bent down to pick it up.

When he saw the real face of the thing, he was stunned. It turned out to be an anime figure.

But it's strange, the color of the figure is generally beautiful, but this figure is gray, with a somewhat gloomy feeling, like something that has lost its life.

Do it, do it, do it...

Why do you have figures in your own room?

Su Nan would not buy such a thing.

At this moment, the sign hanging on the figurine caught his attention, and he saw that it said: Can be coquettish, can be cute, can warm the bed, beg for support, blah blah...

This is a cute saying.

A scene suddenly flashed in Su Nan's mind. That day he went to the movies with senior sister Wei Ling, and on the way home in the afternoon, he met a figure. He picked it up and took it home...

Immediately, his eyes fell on the uncovered book next to him, and he was stunned for a moment, and the figure on the cover was automatically made up in his mind, which was a beautiful girl with blue hair and big breasts.

This is a book confiscated from Qin Xiaowan!

Su Nan was stunned for a long time, why did he forget such an important matter?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After remembering some scenes, Su Nan did not give up and continued to recall.

Later, more and more detailed pictures were remembered, but he still felt covered by a veil, as if he still forgot something.

After struggling for a long time, the ringtone of WeChat suddenly woke him up.

Su Nan looked down, and the lit screen showed that it was almost ten o'clock, but he thought about it for nearly half an hour unconsciously.

Somewhat shocked.

Su Nan suddenly felt drowsy. He closed his eyes sleepily and decided not to think about what he just thought about. He only knew that his amnesia might not be cured yet, and he needed to be more abnormal to completely cure it.

Thinking of WeChat messages, Su Nan quickly picked up her phone to check.

Zhao Xiaomin: "Sorry, I don't feel well today, I'll see you when I'm done."

Su Nan replied: "It's okay, take a good rest."

Putting down the phone, Su Nan was a little disappointed. It seems that I can't test whether it can be strengthened today.

Looking at the massage chair, Su Nan didn't go over to get a massage, but manipulated the mouse to click on the web page of the second station, found the video just uploaded by the UP owner who gave the chair, and entered a reply.

"The massage chair is very useful, but it's a bit too gentlemanly, but I still thank UP for the gift! From now on, every video of UP must be collected and liked!"

Click Send.

The UP owner (fictional) who gave the gift saw that the video had passed the review, and entered the comment area with ease, ready to make waves, when he suddenly saw Su Nan's message, he was a little confused, gentleman?I just gave away an ordinary chair with a few hundred yuan, what's the situation?

It was not easy for him to ask carefully, and he replied in a friendly way: "Thank you for your support."

After thanking UP, Su Nan had nothing to do, so she sat on the massage chair and enjoyed it.

Zhan Weiling immediately started to "exercise" again, using her function as a massage chair. I don't know if she is used to it, but this time she was a little calm.

In the middle of the night, while Su Nan fell asleep, Zhan Weiling slowly climbed out of the chair and became a three-dimensional existence.

It was late at night, and Su Nan turned on the air conditioner, which made Zhan Weiling, who was not wearing much, feel a little cold, and standing in Su Nan's room, facing Su Nan who was sleeping soundly, was a bit embarrassing.

She walked out quickly and lightly.

"who are you?"

Zhan Weiling froze and turned her head stiffly, only to see Qin Xiaowan standing behind her, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and staring at her dumbfounded.

Zhan Weiling was instantly ecstatic, too bad, she was so complacent that she forgot about Qin Xiaowan's existence!

Zhan Weiling was very anxious.

Qin Xiaowan doesn't seem to recognize herself?

Finding that Qin Xiaowan looked at her from surprise to anger, but did not recognize her, Zhan Weiling felt relieved, as if her appearance at the moment was quite different from her own.

A bold idea came to mind.

The tense expression on Zhan Weiling's face disappeared in an instant, and she crossed her arms and glanced at Qin Xiaowan sideways, with a haughty look on her face: "No wonder this kid is willing to spend [-] yuan on a girl ticket for me. It turns out his girlfriend is flat-chested."

After speaking, Zhan Weiling pushed her chest up, and there was a surge of turmoil, and she looked at Qin Xiaowan with disdain.

Qin Xiaowan was dumbfounded, and then realized that she was despised, and this woman was actually the daughter-in-law Su Nan was looking for, a burst of inexplicable anger immediately destroyed her reason.

"Why are you staring at me? I'm a businessman. If you want to get angry, you can find your boyfriend." Zhan Weiling said proudly.

Qin Xiaowan gritted her teeth, her chest heaved violently, and she almost exploded with anger.

"Female watch with scum Nan! Forever and ever!" Gazing at the woman fiercely, Qin Xiaowan instantly opened the door of Su Nan's room and rushed in.

After a while, Qin Xiaowan's roar came from inside.

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