Realizing what happened just now, Su Nan was shocked and also felt very weird, is Qin Xiaowan crazy, to do such a thing.

Before he could ask his doubts, Qin Xiaowan suddenly threw himself on him. Su Nan was thrown down by her unexpectedly and lay down again.

After reacting, the two had changed into the ambiguous posture of Qin Xiaowan sitting on his stomach.

Even Su Nan found out that Qin Xiaowan was not wearing any pants, but only a loose pajamas with small trousers underneath.

The warmth of her thighs was directly felt by Su Nan's abdomen, and there seemed to be some flame rising from the abdomen.

"Hmm." Qin Xiaowan made a lovely voice, lowered her head, her eyes were blurred, sometimes obsession appeared, and sometimes hatred appeared.

"Brother Nan." She watched Su Nan slowly open his mouth, and Su Nan subconsciously stopped and looked at her in astonishment.

Qin Xiaowan took a deep breath, as if mustering all the courage to say out loud: "Please have a baby with me!"

"What did you say?" Su Nan looked at Qin Xiaowan in shock and said, frowning, "Xiaowan, are you awake, do you know what you are talking about?"

It's very inexplicable, before he was hot and cold to him, but now he attacked him at night and said he wanted him to have a baby.

Su Nan's first reaction was not what Qin Xiaowan thought about her, but whether Qin Xiaowan was sleepy or even sleepwalking.

"I know, I just want to have a baby with Brother Nan, so that I can take revenge on you, Brother Nan for the rest of my life." Qin Xiaowan spoke in a serious tone, and at the same time, she reached back and grabbed Su Nan.

"Hiss!" Su Nan took a deep breath, her expression as if she had seen a ghost.

It was too sudden, and it was still so weird and inexplicable that his head froze for an instant, unable to think, and he just felt as if he didn't know Qin Xiaowan at all, to have a baby with him, to revenge him for the rest of his life?

Go crazy.

When she came back to her senses, Qin Xiaowan's hand had already reached in, and she grasped it directly.

Su Nan's strength of resistance weakened instantly

Sensing his change, Qin Xiaowan smiled and said, "Brother Nan, you thought about it too, didn't you?"

Although the darkness couldn't see the girl's face, judging from her voice, she was smiling narrowly.

Su Nan was so embarrassed that he pushed Qin Xiaowan off his body roughly, and then Su Nan sat up. He felt that Qin Xiaowan was very abnormal now. Although he didn't understand why, Qin Xiaowan seemed to be a different person.

Even if Qin Xiaowan was pushed off him, she still held on tightly.

Only then did Su Nan realize that her trousers were half taken off, and her expression was strange.

Just about to knock off Qin Xiaowan's hand.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan's head came closer and replaced Qin Xiaowan's hand.

Su Nan was stunned, as if seeing something incredible.

In the darkness, footsteps suddenly sounded.

Su Nan looked up subconsciously and saw a figure standing behind Qin Xiaowan. Before he had time to be surprised why there was a third person in his family, he saw that figure stretched out his hands and hugged Qin Xiaowan tightly, and then the figure dragged Qin Xiaowan who was struggling frantically away. room.

Su Nan was stunned, and quickly got out of bed to chase out. When she came outside, she happened to see the figure tying Qin Xiaowan's hands and feet.

The figure stood up and turned his back to him, silent.

Only now did Su Nan realize that it was a girl, but strangely, in the dark, he saw what seemed to be a pair of ears on the girl's head, and a black shadow floating around behind the girl, like a tail.

"Who are you?" This weird situation made Su Nan vigilant, and asked in a deep voice.

Appeared at his house out of nowhere, and even behaved abnormally. From the time he reacted to chasing him out of the living room, Qin Xiaowan was tied up and her mouth was gagged in just a few seconds.

Even Su Nan suspected that the reason why Qin Xiaowan became like this was because of this strange girl.

Chu Xi felt a little bad. She saw the disaster she caused just now, and she couldn't let it go.

At the same time, seeing that Qin Xiaowan actually did such a perverted thing to Su Nan after being charmed by her, she also subconsciously rejected her, so she got hot-headed and made a move to save Su Nan, exposing her own existence.

Chu Xi's first thought was to turn back into a little fox, but Su Nan was right behind her, and she couldn't hide the past.

The second thought was to run away, but according to the last experience, she seemed unable to leave Su Nan's house through that door, what should I do?

Then Chu Xi thought that his eyes had actually influenced Qin Xiaowan like this, maybe he could get rid of the current predicament, and he didn't know if it would also work for Su Nan.

But Qin Xiaowan's reaction after being affected made Chu Xi feel uneasy.

Suddenly, Chu Xi heard footsteps behind her. After becoming a fox girl, her hearing was extremely sensitive.

At the same time, Chu Xi felt the heat in his eyes, and the heat flow spread from his eyes to his limbs, and the skin of his body began to emit a faint pink mist.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The ability was out of control, and he found that pink mist was emerging from his body, and then Chu Xi felt that his emotions became inexplicably excited.

Thinking of Su Nan behind her, she had a strong urge to charm him, and then tie him up and bully him fiercely.

Seeing that the girl didn't make a sound or turn around, Su Nan became very vigilant and prepared to approach her quietly and catch her.

However, when he got close to the girl, he noticed that there seemed to be something emanating from the girl. Su Nan didn't pay attention at first, and inhaled a few mouthfuls at once.

When he reacted, his body had already started to feel hot. The emotions that had been provoked by Qin Xiaowan just now and subsided due to the sudden situation quietly surged into his heart again, making him feel hot.

His fiery eyes fell on the girl's back, and the darkness seemed to be unable to block his sight. He found that the girl was only wrapped in a bath towel, and her thighs were naked. Even because the bath towel was too short, a little buttocks were exposed. Come out, unlimited temptation.

This scene made Su Nan short of breath, and even became excited.

He didn't know why this inexplicable excitement came from, but it made him ignore many worries, things like moral shackles disappeared from him, and his thoughts became evil and bold.

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