"Last Sunday afternoon, the supermarket below had a big sale. You were very tired at the time, but you still dragged me out to go shopping. On the way back, you saw a lottery station. You went in and bought two bets, and the other one was for you to go to school on Tuesday. I bought it on the way, and later my eldest sister and I forgot about the lottery ticket, I was cleaning just now, I looked it up, compared the information on the Internet, and then I knew I had won the lottery."

Zhao Junmin spoke calmly with a small face, but if you observe carefully, you can find a faint smile on her face, and at the same time, she seems to have let go of yesterday's burden and breathed a sigh of relief.

When Zhao Xiaomin remembered it, she was both surprised and delighted. After all, it was close to ten thousand yuan, even after tax, there are still several thousand yuan left, which can completely solve the urgent need at present.

But suddenly, Zhao Xiaomin didn't know what to think, and looked surprised: "Junmin, what are you talking about, the one you bought on Tuesday also won the third prize, and the ones that won two consecutive draws are third prizes?"

"Yes." Zhao Junmin also looked strange.

Although the odds of the third prize are not as harsh as the first and second prizes, it is not so easy to win, let alone winning two consecutive rounds, this luck is simply against the sky.

Zhao Xiaomin subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and what was even more wrong was that she had never bought a lottery ticket before Sunday. Although it was not expensive, she always felt that it was a waste of money, but on Sunday she bought two tickets on a whim.

It was about the same on Tuesday that day. When I passed by the lottery shop, I was suddenly interested and walked in.

Zhao Xiaomin frowned inwardly, feeling that this was not her own behavior, as if she had been affected by something, and what affected her most was the strange disease on her body, not to mention the experience of having the same experience as the charging treasure.

These all showed that the strange disease was not a common strange disease, but some kind of magical power, affecting her unconsciously.

If you are ashamed to fail, you will be punished, and if you are ashamed to succeed, will you also be rewarded?

Such a thought inexplicably appeared in Zhao Xiaomin's mind, her eyes were a little bright, and Su Nan seemed to be a pile of gold coins in her eyes.

"Eldest sister, what's the matter with you?" Zhao Junmin looked at her suddenly dazed sister strangely.

Zhao Xiaomin quickly shook her head and said with a smile, "It's nothing, I won the lottery, I'm happy."

Looking at her sister's happy look, Zhao Junmin also showed a faint smile.

After calming down, Zhao Xiaomin thought that he was not sure yet, and would go to buy a few more issues to see if his luck improved.

Chu Xi opened his eyes and found that he had returned to his body.

She lay on the bed staring blankly at the ceiling, and the scenes of last night flashed in her mind, especially the scene of becoming a fox girl and lingering with Su Nan, which was deeply engraved in her mind.

That deep and trembling feeling seems to still exist.

Chu Xi subconsciously curled up her body, her eyes became complicated and difficult to understand, she was dazed, frustrated, angry, and a little shy, all kinds of emotions flowed in her heart.

Because she had greeted her in advance, even if Chu Xi stayed in the room all day, no one would bother her.

After posting in a daze for a while, Chu Xi picked up his mobile phone and saw someone sending him a WeChat message on it.Open it to see, it is Su Nan.

"President, why don't you come to class today?"

Chu Xi's eyes became complicated again, he hesitated for a while, and replied, "I'm not feeling well."

Soon, Su Nan replied to her: "Pay attention to rest."

Chu Xi looked at these four words for a while before putting down the phone.Then she got out of bed and entered the room's separate bathroom to take a shower.

Take off your clothes to reveal your seductive body.

Chu Xi looked at himself in the mirror, slightly surprised, as if his skin had become more radiant.

It was the same after it became a figure last time, but it was not very obvious. This time, it can be seen with the naked eye that her skin is much better than before.

"Is this a so-called reward?" Chu Xi was a little dumbfounded, but he finally had some comfort, otherwise this strange disease would drive people crazy one day if they simply gave.

"My body is still pure, Mu Nan, you didn't get me." Staring at his graceful body in the mirror, Chu Xi raised his hand and touched his chest, muttering to himself, his face turned rosy unconsciously.

Suddenly, Chu Xi saw that her eyes in the mirror seemed to have turned red, she was startled, and continued to look, but it seemed to be just an illusion.Still the same pure black eyes as before.

Without paying too much attention, Chu Xi stepped into the bathtub with his slender thighs, letting his whole body sink and be submerged in water.

She closed her eyes and lay down comfortably in the bathtub.

A pair of fluffy white fox ears quietly protruded from Chu Xi's head, but Chu Xi didn't notice it.

After replying to Chuxi's message, Su Nan started making today's dinner.

Today, he decided to make steamed fish.

When Su Nan was busy, Qin Xiaowan was sitting bored on the sofa in the living room, her eyes flicked to various corners of the room from time to time, her eyes were full of confusion.

Soon, Su Nan made dinner, Qin Xiaowan put away her weird mood, walked over to sit down to eat, maybe Qin Xiaowan's fever subsided, her appetite was good today, and she ate a whole bowl of rice.

During the period, Qin Xiaowan asked: "Nan... Su Nan, have you seen the little fox?"

"Little fox? Pet?" Su Nan, who was holding vegetables, showed a puzzled expression.

Qin Xiaowan stared at him with wide eyes, "Fox, the fox we picked up last night."

"Fox? Oh, I remembered, but isn't that a puppy?" Su Nan said with some uncertainty, frowning tightly, this feeling was a bit annoying.

"It doesn't matter whether it's a puppy or a fox, but it's gone, and it's at home." Qin Xiaowan said worriedly.

"Maybe she sneaked out when I opened the door. I'll look for it later." Seeing that she seemed to be concerned, Su Nan comforted her.

After dinner, Su Nan looked around at home, but did not see any pets.

Entering the bathroom, the blanket on the floor is still there. It seems that the little fox slept here last night. Hey, is it a puppy or a little fox?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan rubbed her tired eyebrows.

Somehow, in terms of study, his bad memory has been cured, but in daily life, it has become more serious, and he often forgets some things.

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