"Xiao Nan, I'm sorry to trouble you, I was scared to death just now." Walking in front of Su Nan, Zhan Weiling patted her chest and said gratefully, she also had to perform a full set of acting, pretending to be scared.

"It's okay." Su Nan shook her head, her face calm: "Senior sister, where is the person chasing you?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhan Weiling was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Su Nan to ask this. Judging by his expression, it seemed that he planned to stand up for her?

There was an inexplicable sweet feeling in her heart, Zhan Weiling shook her head and said in a low voice, "I didn't see the other person's appearance, and maybe I misunderstood."

Having said that, she felt a little embarrassed.

"No, senior sister should be vigilant, and you must not let down your vigilance." Su Nan said quickly.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, this time he happens to be nearby, so next time you won't be so lucky.

"Xiao Nan is right, I will pay attention to it in the future." Zhan Weiling blinked her eyes, looked at him softly and nodded earnestly, feeling a little happy in her heart.

Ever since she became a massage chair last time, she has experienced this kind of thing twice in a row. She has always been a little unsure how to face Su Nan. After all, it was not him who was wrong. Su Nan didn't even know it, but she couldn't get over her own psychology close.

Therefore, Zhan Weiling has been subconsciously avoiding Su Nan, ashamed to see him.I originally planned to calm down for a few days before trying to find a way to contact Su Nan. After all, the time for not getting sick is only about three days.

But I didn't expect that it took an unexpectedly long time without getting sick this time. It must have been a week since I turned into a chair.

If she hadn't suddenly fallen ill while working part-time today, she would have almost forgotten about it.

Fortunately, the moment the uncomfortable feeling appeared, all her shameful memories came back, and the first thing she did after she was experienced was to ask for leave and go home immediately.

It's just that it's too late to go halfway, so Zhan Weiling had no choice but to hide in the women's toilet, blushed and called Su Nan, listening to his voice while secretly doing bad things.

The feeling of doing bad things behind his back like this is really inexplicable shame, so the treatment effect is also very good.

It's just that the uncomfortable feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and it may not be enough to satisfy once, and there will be more than half a day in the next, if Zhan Weiling can't continue the treatment, I am afraid that he will face the embarrassing fate of being turned into something strange again.

So, she tricked Su Nan into coming to her under the pretext that she met a bad guy.

Thinking that her disaster had not been completely over, Zhan Weiling quickly pulled herself together and asked, "Xiao Nan, are you okay now?"

She had to keep Su Nan by her side.

"No, what's the matter?" Su Nan looked at her puzzled.

"Then stay with me. I'll treat you to dinner and play in the afternoon as a thank you for trouble." Zhan Weiling said with a smile.

"Uh, how about..."

"Don't refuse, or I won't come to you next time I'm in danger." Zhan Weiling pretended to be serious, so that Su Nan would definitely agree.

"Okay." Su Nan nodded helplessly. Originally, he wanted to say how embarrassing he was. After all, the senior sister's money was earned by working hard. Unexpected insistence on things.

"Then where shall we wait?" Su Nan asked immediately.

After thinking about it, Zhan Weiling said, "Let's go eat first."

At this time, I was hungry, and I had just received a wave of treatment, so I can bear it for the time being, so I need to deal with my stomach first.

Su Nan had no objection, and was even a little happy in her heart. It seemed that the senior sister had changed back to the way she was before, and she took the initiative to invite him to eat and play.

The two then left the mall.

Anyway, it's okay to be idle, and the mask girl doesn't show up. Su Nan plans to take the opportunity to get along with her senior sister, find an opportunity to test her recent situation, and see if she can find the reason why she avoids him.

The two came to a restaurant, and after taking their seats, Zhan Weiling ordered dishes with ease.

This seems to be the place where Zhan Weiling worked before, and the waiters are very familiar with her. Seeing Su Nan's existence, they gathered around to tease Zhan Weiling.

When both of them were embarrassed, the proprietress came out to scold people, and the waiters immediately dispersed.

After the meal, the proprietress specially gave them a discount, looking at them with ambiguous eyes.

Zhan Weiling secretly regretted that she would not have brought Su Nan here if she had known earlier, which made everyone very embarrassed.However, being surrounded by acquaintances watching him and Su Nan can be ashamed, and the effect is not bad, Zhan Weiling was quite speechless.

She has the urge to continue to take Su Nan to places where she has acquaintances, but she feels it carefully. Since she was punished twice, the uncomfortable feeling has become stronger, and the treatment methods she needs have also become stronger. Stimulation is enough, just being surrounded by people is not enough.

Thinking of this, Zhan Weiling became resolute in her heart. She was already prepared and carried tools with her at all times. In order not to be punished again, she decided to fight.

"Xiao Nan, let's go to the amusement park. I've never been there, and I want to. Would you like to accompany me?"

Walking on the road, Zhan Weiling suddenly turned her head and said to Su Nan, her beautiful eyes revealed a distressing weakness.

Su Nan didn't hesitate at all, and said with certainty: "Go, no matter where senior sister wants to go, I will accompany you."

Zhan Weiling felt touched by the junior's answer, she turned her head back quickly so that the junior wouldn't see her red eye circles.

She knew that Su Nan was serious, but at the same time, Su Nan's seriousness made her feel that she had desecrated the relationship with him, and her heart was full of guilt.

It's just that the strange disease that will kill you if you are not ashamed is causing it. Zhan Weiling can't stop this behavior of using her junior, and her heart is full of guilt.

The way to the amusement park is a bit long, and it takes at least an hour by car. This period of time is a bit dangerous for Zhan Weiling.

She deliberately took Su Nan to the bus, and there happened to be a vacant double seat on the bus, so she hurriedly pulled Su Nan over to sit down.

When I came back to my senses, I realized that I had grabbed Su Nan's palm. His hand was so warm.Zhan Weiling blushed slightly, hesitated for a while, and then withdrew her hand, it would be too obvious to continue holding it.

After the bus started, I chatted with Su Nan for a while. Zhan Weiling pretended to yawn, closed her eyes and fell asleep, but her head rested on Su Nan's shoulder as the bus moved forward.

Su Nan felt her shoulders sink, only to realize that her senior had fallen asleep next to her.

The bus would often step on the brakes, and because of inertia, the senior's head would sometimes go out. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, Su Nan held her face with her hands and gently pushed her back on her shoulders.

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