Su Nan was unmoved, and approached Chu Xi step by step. Why is Chu Xi exactly the same as the fox girl in the dream? Could it be that Chu Xi is the fox girl? In fact, that day was not a dream, but real?

Thinking of this possibility, Su Nan was shocked. At the same time, he also remembered that Chu Xi in front of him had done some perverted things to him in private. Did she always have any thoughts about him?As a vixen, he sneaked into his home that day and sucked himself... Yang Qi?

What the little white mouse said made Chu Xi's complexion change slightly, thinking that if someone found out about his current state, his freedom would probably be gone in this life.

In a daze, Su Nan was already close in front of him, Chu Xi was shocked, and retreated instinctively.

But Su Nan grabbed her arm one step ahead of her, and said with an extremely serious look: "I won't let you escape, President, if I don't explain this clearly tonight, I won't let you go back! "

Chu Xi struggled and did not break free, because her hands were grabbed, and the ears on her head were exposed, and Su Nan stared at her passionately.

"Don't look." Chu Xi said, lowering her head shyly.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat. At this moment, Chu Xi's shy appearance was exactly the same as in the dream. The two were completely the same person.

Holding Chu Xi's hand tightly, Su Nan settled down, hesitated, and asked with difficulty: "President, that night..."

"Ah, there is someone." Chu Xi suddenly exclaimed, and shrank behind Su Nan to hide.

Su Nan reacted quickly, turned around and hugged Chu Xi's head, making her bury her head in her arms, completely blocking Chu Xi's body due to her height, like a couple embracing, Chu Xi was startled, Smelling Su Nan's familiar smell, her pretty face slowly turned red.

A couple walked by them hand in hand. There were couples everywhere on the street, so they just glanced at Su Nan and Chu Xi and then looked away.

At this time, Chu Xi felt that the ears on the top of his head were gently touched by Su Nan, and it was a little itchy, which felt strange.

Chu Xi blushed even more, and pinched Su Nan's waist lightly with her plain hand, not daring to use too much force, for fear of attracting the attention of others.

Su Nan didn't care.

Smelling the familiar smell on his body, Chu Xi's head gradually became dizzy, thinking of the more intimate things he did with him that night, his heart began to beat faster.

After the couple left, Chu Xi, who couldn't take it anymore, wanted to push Su Nan away, but couldn't. Su Nan was holding her neck with one hand and groping her head with the other.

"No... don't touch it!" Chu Xi's face was cold, but the words she said were not at all imposing, which made her a little frustrated.

After touching for a while, Su Nan finally confirmed that the feel was exactly the same as that night, and Chu Xi must be the fox girl.

Not thinking about why for the time being, Su Nan didn't let go of Chu Xi, but asked curiously: "President, where's your tail?"

The hand touching her head was running down her back, as if it was going to touch her butt.

Chu Xi froze, and quickly pushed Su Nan's chest hard.

Sensing that she was reacting violently, Su Nan had no choice but to wrap her arms around Chu Xi's waist with a little force.

Chu Xi raised his head subconsciously, and his opponent Su Nan's eyes were complicated and unspeakable. He seemed to have a trace of expectation and anxiety and asked: "President, that night was not a dream, right?"

It was found that she couldn't get away from the struggle, and Su Nan obviously didn't care how she felt at this time.

Chu Xi fell silent, shook his head after a while, and said coldly: "Mu Nan's dream has nothing to do with me, how do I know what dream you had?"

"You know, in the dream, we..."

Before Su Nan could finish speaking, Chu Xi gave her a severe stare.

He gritted his teeth, took a breath, took Chuxi's wet lips, and kissed them hard.

Chu Xi's eyes widened, and he slapped his chest with both hands indiscriminately, but his strength became weaker and weaker until he was powerless.Instead, she tightly grasped the clothes on his chest, closed her eyes, and subconsciously began to pander to him.

Under the street lamps, young men and women embraced and kissed passionately, and pedestrians who happened to pass by on the roadside watched this scene enviously.

One Hundredth Chapter 17 Sudden Confession

Under the street lamps, young men and women embraced and kissed passionately, and pedestrians who happened to pass by on the roadside watched this scene enviously.

Under the tree roots, a piece of ice cream gradually melted.

After a while, Su Nan let go of Chu Xi, looked down at her panting and flushed pretty face, and suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

He didn't know why he was so bold and dared to treat Chu Xi like this.

Perhaps because of being threatened by Chu Xi to join her club at the beginning, Su Nan has always been afraid of her identity, but at this moment all concerns have been left behind by him.

After confirming that Chu Xi was the fox girl, when the dream became reality, that feeling, that impulse, that joy, made him completely throw away all worries.

Su Nan said seriously: "President, do you still have to argue? I deeply remember the feeling of kissing."

Chu Xi stared at him in a daze. After listening to his words, his delicate cheeks were instantly stained with a seductive blush, and he lowered his head slightly, a little at a loss.

After a moment of silence, Chu Xi raised his head again, the blush on his face became more charming, and his tone became shy: "Mu Nan, what do you want to do?"

Chu Xi's attitude is already obvious, that is, what happened that night is indeed true.

Although Su Nan was still very puzzled, his body had been fine since that day, so it wasn't that he was sucked by the fox as he thought.

"President, can you tell me why?" Su Nan asked, why she was a fox girl, why she appeared at his house that night, and what happened to him.

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Chu Xi to do such a thing. Although I met Chu Xi doing some perverted things to him at the beginning, compared with the most precious things of girls, those things are completely worthless.

Chu Xi struggled again to get out of his embrace, but found that he couldn't do it, so he could only suppress his shyness and feel it silently.

Thinking about telling Su Nan the truth, that uneasy feeling reappeared.

Chu Xi had the bottom line in his heart, shook his head and said, "I don't understand either. If Mu Nan wants to know, he can find the answer by himself." Su Nan took a deep look at her, and could see that Chu Xi seemed to have something to say, but Unable to speak because of some scruples.

Su Nan made up a lot of things subconsciously. The vixen existed in legends. Now that it really appeared in front of my eyes, does it mean that there are still many secrets hidden in this world that ordinary people cannot touch?

But Chu Xi couldn't tell himself everything because of his status.

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