"Okay, Mu Nan, stop talking nonsense, do you see any stalls there, go buy a hat and come back."

Suddenly Chu Xi gently pushed Su Nan's chest, and pointed in a certain direction.

Su Nan thought she was changing the subject, but she didn't expect to follow her fingers and see a stall.

Su Nan said, "Then you hide better, I'll be right back."

When he came to the owner of the stall, Su Nan picked up a women's hat and asked, "How much is this hat?"

"38." The middle-aged boss reported a number, took a look at Su Nan, and said with a half-smile: "Young man, why did you leave your girlfriend to buy a hat?"

"Uh, she asked me to buy it." Su Nan picked up the hat, paid the money and left in a hurry, intending to go back and pull Chu Xi away from this place.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to the original tree, he saw Chu Xi squatting on the ground, covering his face with his hands, and ignored the fox ears on his head.

Because of the darkness, Xi's appearance could not be seen clearly, but Su Nan instinctively felt that her mood became very depressed.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Nan walked up to her and asked softly, and put the hat on her head by the way, covering those fox ears.

"...it's exposed." Chu Xi said in a voice like a mosquito.

"What's exposed?" The voice was too low, Su Nan couldn't hear clearly, so she leaned closer and only heard her say: "Tail." Two words.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously turned her body sideways to look behind her, only to see a big white fluffy tail protruding from under her skirt, and she pressed her back against the tree.

Now Chu Xi has completely transformed into a fox, almost the same as that day.

Subconsciously, Su Nan wanted to reach out and touch it, but this would offend Chu Xi, so she held back.

Looking at Chu Xi who seemed to have no face to see people again, Su Nan asked: "Can you hide in the skirt? We will take a taxi back later, there will not be so many people."

Chu Xi put down her hands, and stood up with a pretty face flushed. She lowered her head slightly, not daring to look at Su Nan. She always felt that Su Nan must be staring at her fox tail now, which was a bit embarrassing.

Chu Xi took a deep breath, and tried hard to control the tail to retract into the bottom of the skirt.

In Su Nan's eyes, the fluffy white fox tail slowly got in, and there was nothing unusual standing in front of Chu Xi.

"Turn around and let me take a look." Su Nan said, seeing a little dissatisfaction on the girl's face, she immediately added: "Let me help you see if it's obvious, if it's not obvious, let's go take a taxi like this .”

Chu Xi hesitated for a while, then turned his head reluctantly, allowing Su Nan to stand behind and look at his figure.

Su Nan took a look and said, "Can you control it a little more, the skirt is lifted up."

Chu Xi frowned and felt embarrassed, the tail was too big, and it was difficult to hide it under the skirt.Involuntarily, she could only continue to control her tail, trying to keep her skirt from being stretched so obviously.

Suddenly, the tail was like a runaway wild horse. It swung out of control and lifted her skirt directly, exposing the round buttocks wrapped in the underpants under Su Nan's eyes.

Su Nan was taken aback, and subconsciously stared at the connection between the tail and the body. Before he could take a closer look, Chu Xi, who had a quick reaction, immediately turned around, put his hands behind his back and held down the tail, and looked at Su Nan with a cold face. , his face flushed slightly.

"See what?"

"I didn't see anything, it's so dark here." Su Nan said innocently.

It was only then that Chu Xi realized that they were hiding behind a tree, the light was not enough, and even if she was seen, she was still wearing protective pants.

I was relieved.

"In short, control the tail first, we are leaving, and someone will find something abnormal after staying here for so long." Su Nan said with some concern.

After dawdling for a while, Chu Xi and Su Nan, who were wearing hats, walked out behind the tree together, and left solemnly.

Although Chu Xi's skirt still looked a little abnormal, it was no longer obvious, and in addition to the big night, no one deliberately paid attention to it.

After stopping a taxi, Chu Xi went up first, followed by Su Nan.At this time, he suddenly found that the tail under Chu Xi's skirt had pushed her skirt open, revealing the scenery inside.

Just at this moment, the driver raised his head and wanted to look at them through the rearview mirror. Su Nan quickly pushed Chu Xi's tail back, and pressed his hand on Chu Xi's buttocks through the skirt.

Chu Xi, who was getting into the car, froze, but also knew that Su Nan was helping him, so he put his hands behind his back to hold down his skirt calmly, got into the car and sat down.

Then Su Nan followed.

"Don't be in a hurry, young people. My girlfriend can't run away." Seeing that the young man was in a hurry, the driver joked with a smile.

Su Nan was also not easy to answer, and besides, Chu Xi looked a little unkind, and smiled and did not reply.

"Where are you going?" the driver asked.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan was about to answer the driver's question, but Chu Xi said before him: "Go to a nearby hotel, the kind where you can stay without an ID card."

"Underage, then you have found the right person." The driver looked like someone who had come here, nagging and driving.

In the back, Su Nan looked at Chu Xi in confusion, and Chu Xi approached and whispered, "I can't go home now."

Thinking of her current state, Su Nan understood.

The driver quickly drove them to the door of a small hotel.

After getting off the car, Chu Xi stayed outside, and Su Nan went in to inquire, only to find out that minors can live, but they need to register their ID cards.

After Su Nan registered her ID card, she paid the money and deposit, opened a room, and then went out to bring Chuxi in.

It was the first time for the two of them to experience this kind of thing, and they hurried upstairs with their heads bowed in embarrassment. The boss here was no stranger to it, and didn't pay much attention to their abnormality.

After entering the room, Su Nan and Chu Xi were completely relieved.

Just now on the road, she couldn't see Chu Xi's fox girl's appearance clearly. Now that she was in a bright environment, Su Nan couldn't control herself, and began to look at Chu Xi.

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