Su Nan walked slowly along the runway, thinking about something.

In the past two days, he had done perverted things to Zhao Xiaomin and Chu Xi, especially playing with Chu Xi's fox ears in that shameful way at noon, but he didn't feel strengthened at all.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Contrary to what I originally thought, it stands to reason that the more perverted Su Nan's cheat finger is, the more rewarding it will be, but he failed yesterday and today, and it was the same with Zhao Xiaomin last time at KTV. what rules.

"Senior Su Nan, look this way."

While thinking wildly, Su Nan suddenly heard a sweet voice calling her name in the football field, subconsciously looked over, and saw Shu Bao sitting on the grass waving to her, smiling happily.

Su Nan found that Shu Bao seemed to be sitting, but he was actually sitting astride the ground in a split-leg position. There was still some distance between his crotch and the grass. It seemed that he hadn't practiced the split-leg yet.

Su Nan paused and walked towards Shu Bao.

When he came to her, Su Nan asked, "What are you doing?"

"Practice the split legs, can't the senior see?" Shu Bao said with a smile, pressing down on the thigh in front of him with both hands, and Liu Mei frowned instantly.

She was wearing a pair of sports shorts today, her warm and white thighs were exposed, and she looked slender and pretty. Because of the leg pressing, the two thighs almost formed a straight line, and the beautiful lotus feet were silently enchanting, sending out a seductive invitation.

Su Nan felt a little itchy in his heart. Seeing Shu Bao's face suddenly became a little painful, he also frowned: "If you feel uncomfortable, don't practice it, this is not a suitable place to practice leg press."

The act of forcibly pressing her thighs down on the grass made Su Nan feel ashamed when she saw it, and there will be many people coming here later, with Shu Bao's beautiful legs, it is estimated that they will attract a lot of attention.

Shu Bao puffed up his mouth: "Senior, it took so much for him to make up his mind to practice leg splits. Don't discourage him, okay?"

"Can't you go home and practice? Someone will come here to play football later. You are hindering others like this." Su Nan had to change the method of persuasion.

"Senior is right." Shu Bao was surprisingly easy-going. She put away her split-leg posture, sat cross-legged on the grass, looked at Su Nan with a smile, and said, "Then senior, I dare you to do me a favor, help me." I pressed my legs, after all, the player who played football was coming soon, and I didn't want to hinder them, so I had to finish it as soon as possible."

After speaking, Shu Bao lay down and didn't give Su Nan a chance to refuse.She raises one leg high, at about ninety degrees to her body.

The evening sun shines on Shu Bao's white and strong long legs, presenting a strange beauty of golden yellow. This posture of holding one leg high makes her looser sports shorts tightened to the middle of her thighs, from There were traces of light blue panties leaking from the edge.

"Hey, are you kidding, let me help you stretch your legs?"

Su Nan held her breath subconsciously, said incredulously, glanced at Shu Bao's thigh, and then moved away immediately.

"Could the senior be interested in the figure of the junior girl? Otherwise, why wouldn't you help me? Is it because I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself?"

The girl lying on the ground turned her head to look at him, her black pearl-like eyes revealing a narrow smile.

"Are you kidding? How could I not be able to control it? I just think it shouldn't be like this. What if someone comes over and sees it later and misunderstands me?" Su Nan retorted with a little confidence.

"That's why I need the senior's help even more. Does the senior want the shameful appearance of the junior to be seen by many people?"

Her gaze seemed to suddenly become delicate and pitiful.

Su Nan avoided Shu Bao's sight with a guilty conscience: "Wouldn't it be better to go back and practice?"

"Because I practiced for a long time just now, I interrupted and had to start over again when I went home, it was very hard, okay, does the senior want to see me suffer?"

Shu Bao looked at Su Nan pitifully.

Speaking of this level, Su Nan is also a little soft-hearted, and depending on the situation, if he doesn't help, Shu Bao will probably come by himself, and if it takes a little longer, there will be a lot of people watching.

Su Nan didn't want to see that kind of scene.

"Okay, just this once."

"Long live senior, thank you senior..."

Su Nan interrupted her nonsense: "So what should I do?"

Shu Bao didn't care, and said happily: "Senior, come in front of me, grab my legs with two hands, hold down one leg, and press the raised thigh to my chest."

"Hey, is there really no problem?" Su Nan was surprised, won't it hurt?

"Don't worry senior, the girl's body is very soft and won't be torn... In short, you can press as much as you like, don't worry about my feelings!" Shu Bao blushed and said with certainty.

The corners of Su Nan's mouth twitched slightly, Shu Bao definitely wanted to say "tear".

Under Shu Bao's repeated urging, Su Nan had no choice but to half-kneel in front of Shu Bao, hold down her leg on the grass with her right hand, grasp the knee of Shu Bao's upright thigh with her left hand, and slowly press toward her chest. go.

It was nothing at first, but after pressing to a certain extent, Shu Bao's upper body suddenly straightened up, and he yelled out in pain: "Ah~~"

Su Nan stopped quickly, but Shu Bao soon heard Shu Bao shouting dissatisfiedly: "Senior, don't stop!"

As a last resort, Su Nan continued to press down, and Shu Bao's voice suddenly became more exaggerated, which made Su Nan feel a little confused, it was too similar to the little movie he had seen.

At the same time, because of his position and Shu Bao's posture, he could clearly see that Shu Bao's shorts were stretched tighter, and the slightly bulging place in the middle seemed to exude an inexplicable allure.

Su Nan subconsciously held her breath, forced herself to look away from there, and continued to press Shu Bao's legs, but later, he found that he couldn't hold it any longer, as if he had reached the limit?

"Senior, don't stop!" Shu Bao exhorted while calling, but fortunately there was no one around, otherwise the misunderstanding would be serious.

Shu Bao gasped and continued, "Senior, you need to use both hands. Sit on my lap."

"Wait, that's fine." Su Nan swallowed her saliva and said.

"It's almost the last point, senior, don't stop!" Shu Bao seemed to realize that he was going to let go, and suddenly called out a little anxiously, the words he said were more likely to be misunderstood.

Su Nan looked around subconsciously, but fortunately there was no one there.

Gritting her teeth, Su Nan sat up in the mood to finish as soon as possible, grabbed Shu Bao's thigh with both hands and pressed down, finally making her leg touch her chest.

At the same time, Shu Bao let out a very misleading cry.

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