Zhan Weiling quickly squatted down.

Seeing this scene, Su Nan found it very interesting. He turned the camera with his fingers, moved around the heroine, and then erased her underwear.

In this way, the heroine became naked.

Zhan Weiling had no time to be shy, and was touched by Su Nan's fingers. The feeling of being touched was very real, and even her hands were forcibly removed, and some places that could not be seen by light were seen and touched.

Zhan Weiling was overwhelmed with shame and indignation, and stared at Su Nan angrily, Su Nan looked at him with an extremely humane expression, in a daze.

After reacting, Su Nan continued to touch the heroine with her fingers, hoping for new changes. Unexpectedly, the next second, the heroine ran hard in the room, constantly avoiding his fingers, while running away without forgetting Use your hands to block sensitive areas, but unfortunately you can only block up and down at most, and the scene of running around with bare buttocks is also very interesting.


Su Nan found that there was a change at last, so he clicked quickly, and in the next second, tentacles suddenly appeared around the room, entangled the heroine's hands and feet, and lifted the heroine into the air.

Su Nan clicked on the tentacle, but found that there was no more dirty operation, such as the common H scene in tentacle, which seemed impossible in this game.

However, the posture of the heroine can be adjusted by adjusting the tentacles. Su Nan suddenly had a bold idea. He first let the heroine stand in the air in big characters, and then touched the tall place with his fingers. The bouncing scene is very interesting and even more interesting What's more is the expression of the heroine, full of shame, clenching her teeth and trying not to make a sound, twisting her beautiful body crazily, trying her best to avoid her fingers.

It's a pity that this game has no voice acting, otherwise it would be more interesting.

Su Nan adjusted the angle, came to the part below the lower abdomen of the heroine in the perspective, zoomed in with two fingers and looked carefully.

Although it has been enlarged a lot, the picture is still so beautiful and the depiction is very delicate.

In Zhan Weiling's eyes, Su Nan's appearance appeared in front of him at close range, and he was watching him, which was extremely embarrassing.

What made her panic even more was that Su Nan stretched out her finger to her.

Su Nan rubbed his fingers on the screen, which is common in Li Fan's games, and when he saw the heroine's expression became happy, he knew that this game was similar.

The heroine's body tensed suddenly, and the ground was wet.

Looking at the heroine who had softened and was unable to move, Su Nan waited for a while, but did not wait for the word [insert], it shouldn't be.

He adjusted the screen and turned into the heroine lying in mid-air, in a large font.

Then the picture is zoomed in, zoomed in, and a finger is clicked, and a hand appears on the screen.

Su Nan froze for a moment, only hands?

He clicked on the hand, but the word [insert] appeared.

No way, so heavy?

Su Nan froze for a moment.

The idea of ​​the person who designed the game is too weird, there is no normal H behavior, there is such a thing.

But it's just a game, Su Nan didn't think too much about it, maybe there will be other projects if it continues.

He clicks.

In the eyes of the heroine, the three-dimensional Su Nan directly stretched her hand in...

Looking at the miserable heroine in the game, Su Nan secretly apologized, then used the tentacles to transfer the heroine to the bed to lie down, and covered her with a quilt.

Su Nan found that the game is not archived, but the progress of the game has been saved. It is the same as when it was played when it exited, just like a game in the development mode.

After exiting, Su Nan looked at the background and found that the game had been running in the background and could not be turned off.

Su Nan cursed secretly, but was reluctant to switch the phone, as if she was addicted to the game.

He decided to play again tomorrow, and he can only continue playing if there is a recharge, and it is not too late to refresh the phone.

It was past twelve o'clock at this time, and there was still class tomorrow. Su Nan was a little sleepy. After quitting the game, he lay down on the bed and put his phone next to the pillow.

In Zhan Weiling's eyes, Su Nan's room could still be seen from that wall, but at this moment the room was darkened, and Su Nan should have fallen asleep.

She breathed a sigh of relief, it was really hard just now, to be treated like that by Su Nan.

Thinking of his behavior, Zhan Weiling scolded the pervert in a low voice, but her pretty face was blushing.

Then she lifted the quilt and separated her legs to check. Just now, Su Nan used her hands directly, but now she doesn't feel any pain. Could it be that she just experienced it at that time, rather than actually going in?

But this is not important, what is important is that you can finally escape.

Zhan Weiling got up and went to the closet, found a set of casual clothes to put on, and waited silently.

I don't know how long it took, but Su Nan fell into a deep sleep through the picture seen on the wall.

Zhan Weiling walked over and put her hands on the wall, waves arose, her hands stretched from this two-dimensional space into reality.

Zhan Weiling was overjoyed, and then stretched her upper body in, but unexpectedly, after being treated like that just now, her feet were very weak, and she accidentally loaded it in.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan was awakened from her sleep, feeling as if someone had hit her hard, and it hurt a little.

He opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him stunned him. A beautiful girl with long black hair lay on top of him, the softness of her chest pressed against him, but the shocking thing was that the girl only had half of her body.

Zhan Weiling's head was knocked into a daze, and she raised her head to meet Su Nan's eyes. Even though it was night, she could still see the shock in his eyes.

After waking up, Zhan Weiling secretly thought something was wrong, if Su Nan found out the truth of the matter, she would be ashamed to face others.

A similar situation happened when it was first turned into a book. Zhan Weiling was able to cope with it at that time, so now she plans to repeat the same trick and grab the quilt to cover Su Nan's head.

However, Su Nan's understanding of the world has undergone major changes after the Chuxi fox girl incident, and she believes that there are various unknown secrets in the world she lives in.

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