It seems that ice cream can only be eaten and not used for other purposes.

Somewhat disappointed.

Su Nan continued to feed the heroine ice cream, and at the same time used a bottle of potion that increased by [-]%, and kept tapping the screen with her fingers.

A moment later, the heroine rolled her eyes and passed out.

Su Nan woke up, it's too bad, she played too much.

At the beginning, he just wanted to bully the heroine until she softened, but then somehow he seemed to be possessed, and he didn't even give the heroine a chance to express himself.

Is this cool and fainted?

Su Nan tapped the heroine's body with her finger, but she didn't move. If it wasn't for her chest rising and falling, Su Nan would have thought she was dead.

After observing for a while, and confirming that the heroine really passed out, Su Nan manipulated the tentacles to move her to the bed and let her lie down and rest.

Sleeping so hard, it seems that I won't wake up tonight.

It just so happened that Su Nan didn't sleep much last night, so she should catch up on sleep tonight, maybe she will have to continue fighting in the next few days.

Sleep with the lights off.

In the middle of the night, Su Nan woke up once and turned on her mobile phone to observe. The heroine was still fast asleep.

In this way, he wakes up once after sleeping for a while, in case the heroine doesn't know when she wakes up and runs away.

At dawn, Su Nan woke up again. The moment he woke up, he immediately picked up the phone, but saw that the heroine in the game woke up, but became sluggish.

Is that the case again?

Every morning feels like losing my soul, why on earth?

In this state, the heroine could not communicate, and it was meaningless to bully her. Then Su Nan got up and got dressed.

" hurts, hurts!"

As soon as he entered the school, there was a girl's shout behind him, but the girl's voice became miserable in the next second.

Su Nan looked back and saw that Zhao Xiaomin was going to school with her two younger sisters. It was Zhao Ruomin who called him just now, and now Zhao Xiaomin was holding his ear, with a painful expression on his face.

Zhao Ruomin wanted to call him brother-in-law just now.

Su Nan sweated secretly. If she knew that she had a relationship with her sister and Chu Xi, she wondered if Zhao Ruomin would hit someone.

Because of what happened yesterday, Zhao Xiaomin was too embarrassed to come over to talk to Su Nan in front of her two younger sisters, and dragged her younger sister who was obviously very interested in Su Nan away.


This is Chu Xi's voice.

Su Nan froze, and turned her head to look. Chu Xi was not far away. She looked at the three Zhao Xiaomin sisters thoughtfully, and finally her eyes fell on him, with a troubled expression on her face.

She didn't say hello to him and just walked away.

Su Nan thought it was unlucky to be seen by Chu Xi, and their relationship gradually warmed up after yesterday. Although the relationship between Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin is very strange, it doesn't mean that she is not jealous and has become someone else's brother-in-law. It is abnormal that Chu Xi doesn't care at all.

Su Nan didn't pay attention to the class all morning, either thinking about the relationship between herself and Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, or thinking about the heroine of the game.

He remembered something he hadn't noticed yesterday, every morning, the heroine would lose her soul, and later when he bullied the heroine's body during the day, he got an achievement of bullying the heroine in the toilet, and a real photo of a girl , the background of the photo is just in the toilet.

The heroine in the photo is floating in the air strangely, as if being bound by something, which is very similar to the scene where he abused the heroine of the game at that time.

This had to make Su Nan think of an amazing possibility. The heroine has a real human body and only accesses the phone at night. She is even a girl from the same school because she wears a school uniform.

While bullying the heroine's body during the day, the girl was also bullied in reality.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan was startled by her guess, and she couldn't believe that there was such a strange thing, but combining all the information, it seems that this is the only way to make sense.

You can go back to question the heroine at night, but it is basically impossible for the heroine to confess to him, because it is about the heroine's real body.

Su Nan guessed that the heroine should be the same existence as Chu Xi. During the day, she hides her name and is an ordinary girl. At night, for some reason, she becomes a fairy in his mobile phone.

Since you can't ask, you can only verify it yourself.

If Su Nan's guess is correct, the daytime bullying game is over, and he can not only get achievements, but also get a photo of the scene. These photos are the best clues, and he can find out the identity of the girl in reality through photos.

Su Nan is not worried that the other party is a dangerous person. If he is, she won't be miserable when she is humiliated like that.At the same time, the heroine recognizes him, but from yesterday to now, she hasn't come to him once, which means she has some scruples, and she is even weaker, so she dare not take revenge on him.

Thinking of this, Su Nan was full of confidence.

After eating at noon, he came to the rooftop again. What happened yesterday, Zhao Xiaomin probably didn’t dare to come here today. After all, he was caught and raped by his sisters yesterday, and Chu Xi also returned home. This is where he verified himself. Great place for amazing guesses.

Sitting down, Su Nan turned on the game and saw that the heroine was still lying on the bed like a walking dead.

Su Nan thought, if his guess is true, and insulting the heroine can really affect the reality, then you can't use too obvious means. After all, it is a place with many people like the school. Once it is witnessed, it is not good end.

Then Su Nan thought of another point, the girl in the photo yesterday was wearing clothes, so undressing in the game should not affect the reality.

He showed a smirk, and gently removed the heroine's clothes with his fingers.

Su Nan didn't move the heroine's body, worried that it would affect her in reality, but just poured her a bottle of potion that increased her sensitivity by [-]%, and tapped her finger on the character's body.

He deliberately didn't touch sensitive places, but only lit on the character's cheeks, arms, thighs and other insignificant places, so as to remind the heroine in reality that if she is not stupid, she will definitely run to hide in a place where no one is around. Come on, it might still be a women's toilet.

After a while, Su Nan separated the character's legs slightly, and then kept tapping the screen with his fingers. At the same time, he thought evilly that if the sensitivity was increased by [-]%, the character would be so happy.

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