
The door was still knocked with such force that it could almost be called a slamming door, indicating that Qin Xiaowan was very angry at this time, and she probably heard the sound.

Su Nan tried to calm herself down, walked over and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Qin Xiaowan rushed in, her eyes scanned the room like electricity, but she didn't see anyone.

Qin Xiaowan was stunned, and asked Su Nan angrily, "Where is she? Where did you hide her?"

"Who, what are you talking about?" Su Nan looked puzzled.

Qin Xiaowan was so angry that she heard the voice, but she still wanted to hide it from her and treat her as a fool?

She was still at home, but Su Nan took the girl back to the room to do something shameful, Qin Xiaowan felt dizzy.

Qin Xiaowan glanced at the wardrobe, the only place where people can hide.

Without saying a word, she went to the wardrobe and opened all the wardrobes, but she still didn't see anyone.

"Impossible!" Qin Xiaowan's eyes widened, could it be that she was hiding under the bed?

"Why are you crazy?" Su Nan said with a frown, as if angry.

Qin Xiaowan, who was originally full of momentum, was a little discouraged, and she was speechless.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Is the trouble over? Let's go out when the trouble is over." Su Nan said bluntly.

Qin Xiaowan puffed her cheeks slightly, but didn't go out immediately, but rushed over and lay down on the ground to look under the bed, but she still didn't see anyone.

Facing Su Nan's angry gaze, she knew she had misunderstood, stood up embarrassingly, said "I'm sorry" in a low voice, and then ran out of the room quickly.

Su Nan was a little surprised, she knew how to say I'm sorry, she seemed to be quite sensible.

In a flash, Ling appeared again, but before she could speak, she was thrown onto the bed by Su Nan who approached her, her body being played with.

"You, you..." Zhan Weiling only felt that he was making her whole body go limp, and pinched his butt nervously: "At this time, why are you... still messing around."

Qin Xiaowan heard the voice just now, Zhan Weiling was shy and nervous, if Qin Xiaowan broke in again, it would be troublesome.

"The door is locked, she can't get in, and you can go back to your phone at any time." Su Nan took a breath, looked down at her delicate face, frowned and said, "You make me a little bit unbearable."

Zhan Weiling blushed, probably, this is also a compliment for a woman, but this is not her body!

In Su Nan's eyes, now she is completely another strange woman, and has nothing to do with Zhan Weiling.

Zhan Weiling suddenly felt a sour feeling in her heart, what is this, are you jealous of yourself?

"Hey, wait a minute and don't make too much noise."

Su Nan bowed her head and kissed her, and began to undress the two of them.

Zhan Weiling was helpless, the key point was that she didn't know why, but she also felt a little excited, a little wanting, so she just closed her eyes and lay down and pretended to be dead.

"Oh~" The moment her body tensed up, her willow eyebrows frowned slightly, and then gradually stretched out, with a little joy in between her brows.

Although Su Nan told her not to make a sound, it was obviously difficult to do it, especially because Su Nan was affected by her, and her movements were a bit violent, which made her completely uncontrollable and hummed a cute voice from her mouth.

Qin Xiaowan sat in the living room with a puzzled expression on her face. Could it be that she really misheard just now?

At this time, she heard the girl moaning from Su Nan's room again, and she couldn't help being shocked.

what happened?Isn't there no woman in it?I just went in and searched again, but there is no other girl at all, but what is going on with this voice?

Qin Xiaowan's complexion changed unpredictably, and she continued to listen for a while to make sure that she heard absolutely right, that there was indeed a girl making a shy voice.

Is Su Nan watching a movie?But it's not like the sound from the speaker at all, it's very real.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaowan came to Su Nan's door lightly, put her ear up and listened carefully, only felt that the voice was soft and low, with a suppressed charm, which was captivating.

Qin Xiaowan blushed, and then a strong jealousy emerged, there was absolutely nothing wrong this time!

With an ugly face, she raised her small hand and knocked on the door vigorously.

All the movement inside stopped abruptly, and after a while, there was the sound of the door opening again. After a few seconds, the door was opened, and Su Nan appeared at the door, fully dressed, and said in a bad tone: "Qin Xiaowan, you are deliberately finding fault today, right?"

Qin Xiaowan felt extremely wronged and felt extremely uncomfortable. She didn't answer Su Nan's words, but passed by him and entered the room.

However, Qin Xiaowan, who walked into the room, was stunned. She didn't even spare the corner of the room, but she still didn't see anyone.

She ran over to open the closet again, but there was nothing in the closet, nor under the bed.

Apart from these two places, there is no other place to hide in Su Nan's room.

Qin Xiaowan was dumbfounded, how could it be possible!


Qin Xiaowan looked at Su Nan in a daze, but Su Nan just looked at her with a frown.

Qin Xiaowan sniffed her nose subconsciously, and smelled a scent of perfume, as if someone sprayed perfume on purpose to cover up other smells.

Why does Su Nan spray perfume in the room?

He must have a ghost in his heart. The woman's voice just now is definitely real. The speaker can't make that real voice, but why can't he find anyone?Where did Su Nan hide the vixen?

Qin Xiaowan's suspicious eyes fell on Su Nan's bed.

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