Su Nan quickly pushed Zhao Xiaomin away, but she was already in a state of confusion and lost her mind, and rushed towards him again.

Su Nan dodged, walked around behind her and hugged her. This position inevitably stuck to her buttocks. It seemed that Zhao Xiaomin liked it very much, so she unconsciously tilted her hips up against her.

The corners of Su Nan's eyes twitched. At this time, the pair of sisters outside seemed to be coming in. He didn't care so much, and shouted to the door: "Wait a minute!"

At least ask him to call Chu Xi and interrupt Chu Xi's behavior first.

"Where's my husband?" As if talking about a cross talk, the girl's voice was heard outside, and then the girl herself felt wrong: "Hey, what are you doing to my sister?"

After speaking, Zhao Ruomin opened the door and walked in, followed by Zhao Junmin who couldn't stop her in time and looked very helpless.

Just at this time, Zhao Xiaomin reached the limit in Su Nan's arms, her hips were raised, and she entered the happiest state.

The two sisters who walked in were startled when they saw the situation inside, and saw that the elder sister was hugged tightly from behind by a boy, her posture was very soft, as if they were connected together.

My sister's expression was distraught, she was drooling, her body convulsed violently, a strange liquid dripped down her thighs and made a small sound.

This posture is as if the boy behind him is doing something to his sister, which made her into such a state.

Seeing such a scene for the first time, the two sisters seemed to be greatly shocked and looked at them stupidly.

After a while, Zhao Ruomin came to her senses first, staring at her sister's embarrassing appearance with great interest, while sweeping her eyes over Su Nan's face.And Zhao Junmin couldn't see anymore, she blushed and looked away, but she was still watching her sister secretly from the corner of her eye, full of worry.

Su Nan didn't expect Zhao Xiaomin to be so timely, and their postures are still very strange. Zhao Ruomin is still wearing a skirt today, so she doesn't have to take it off when she does bad things.

Now being seen by her younger sisters, Su Nan was so embarrassed that she opened her mouth to explain, but Zhao Junmin who reacted forced her second sister to go out.

"Jinmin, what are you doing? My sister is being bullied." Zhao Ruomin was very dissatisfied, and looked at Su Nan and her sister's posture frequently, as if she wanted to look again, but Zhao Junmin closed the door forcefully, blocking her view.

Zhao Ruomin's dissatisfied voice came from outside, but it became weaker and weaker, as if she was forcibly taken away by her sister.

Su Nan opened her mouth, and then her face completely darkened, give me a chance to explain, your sister and I are not physically connected at all, okay!

At this time, Chu Xi's behavior has not stopped, and Zhao Xiaomin's body is still reacting, but she seems to be exhausted, her body is as soft as boneless, if it is not for being hugged by Su Nan, she will not be able to stand still.

Su Nan hugged her and put her on the chair, but Zhao Xiaomin couldn't sit on it stably, and leaned to one side. Su Nan had to carry her to the conference table and let her lie on it, and then touched the mobile phone on her body.

Zhao Xiaomin's cell phone was hung around his neck, and it was stuffed into the crevice at this time. Su Nan pulled it out directly, making Zhao Xiaomin, who was fuzzy, moan.

She looked through and found her number and dialed it. After it rang for a while, Chu Xi answered the phone with a slightly uncomfortable tone: "Why are you looking for him?"

"Uh, it's me. I'm going to use my mobile phone. Come to the activity room." Su Nan said, her mood improved slightly. Chu Xi must have been jealous of Zhao Xiaomin just now.

Chu Xi's pretty face was slightly dizzy, and she hung up the phone directly.

Then she stared at the game interface on the phone, frowning slightly.

Zhan Weiling said that she and Zhao Xiaomin became the heroines of the game, and she also specially emphasized the mobile phone. It should be referring to this game. The characters in it didn't respond, which meant that Zhao Xiaomin didn't enter?

How long will this punishment last?

Thinking that Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin became the heroines of the game and got out of reality, and had sex with Su Nan every night, Chu Xi's mentality collapsed a little.

The experience of becoming a fox girl is still fresh in my memory. Obviously Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling have also experienced it, so wouldn't Su Nan have relationships with all three of them?


At this time, a line of subtitles pops up on the game interface.

[Activity room XX achievement achieved]

There is also a picture.

Chu Xi was stunned for a moment, carefully looked at the content of the picture, and then gritted his teeth hard.

I saw Su Nan tightly hugging Zhao Xiaomin who was in a state of emotion from behind, and Zhao Xiaomin reached a state of happiness in his arms. It was hard not to let Chu Xi think wrong with the charming expression revealed at this moment and the posture of the two of them.

Forget it during the punishment, after all, she has been like that before, and she is not the real body, so it can be regarded as even, maybe as Su Nan playing with a very real silicone doll, but when Zhao Xiaomin and Su Nan came, Chu Xi couldn't bear it. , The moment I saw the picture, my mind exploded.

Especially besides this picture, there are many more on it. Chu Xi opened them one by one, and found that most of them should be Zhan Weiling's, and felt ashamed and annoyed again.

They are all vixens, stealing something is the worst!

In the activity room, when Chu Xi arrived, Zhao Xiaomin had almost recovered and was playing with her mobile phone. When she saw Chu Xi coming, she greeted her friendly.

Su Nan, on the other hand, was sitting in front of the computer, watching videos with headphones on, seemingly not paying attention to Chu Xi at all.

The two of them acted as if nothing had happened, which made Chu Xi, who had seen the pictures, secretly hate them. These two are both good actors, especially Zhao Xiaomin, who stole food repeatedly and pretended to be a good girl in front of her. , It's a green tea bitch!

Walking to Su Nan and returning the phone to him, Chu Xi said to him lightly, "Munan, I'm thirsty, go get some drinks and come back."

"Oh." A guilty Su Nan left the activity room with her mobile phone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Su Nan left, Chu Xi's eyes fell on Zhao Xiaomin who was concentrating on playing with her mobile phone, and she gritted her teeth.

It's actually very simple to get revenge on Zhao Xiaomin, just seduce Su Nan without telling her, but Chu Xi can't do this kind of thing, her face is not as thick as Zhao Xiaomin's after all.

Losing his temper with Su Nan might make him worry, but the instigator was Zhao Xiaomin. If Zhao Xiaomin didn't stop her stealing behavior, then there was no point in doing so.

There is also the current relationship between the three of them. When Su Nan faces the two of them, he may be able to achieve an emotional balance in a short period of time, but once someone makes him unhappy, his heart may tilt to the other.

This is also human nature, but when Su Nan hates him and can't leave him, it must be very uncomfortable to watch him be kind to Zhao Xiaomin.

It’s just that it’s all right, Chu Xi is not reconciled, it’s not like those bitter masters who know they’ve been cheated on, but pretend nothing happened, and watch their lover cheat on others, while he can only hide in the room and watch Saddened by the video tape sent by her rival.

How should I warn Zhao Xiaomin?

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