-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The inside had stopped, Su Nan closed the door, slipped away quietly, and did not come back until a while later.

When entering the door, Su Nan noticed that Zhao Xiaomin and Chu Xi were staring at their mobile phones without raising their heads, as if they were engrossed, only to find that their ears were flushed.

Su Nan was in a strange mood, but he suppressed his feeling. If they found out that he was peeking, he would probably be beaten to death.

"What kind of drink do you want to drink?" Su Nan asked.

"Orange juice."

"I want Coke."

They said at the same time, looked at each other after they finished speaking, and then immediately avoided them with guilt.

Su Nan pretended not to see, and gave the orange juice to Chuxi, the Coke to Zhao Xiaomin, and drank the milk herself.

Zhao Ruomin was right, recently he seems to have lived a life of singing and singing every night, although his body is very strong, he still needs to take good care of his body.

Then the activity room seemed to fall into a delicate atmosphere, no one spoke, everyone seemed to be obsessed with their own affairs.

Of course Su Nan knew why, but she didn't expect Chu Xi to be so nonsense and force Zhao Xiaomin to do such a thing. Could it be that she was worried that she would break Zhao Xiaomin?

This is too strict, Su Nan is ashamed.

He still had this kind of thought, thinking that he would be like Zhao Xiaomin anyway, so he might as well find time to meet her in person, anyway, Zhao Xiaomin wouldn't object, as long as he kept it from Chuxi.

But now that he learned that Chu Xi would actually check Zhao Xiaomin's film, it really ruined the three views, and instantly wiped out the smallness in Su Nan's heart.

Classes started almost in the afternoon, and Su Nan was the first to leave.

The two girls in the activity room breathed a sigh of relief after he left. Although this incident happened between them, for some reason they subconsciously felt guilty in front of Su Nan.

Zhao Xiaomin stood up, walked towards Chu Xi, and said with a displeased face: "Since you have seen mine, you should also show me yours, that's only fair."

Chu Xi was always vigilant, and immediately stood up and backed away, with a dazed face, and said, "It's you who stole the food, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Am I stealing food today too? It's obviously you who messed up."

After Zhao Xiaomin finished speaking, she rushed over, but was avoided by Chu Xi, and the two immediately walked around the conference table.

Chu Xi gritted his teeth and said, "You sleep with Su Nan every night."

"That's irresistible, why are you jealous." Zhao Xiaomin rolled her eyes, but her voice was full of guilt.

After a while, Chu Xi was pressed on the conference table by Zhao Xiaomin, with her upper body lying on it and her buttocks up.

This posture was embarrassing, Chu Xi blushed and was a little panicked: "Why are you so physically strong?"

"It was just letting you last time."

Chuxi struggled fiercely, Zhao Xiaomin couldn't take off her pants, so annoyed, she lowered her body to support her buttocks, put her hands on Chuxi's chest, grabbed and rubbed it, and said with a smile: "Vinegar jar, let me help you!" Make it bigger, lest Ah Nan like the big one and make you jealous."

Embarrassment flashed in Chu Xi's eyes, and he said coldly, "Stop it, the more you rub it, the smaller it will become."

After a while of nonsense, when the preparatory bell rang, the two hurriedly stopped, straightened their messy clothes, stared at each other, and then went back to class.

When she came to the activity room after school, Su Nan found that the atmosphere seemed to be different again. The two girls sat facing each other, staring down at the mobile phone expressionlessly, looking a little scary.

His arrival was glanced at by them with seemingly indifferent eyes at the same time. It felt like the deterrent of high-level creatures to low-level creatures that often appeared in novels.

Su Nan stayed for less than ten minutes before leaving with an excuse.

When I got home, before I entered the door, the door next door opened. The senior sister poked her head out and greeted him with a smile: "Xiao Nan, I'm finally back. The computer was repaired last night, but there seems to be something wrong. Can you come in and take a look for me?" ?”

The senior sister's smile was very bright today, as if she was not affected by what happened last night, Su Nan was a little relieved, nodded and said: "No problem."

After the words fell, the senior sister's smile seemed to be brighter at this moment.

Entering the senior sister's house and being led into her room by the senior sister, Su Nan sat in front of the computer that was already turned on, and began to check for any problems.

At this time, a pair of plump things were pushing the head against Su Nan, and the senior sister's seemingly charming voice came from behind: "Xiao Nan, do you still remember the problem with the senior sister's shoulder? You haven't massaged me for a long time It's over, and now my shoulders are a little uncomfortable, please help me press it."

Su Nan swallowed, feeling that the back of her head was too happy, subconsciously wanted to leave, but her senior sister fixed her head with her hands.

"Aren't you willing to help Senior Sister?"

"I think it's better to go to the doctor." Su Nan tried to keep her voice calm.

"Senior sister is poor, and what if a doctor sees that I'm pretty and tries to do something?" Zhan Weiling said pitifully.

Su Nanming knew that she was selling miserably, and there was a high probability that such a situation would not happen, but she still inevitably became worried, gritted her teeth, and nodded seriously: "Senior sister, I will help you."

Then the comfortable feeling on the back of the head left, and Su Nan felt melancholy.

He stood up and turned around to see that the senior was lying on the bed, with her two white legs raised, and turned to look at her with a smile on her face, like a fox smiling, full of charm.

She was wearing a thin silky nightdress at the moment. The skirt was very short, covering her buttocks, and her thighs were exposed. Her upper body exposed her slender shoulders and delicate collarbone. At the same time, two semicircles were exposed, pressing on the bed to change shape.

Su Nan's breathing was stagnant, and she just felt her heart rate go up to a hundred in an instant, as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

Zhan Weiling hooked her fingers at him, her eyes sparkled, and she said with a faint smile on her face, "Xiao Nan, come here."

Su Nan walked over without disappointment, sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the graceful figure of the senior sister, put her hands on her slender shoulders and rubbed them.

Because she was wearing a nightdress, her shoulders were exposed, and she was in close contact with Su Nan's hand. The silky and warm feeling made Su Nan a little fond of it.

It seemed that she was using a little too much force, the senior groaned softly, her two upturned calves were frozen in the air, her beautiful bare feet were slightly varicose, and Jiao Didi called softly: "Xiao Nan, be gentle, lightly, senior sister can't stand it."

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