I misunderstood once just now, but this time Chu Xi didn’t make random guesses. Even if Zhan Weiling lives next door to Su Nan, she shouldn’t mess around with her and Zhao Xiaomin at the same time. Tangled.

"Eat early, I'll call you at seven o'clock." After saying that, Chu Xi hung up.

In the room, the breathing sounds of men and women fluctuated with each other, and they all seemed a little hurried, and an ambiguous atmosphere permeated the small room.

After finishing the call with Chuxi, it was too late for Su Nan, he threw away his phone weakly, and looked at the senior with a complicated expression.

The senior sister was sitting on the edge of the bed, her face was flushed with shame, her feet were dangling off the bed, and she was placed outside and held high so that the bed would not be dirty.

She took out a paper towel and wiped it carefully on her feet, wiping it over and over again, and finally cleaned it after using many paper towels.

Throwing the wet paper into the trash can, turning around to see the entangled appearance of the junior, Zhan Weiling crawled over on all fours, and whispered in his ear: "Don't tell them, just pretend nothing happened."

The scorching breath made Su Nan's ears burn.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Walking out of her senior's house, Su Nan actually felt relieved.

Because the senior is Ling, after spending those seven nights together, he was unable to make too firm a rejection of the many explicit behaviors of the senior.

But he and Chuxi, Zhao Xiaomin and the others have a very close relationship, it is very wrong to hover between the three of them, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, being too greedy will end up with nothing.

Thinking of the exhortation of the senior sister before leaving, Su Nan felt strange in her heart. The senior sister seemed to know his relationship with Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, but she still did this. Was she planning to seduce him, and then cook the cooked rice?

Thinking of strange thoughts, when she got home, Qin Xiaowan saw that he was not coming back so late, and she was already making dinner.

Su Nan walked over: "I'll do it."

Qin Xiaowan's craftsmanship is much worse than his, so if he wants to have a good meal, he must let Su Nan do it.

Qin Xiaowan put down the work in hand and gave up the seat to Su Nan, but she didn't go out, she stood aside and complained in a normal way: "You know my cooking is not good, why do you come back so late every time?"

Is there a vixen out there?

This is Qin Xiaowan's innermost thoughts, she can still find a way to keep an eye on Su Nan on Saturdays and Sundays, but she can't do it at school.

The school's high school and junior high school are separated. It takes at least five minutes to walk from the junior high school to the high school. In addition to the usual classes, Qin Xiaowan has no idea what Su Nan has experienced in school.

Maybe Su Nan had a close relationship with a girl in school, and she came back so late every day, so she must be on a date.

The more Qin Xiaowan thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. Su Nan turned her back to her and couldn't see her pouting, but through the questions she asked, she could probably guess what she was thinking.

"Because I have to study by myself at school, I can't concentrate on studying at home." Su Nan responded while processing the ingredients.

After cleaning the pot and preparing to cook, he turned to Qin Xiaowan and said, "Go out first, so as not to make you smell like oily smoke."

After sending Qin Xiaowan away, Su Nan started to cook the vegetables, took them out after cooking, and had dinner with Qin Xiaowan.

Qin Xiaowan complained, "Why is it all meat today?"

"Eat meat to grow your body. You are still developing." Su Nan explained with a smile. The real reason is that he feels that he has consumed too much recently. He wants to make up for it almost once a day, sometimes several times.

Although Su Nan didn't feel that there was something wrong with his body, he had a morning erection reaction every morning, and he was alive and well with Ling and Bai Xiaojie at night, but in order not to cry all the time, it is better to prevent it early. He is ready to start exercising up.

This body has been strengthened many times. If it is exercised to tap its potential, it will become stronger.

In the room, Su Nan sat in front of the computer and played games online with Chu Xi. He didn't play games very much, and neither did Chu Xi. The two rookies were abused countless times.

Chu Xi's heartbeat was a little broken. He wanted Su Nan to have no chance to do bad things with Zhao Xiaomin, but he didn't expect that losing in a game would be so unpleasant.

Zhao Xiaomin, who turned into Bai Xiaojie, snickered in Su Nan's ear and said, "Chu Xi is delicious, so don't play with Ah Nan."

Su Nan tried to keep his head away from Zhao Xiaomin as much as possible. Now that he is connected with Chu Xi, it would be troublesome to be heard.

Hurry up and take a warning look at Zhao Xiaomin, although she was a bit of a sage at this time, but Zhao Xiaomin who became Bai Xiaojie has a very special physique, which has a fatal attraction for him, and he will not be able to bear it if he gets too close.

After being pissed off, Zhao Xiaomin puffed up her cheeks and expressed dissatisfaction with him. Is the game as fun as her?He was obviously ready to play SM with Su Nan, but he was addicted to the game, which was disappointing. Chu Xi must have done it on purpose.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaomin became even more dissatisfied. The more Chu Xi stopped her from doing this, the more she would be like this.

Turning her eyes, she saw that Su Nan continued to indulge in playing games with Chu Xi, she sneaked under the table, pulled his pants chain, and then...

The game was at a critical juncture, Zhao Xiaomin's sudden action caused Su Nan's error rate to increase greatly, and he was killed all of a sudden, and even Chu Xi, who wanted to come to rescue him, was also killed.

Su Nan didn't care much about her own death, and made a sound of inhaling, and it's like this again, do you all think that Chu Xi is the sufferer?

"Munan, don't be discouraged, let's continue." Hearing Su Nan gasping for air, Chu Xi mistook him for being unhappy and comforted him.

This made Su Nan feel more guilty, but although Zhao Xiaomin didn't threaten him, she was very attractive to him. At this point, Su Nan could no longer refuse.

While playing games with Chu Xi, dying and dying, he silently endured Zhao Xiaomin's teasing of him, which was painful and happy at the same time.

After a strange feeling, Su Nan collapsed and looked down. Zhao Xiaomin lay between his legs with her mouth puffed out, raised her head and stared at him with a smile.

"Xiao Nan, are you in there? Xiao Wan and I come in."

There was a knock on the door from behind, and the senior sister's naughty voice, and without waiting for an answer, she opened the door and walked in.

Because he was playing games with Chuxi, Su Nan didn't lock the door behind him. It would be very bad to be seen at this time, let alone Qin Xiaowan was still there.

But it was too late to react, Su Nan secretly thought something was wrong.

Fortunately, Zhao Xiaomin was holding his mobile phone in his hand, and entered the mobile phone as soon as he heard the sound.

"Xiao Nan, you are..." Zhan Weiling who walked into the room suddenly widened her beautiful eyes, staring at Su Nan's appearance with some surprise and curiosity, her face flushed strangely, is this what boys often say about masturbation?Xiao Nan is so strong, she can still masturbate after being treated like that by her.

Qin Xiaowan, who came in together, was shocked and stared blankly at Su Nan for a while, then her face quickly turned red.

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