Su Nan fled back to the room and closed the door, sighed deeply, only to realize that she was in a cold sweat, it was too bad to encounter such a situation.

Unable to bear it, Zhao Xiaomin came out of the phone and threw herself into his arms, but asked curiously, "Who did you apologize to when you first walked in?"

Su Nan's heart tightened. If Zhao Ruomin often behaved like this, Zhao Xiaomin must be used to it. She knew her sister's shortcomings. At this moment, she wondered what he just saw that shouldn't be seen?

"Your sister, they thought I had gone back, and suddenly came in and surprised them." Su Nan explained calmly, without naming the younger sister.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaomin couldn't bear it, so she didn't think too much, and stood on tiptoe to kiss him.

Su Nan resisted the impulse to dodge, and said, "I'm going back at such a late hour."

He had vented before, but now he could barely hold it back. It was past nine o'clock, and there was no need to go back later.

Zhao Xiaomin licked his ear and said seductively, "Don't you want to fly together? You won't have a chance when you go back."

Su Nan was short of breath, and instantly forgot all her rationality, hugged Zhao Xiaomin in her arms, and walked towards her body on the bed.

This time Zhao Xiaomin was very active. She fiddled with her main body, making her body put in various attractive poses for Su Nan's convenience, while she assisted in the sidelines.

Seeing Su Nan bullying her unconscious body, Zhao Xiaomin only felt her heart beating very fast, and there was a strange sense of excitement.

Finally, she lay on top of her body and asked Su Nan to come along.

After leaving Zhao Xiaomin's house, Su Nan felt a little weak in her feet.

Thinking back carefully, he seemed to have come with Zhao Xiaomin many times today, because it was the first time that the body was with the body of the paper figurine, and Zhao Xiaomin deliberately seduced Su Nan, Su Nan couldn't help it.

If it wasn't for his strong willpower in the end, I'm afraid he wouldn't have to go home tonight. It seemed that Zhao Xiaomin really wanted him to stay overnight, but Su Nan felt an urge to go home for some reason.

This inexplicable impulse made him feel that something strange might have happened around him again, so he hurried back to check.

It was too late at this time, and it might be too late to take the subway, so Su Nan went back directly by an online car-hailing car.

On the way, he received a call from his senior sister, who asked why he was not at home, and said that she wanted to ask him and Qin Xiaowan to go shopping.

In the past few days, he has been going shopping with his senior sister at night, but today he was delayed at Zhao Xiaomin's house.

If her senior knew about it, it might make her sad, so Su Nan had no choice but to tell her that she went to a friend's house and was on her way home now.

"It's so late, come back quickly, senior sister is waiting for you." Zhan Weiling's laughter sounded charming.

After hanging up the phone, Su Nan's heart was pounding, what does it mean to wait for him?

Senior sister has been trying to seduce him more and more recently, because when senior sister was Ling, she had done too many intimate things with him, she didn't have the shyness of a girl at all, and she was more familiar with his body than herself. It's easy to set him on fire.

Returning home with inexplicable expectations, when she got to the door, Su Nan saw that the door of her senior's house was closed tightly.

With a disappointed sigh, Su Nan opened the door and walked into the room.

It was my senior's voice.

Su Nan closed the door and turned around to see that Qin Xiaowan and her senior sister were sitting on the sofa. There were several bags of empty snacks on the coffee table. Before he came back, they seemed to be eating snacks and watching TV together.

When Qin Xiaowan saw him coming back, she muttered, her heavy eyelids couldn't hold on any longer, and she yawned and went back to the room.

"So it's so late. Senior sister, I'm going back too. Good night, Xiao Nan." Zhan Weiling looked at the time, got up and walked in front of Su Nan, stared at him for a while, and then slowly moved her face closer to him.

The good-smelling aura of the senior sister rushed to his face, Su Nan felt his feet take root and his heart beat faster, and when he thought he was about to be kissed, Zhan Weiling passed by him as if nothing had happened.

Su Nan stared blankly at her back, a little dazed.

At the moment of going out, Zhan Weiling turned her head and saw his disappointed look, with a bright smile on her face: "Xiao Nan, if you go home with senior sister, there is a reward for you."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The door was closed, which also blocked Su Nan's sight of the senior sister. He wanted to walk over to open the door, but he gritted his teeth and endured it. He had more important things to do.

He looked around the living room and found nothing unusual, then Su Nan went back to the room to search, but it was almost the same.

The feeling of being influenced and attracted has been lingering in my heart, but I can't find the source.

"Have you been too suspicious recently?"

Su Nan took out her mobile phone and saw that Zhao Xiaomin was fast asleep in the mobile phone. The madness of the two of them before made her too tired to come out.

Zhao Xiaomin was on the phone, and the seniors had just left his house just now, and they didn't seem to be the source of the attraction.

Su Nan was a little puzzled.

It was almost twelve o'clock at this time, he was a little sleepy, he dropped his phone and went out of the room, ready to take a shower.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, the feeling of being attracted seemed to become a little stronger. Su Nan looked suspiciously at the empty bathroom and found nothing, so he took off his clothes and began to take a shower.

At the moment Su Nan took off his clothes, Chu Xi, who had been lying on the bed at home in fear for a long time, gradually lost consciousness.

Waking up again, she found herself in the bathroom of Su Nan's house. She was familiar with it because she stayed here when she turned into a fox last time.

Sure enough, she came to Su Nan's house, Chu Xi sighed, she subconsciously wanted to see what she had become, but when she looked down, there was nothing.

Chu Xi was a little surprised, because she could clearly feel her body, with hands and feet, and seemed to be a normal human girl, why couldn't she see it?

At this time, she heard the sound of water, turned her head and saw Su Nan standing naked under the shower to take a bath, from her position, she could only see Su Nan's side face and half of his buttocks.

Chu Xi's pretty face flushed slightly, and she couldn't bear to look away. Sure enough, this is the case again. Are you going to watch Su Nan take a bath this time?

She secretly glanced at Su Nan's body, only feeling that her cheeks were hot, but after all, her relationship with Su Nan was very close, and she had even done that kind of thing, so Chu Xi didn't feel ashamed and indignant as before.

It's just that she was very curious about what she had become?

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